当前位置: > 1.When your friends are in trouble,you should do all__them....
1.When your friends are in trouble,you should do all__them.
A.you can help B.you can to help C.that you can help D.what you can help [why选B不选D]
2.It's the first time that I__the village,so I know little about it.
A.came to B.have been to C.visited D.went to [why选B不选A、C、D]
3.Why not__?It's quite helpful.
A.give his advice B.follow his advice C.ask fo advice D.take an advice [why选B不选D]
4.—___the sports meeting will be put off until next week.
—Oh,really?Then we'll have more time to practise.
A.I've been tole B.I've told C.I'm told D.I told [why选A不选C]
5.He si good at__English,but he is weak at__English.
A.written;spoken B.writing;speaking C.writing;spoken D.spoken;writing [why选B不选A]
6.____1995,sales of the daily newspaper among American adults reduced(减少)____5% in 1996.[why选C不选A、B、D]
A.To compare to ;at B.Compared to;in C.Compared with;by D.Compared with;to
7.As for China,it is___hard work to support more than___of the worle population with so little agricultural(农业的) land.
A.such a ;one fifth B.the ;one fifths C.such;one fifth D.so a;one five [why选C不选A、B]
8.When making a speech,you'd better speak loudlyand clearly in order to make yourself___.
A.heard and understood B.heard and understand
C.hear and understand D.hear and understood [why选A不选C]
9.Once we get down to ___things,ont only can we do them well but also we can find new ways___then.
A.doing;doing B.do;do C.doing;to do D.do ;doing [why选C不选D]
10.Inthe middle school,we students study Chinese,nathes,physics,history and English___.
A.besides B.included C.what's more D.as well [why选D不选B]


1. When your friends are in trouble, you should do all __ them.
A. you can help B. you can to help C. that you can help D. what you can help [why选B不选D]
1. B. do all that you can to help them (做一切你能做的事情去帮助他们)
all 先行词,后面 that 引导定语从句,that you can 是定语从句,can 后面省略了do.动词不定式 to help them 作目的状语,尽你所能目的是帮助他们.
2. it’s the first time that I __ the village, so I know little about it.
A. came to B. have been to C. visited D. went to [why选B不选A、C、D]
2. 这是一个固定句型.表示某人第一次(或第二、三、四等次)做某事,用 it is the first /second/third time that sb. has done sth. 这里that 引导定语从句,从句里用现在完成时.
3.Why not __ ? It's quite helpful.
A. give his advice B. follow his advice C. ask for advice D. take an advice [why选B不选D]
3. advice 是不可数名词,不能说 an advice.
4.—___the sports meeting will be put off until next week.
—Oh, really? Then we'll have more time to practise.
A. I’ve been told B. I've told C. I'm told D. I told [why选A不选C]
4. A 用的是现在完成时的被动语态,表示到现在已经发生完成了.C. 用的是一般现在时被动语态,表示经常做某事,意思当然不恰当.
5.He is good at __ English, but he is weak at __ English.
A. written; spoken B. writing; speaking
C. writing; spoken D. spoken writing [why选B不选A]
5. 两空都用过去分词作定语, written English 书面英语;spoken English 英语口语. 如果用 –ing,则speaking English 说英语,writing English写英语.原句意思是:“他书面英语好,但英语口语薄弱.”
6.____1995, sales of the daily newspaper among American adults reduced(减少)____5% in 1996. [why选C不选A、B、D]
A. To compare to ;at B. Compared to; in
C. Compared with; by D. Compared with; to
6. compared with 与……对比,用过去分词,被动含义,指报纸的销售量被人们拿来与1995年做对比,所以这里不能用不定式.Compare to 把……比作.第二空用by,表示事物变化的幅度,一定要用 by.
7.As for China, it is ___hard work to support more than ___ of the world population with so little agricultural(农业的) land.
A. such a ;one fifth B. the ;one fifths C. such; one fifth D. so a; one five [why选C不选A、B]
7. work 是不可数名词,排除 A选项.第一次提到某事物,不用定冠词,排除 B选项.第二空,表示五分之一,只能说 one fifth.
8.When making a speech, you'd better speak loudly and clearly in order to make yourself___.
A. heard and understood B. heard and understand
C. hear and understand D. hear and understood [why选A不选C]
8. make oneself done 是“动词+宾语+过去分词作宾补”结构.这里宾语是动作的承受者,A项意思是“使你自己被被人听见和被理解”.
9.Once we get down to ___ things, not only can we do them well but also we can find new ways ___ then.
A. doing; doing B. do; do C. doing; to do D. do ;doing [why选C不选D]
9. get down to doing着手做某事,第二空ways 后面用不定式作定语. A way to do sth. 或 a way of doing sth.
10.In the middle school, we students study Chinese, maths, physics, history and English ___.
A. besides B.included C.what's more D.as well [why选D不选B]
10. as well 也.请仔细对比:
We students study many subjects, Chinese, maths, physics, history and English included.
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