英语作文翻译A good teacher in my eye
I was very lucky to have met many good teachers,among whom the most mpressive one is my English teacher.She is a woman of midiumheight.She is in her thirties,wearing glasses,and a little on the thin side.Her name is Nancy.
I regard Nancy as a good teacher for three main reasons.To start with,Nancy's dedication and enthusiasm to her work inspired me to get ahead and never stop trying.She spent a lot of her spare time talking with us,helping us with prombles in study and personal life.Second,the wonderfully creative lessons she delivered make English learning no longer a hard job but full of fun.I enjoy every minute of her lesson.And third,Nancy's warmly human character creates a bond of friendship that will last forever.Her great sense of humor and encouraging words made us close to each other like friends.
I was very lucky to have met many good teachers,among whom the most mpressive one is my English teacher.She is a woman of midiumheight.She is in her thirties,wearing glasses,and a little on the thin side.Her name is Nancy.
I regard Nancy as a good teacher for three main reasons.To start with,Nancy's dedication and enthusiasm to her work inspired me to get ahead and never stop trying.She spent a lot of her spare time talking with us,helping us with prombles in study and personal life.Second,the wonderfully creative lessons she delivered make English learning no longer a hard job but full of fun.I enjoy every minute of her lesson.And third,Nancy's warmly human character creates a bond of friendship that will last forever.Her great sense of humor and encouraging words made us close to each other like friends.
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