关于 Reading help me a lot 的英语作文
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要写英语作文 大家给点范文 ..
Reading is a very useful way to improve your English:
Reading is a very useful way to improve your English. By reading, you can’t imagine how much new word you will learn, even from a very short paragraph. Some people like memorizing word by dictionary, personally I think it’s dull and useless, since it’s far not enough to just remember the meaning of the word, the key point of learning English it’s that you know how to use the word in a sentence. But reading is not a simple job. There are many kinds of reading. Some may help, some may not. Personally, I do not like to look up every word I don’t know from the dictionary, for the reason that it’s time consuming and lose the fun of reading. Most of the time, not knowing every word will not affect your understanding of the whole paragraph. If the word you don’t know it’s the key point of the whole article, they will just show up again and again and you will get it eventually. By this way, you can know English in a very easy and fun way.
Reading is a very useful way to improve your English. By reading, you can’t imagine how much new word you will learn, even from a very short paragraph. Some people like memorizing word by dictionary, personally I think it’s dull and useless, since it’s far not enough to just remember the meaning of the word, the key point of learning English it’s that you know how to use the word in a sentence. But reading is not a simple job. There are many kinds of reading. Some may help, some may not. Personally, I do not like to look up every word I don’t know from the dictionary, for the reason that it’s time consuming and lose the fun of reading. Most of the time, not knowing every word will not affect your understanding of the whole paragraph. If the word you don’t know it’s the key point of the whole article, they will just show up again and again and you will get it eventually. By this way, you can know English in a very easy and fun way.
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