what do student do at green high school这篇文章的知识点
Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.Most students exercise three or four times a week.Some student exeercise are very active and exercise every day.As for homework,most students do homework every day.Some students do homework threeor four times a week.No students do homework once or twice a week.The results for"watch TV"are interesting.Some student watch TV once or twice a week,somestudents watch TV three or four times a week,but most students watch TV every day.
Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.Most students exercise three or four times a week.Some student exeercise are very active and exercise every day.As for homework,most students do homework every day.Some students do homework threeor four times a week.No students do homework once or twice a week.The results for"watch TV"are interesting.Some student watch TV once or twice a week,somestudents watch TV three or four times a week,but most students watch TV every day.
初二上教材的文章.1.Here are ...2.the results of...3.Most...4.three or four times ...5.active6.every day7.as for.8.no students...9.the results for...10.interesting以上已经很全面了...
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