英语作文my favourite job
要有my personality和my plan to reach my goal(高二水平)
要有my personality和my plan to reach my goal(高二水平)
In the recent years with the demand for different skills,experiences and qualifications increasing,the job market has become competitive.Nevertheless,I will prefer to work for an employer.Reason being,to run a business person requires lots of experience and fund.In business there is high risk and high return.Whereas in doing job I will have take just take care of my responsibilities towards my employer.While working as employee I can achieve responsible post with less risk or I can say there is no direct risk.
I think,self-employment and business requires ample of knowledge and experience and above to all of this,it is not possible to run business without money.Whereas,I can work in any apex organization on the basis of my qualification and knowledge.There are various advantages in working for employer.First of all I will start getting revenue without any investment.Second advantage of doing job is,there is less responsibility in comparison to business.Working for other employer will help me in maintaining proper schedule.There is less mental stress in job.I will be able to switch to other company in adverse conditions like recession.Like son has less responsibility,when he lives with his father and once he starts living his own life his responsibilities and stress both increases.I think there is same relation between employer and employee.Employer is like father who is bearer of all risk and stress whereas employee is like son who has to just follow his guidance.I think job will give me more opportunity to work at different regions of country and outside country,because of transfers and opportunity of switching.
At last I think,in job there is more freedom,less risk,zero investment and lots of opportunity.In job there are chances of getting new jobs once one loses existing.At the same time if business closes it is hard to recover again easily.
I think,self-employment and business requires ample of knowledge and experience and above to all of this,it is not possible to run business without money.Whereas,I can work in any apex organization on the basis of my qualification and knowledge.There are various advantages in working for employer.First of all I will start getting revenue without any investment.Second advantage of doing job is,there is less responsibility in comparison to business.Working for other employer will help me in maintaining proper schedule.There is less mental stress in job.I will be able to switch to other company in adverse conditions like recession.Like son has less responsibility,when he lives with his father and once he starts living his own life his responsibilities and stress both increases.I think there is same relation between employer and employee.Employer is like father who is bearer of all risk and stress whereas employee is like son who has to just follow his guidance.I think job will give me more opportunity to work at different regions of country and outside country,because of transfers and opportunity of switching.
At last I think,in job there is more freedom,less risk,zero investment and lots of opportunity.In job there are chances of getting new jobs once one loses existing.At the same time if business closes it is hard to recover again easily.
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