1、longest 2、biggest 3、largest 4、highest 5、smallest
6、lightest 7、heaviest 8、youngest 9、hottest 10、fattest
1、longest 2、biggest 3、largest 4、highest 5、smallest
6、lightest 7、heaviest 8、youngest 9、hottest 10、fattest
1.Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world
2.The apple is the biggest on this table
3.The box is the largest in the room
4.The mountain is the highest in this city
5.The mouse is the smallest in the hole
6.The pairs of shoes is the lightest in the floor
7.The ship is the heaviest in the harbour
8.He is the youngest student in the school
9.Today is the hottest in this week
10.She is the fattest in her class
2.The apple is the biggest on this table
3.The box is the largest in the room
4.The mountain is the highest in this city
5.The mouse is the smallest in the hole
6.The pairs of shoes is the lightest in the floor
7.The ship is the heaviest in the harbour
8.He is the youngest student in the school
9.Today is the hottest in this week
10.She is the fattest in her class
- 1有关于二次函数最大值求二次函数关系式的题目
- 2关于时间和友谊的比喻句
- 3什么是过火石灰?有什么危害?
- 4Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.
- 5某商品因换季打折销售如果按定价的7.5折出售将亏本35元,而按定价的9.5折出将赚25元问这种商品的定价是多少?
- 6从从容容一杯酒,平平淡淡一杯茶
- 7对于含有色素的样品用什么方法可以测定其维生素C含量?
- 8扩散现象可以是两种以上物质同时发生吗
- 9下列关于等势面的说法正确的是( ) A.电荷在等势面上移动时不受电场力作用,所以不做功 B.等势面上各点的场强相等 C.孤立点电荷在真空中形成的电场的等势面是以点电荷为圆心的一
- 10用英文写的失物招领
- 1What will you do with the___milik in the cup A.remaing B.left C.remained D.leaving
- 2将一根绳子一半再一半地剪去,剪了4次后,剩下的正好是2米,可以写出...
- 3《机械制图》空间两直线的相对位置有( )( )( )三种
- 4敲破核桃壳,取一块核桃壳,在白纸上用力挤压留下油迹,说明核桃壳仁中含有
- 5王强从李村去县城,每分钟行80米,他走了2000米后,张军骑自行车
- 6曲面e*z-z+xy=3在点(2、1、10)处的切平面方程
- 7我国第一部详尽记载全国山脉、水道、风土、民情的地理书是?
- 8want to do 同义词是什么?
- 954/6=9 40/8=5 28/7=4 36/?/8=?24/?=5
- 10一个分数,分子比分母小20,已知这个分数约分后得9分之4,这个分数原来的分子,分母各是多少?