A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year.You may fail(不及格) in an exam if
If you want to be good at English,you have to read stories in English and speak English as much as possible(尽可能多).A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Do not stay up late(熬夜) for the exam.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the question paper,try to understand the exact meaning of each question.When you at last(最后) finish your exam,read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you don't miss anything out
If you want to be good at English,you have to read stories in English and speak English as much as possible(尽可能多).A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Do not stay up late(熬夜) for the exam.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the question paper,try to understand the exact meaning of each question.When you at last(最后) finish your exam,read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you don't miss anything out
- 1为什么化学平衡常数只与温度有关?
- 2现有铜锌合金9克,放入足量的稀盐酸中,充分反映后得到0.2克氢气,则该合金中铜的质量是多少?
- 3扁平型组织结构是指在一定的组织规模下,管理幅度较大、管理层次较少的组织结构形态.其优点在于:( )
- 4(2x平方-3x+1)平方-18x平方+27x-19,求因式分解,
- 5I am a policeman的复数形式
- 6若把公元2012年记做+2012那么-190表示什么
- 7用零点分段讨论法解不等式│x﹣1│﹥3
- 8"转"字第七笔的笔画名称是什么
- 9甲乙两人分别从相距36千米的A、B两地相向而行,甲从A出发到1千米时发现有东西遗忘在A地,立即返回,取过东西后又立即从A向B行进,这样两人恰好在AB中点处相遇.已知甲比乙每小时多走0.
- 10w y x h n d s w m b n z y q w j y x c s z h d x z.是英文写的,不是中文.
- 1数学题x的平方-2x+y的平方+6y+10=0 求x,y
- 2那个女孩在认真地画一只老虎用英语怎么说?
- 3小明家和小红家相距660米,他们同时从家出发相向而行,小明每分钟行80米,小红每分钟行70米.经过多少分钟他们相距60米?
- 4明天要交!急 根据词语意思写出词语:作恶犯罪的为首分子
- 5平面上有n个点,其中任意三个点都不在同一条直线上,若其中两点画一条直线.
- 6若函数f(x)=4∧(x-1/2)-a*(2∧x)+2/27在区间[0,2]上的最大值为9,求实数a的值
- 7完形填空 It appeared in June ,1997 .The bool was a great success .And the film came
- 8华灯初上有什么寓意
- 9吹面不寒杨柳风的上句
- 10“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,这句名言所包含的哲理是