1) No Marking :Maybe the markings were cleared after operator made the marking or operator forgot doing it
2)Defect of female screws :①IQC spot-checked the parts,casue the defect of screws were left out to assembly.
②When operator leak check used a defect of screw that just two -three whorls,so during do leak check didn’t
find the famale screws bad.
1)MZZ send replacement three parts to BBCC (2010/11/25)
2)Re-inspection the similar parts on the MZZ(2010/11/24)
3)IQC will all check the parts since next incoming batch.(2010/11/24)
4)Require operator must be accroding to SOP,do marking after the leak check.(2010/11/24)
5)The bad screw was discard,MIC enhanced management of leak check tools.(2010/11/5)
1) No Marking :Maybe the markings were cleared after operator made the marking or operator forgot doing it
2)Defect of female screws :①IQC spot-checked the parts,casue the defect of screws were left out to assembly.
②When operator leak check used a defect of screw that just two -three whorls,so during do leak check didn’t
find the famale screws bad.
1)MZZ send replacement three parts to BBCC (2010/11/25)
2)Re-inspection the similar parts on the MZZ(2010/11/24)
3)IQC will all check the parts since next incoming batch.(2010/11/24)
4)Require operator must be accroding to SOP,do marking after the leak check.(2010/11/24)
5)The bad screw was discard,MIC enhanced management of leak check tools.(2010/11/5)
有问题哟,有写地方有点乱The bad screw was discard,discard应该是discarded,你的翻译是用什么搞的,有点像是用中文和英文生搬硬套的,)IQC will all check the parts since next incoming batch.这句也怪怪的,其他还有些不对,还是发给我原中文句子看看吧.
- 1什么是主矢主矩
- 2(x-3)的平方+|2x-3y-a|=0,y是正数,a的取值范围
- 31946年,国民党反动派在南京制造了震惊全国的“下关惨案”,打死打伤树十人.几天后,在国民党中央大礼堂举行了追悼会.会场四周挂满了挽联,其中一副别具匠心,是用标点符号写成的.上联是:”;下联是:”
- 4过氧化钠和硫化氢的反应方程式
- 5大海日出阅读答案
- 6为什么用交流电电解熔融氯化钠不会生成氯气?
- 7天行健( )地势坤,君子以厚德载物.
- 8英语翻译
- 9一艘潜水艇保持深度不变从海里潜行到河里,则该潜水艇受到的( ) A.重力不变,浮力不变 B.重力增加,浮力减小 C.重力增加,浮力增加 D.重力减小,浮力减小
- 10四项基本原则的核心内容是什么?
- 16个小朋友围成一圈,每人心里想好一个数,并把这个数告诉左右相邻的两个人,然后每个人把左右两个相邻人告诉自己的数的平均数亮数来(如图),问亮出11的人原来心中想的数是多少?
- 2如果三角形的一个外角小于与它相邻的内角,那么这个三角形一定是( ) A.锐角三角形 B.直角三角形 C.钝角三角形 D.任意三角形
- 3She had more heart than anyone.这里的heart做什么讲?
- 44厘米比1米短( )%
- 5few little a few a litle 反意疑问句 肯 还是 否
- 6一直角三角形,知道斜边长度和2个锐角度数,怎么求2条直角边长度
- 7北师大版六年级数学上册教学总结
- 8两辆汽车从相距525千米的两地相对开出.甲车每小时行90千米,乙车每小时行85千米.经过几小时两车相遇?
- 9新的一年 新的开始,英语怎么写
- 10滕王阁序的秋景图描写上有何特点?大约200左右就够了.