What is a good Student?大约450个单词
What is a good Student?大约450个单词
First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people insiste justice,rectitude,make people help others who need help,make people grow up as a man.
Second,a good student does not merely follows rules(though that is an important skill),but looks for opportunities to discover new things,tries new things,or finds better methods and it must be not for bad purposes.when an opportunity arises to do a project outside of class,the good student jumps at the chance and doesn't even ask whether it will earn extra credit.
Third,They have open minds ,but those does not mean that they jump on the bandwagon of every new fad.A better characterization of an open mind is one which is willing to dispassionately and rationally analyze new ideas,weighing them objectively against established knowledge and the facts at hand.
fourth,a good student may not do very well in his study,but he must have the eager of studing new things that he like-though maybe things he learns have nothing with studies.
Last,it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life.When defeated,a good student can't be disappointed.He try to face life and studies with courage and determination.
If you can work toward these goals,you'll become a good student instead of being a bookworm.参考资料:口语材料
Second,a good student does not merely follows rules(though that is an important skill),but looks for opportunities to discover new things,tries new things,or finds better methods and it must be not for bad purposes.when an opportunity arises to do a project outside of class,the good student jumps at the chance and doesn't even ask whether it will earn extra credit.
Third,They have open minds ,but those does not mean that they jump on the bandwagon of every new fad.A better characterization of an open mind is one which is willing to dispassionately and rationally analyze new ideas,weighing them objectively against established knowledge and the facts at hand.
fourth,a good student may not do very well in his study,but he must have the eager of studing new things that he like-though maybe things he learns have nothing with studies.
Last,it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life.When defeated,a good student can't be disappointed.He try to face life and studies with courage and determination.
If you can work toward these goals,you'll become a good student instead of being a bookworm.参考资料:口语材料
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