Even if the approximate quantities whenprepared showed a far higher total than the original estimate,the reasonscould not be easily traced.It still could not be seen whether any particularpart of the building was extravagantly designed,and there was nothing to showwhere the cost could be cut most economically.
In addition,even if it were possible toidentify the problem areas the architect would obviously resist an expensivemajor redesign at this late stage.
As a rule,therefore,approximate quantities would not be prepared but the job sent out to tender bythe architect,who would just hope for the best.If the tender proved to be toohigh the price would have to be cut wherever it could be done easily withouthaving to alter too many drawings,usually by cutting the more high-class partsof the specification and substituting lower quality.This was not at a
Even if the approximate quantities whenprepared showed a far higher total than the original estimate,the reasonscould not be easily traced.It still could not be seen whether any particularpart of the building was extravagantly designed,and there was nothing to showwhere the cost could be cut most economically.
In addition,even if it were possible toidentify the problem areas the architect would obviously resist an expensivemajor redesign at this late stage.
As a rule,therefore,approximate quantities would not be prepared but the job sent out to tender bythe architect,who would just hope for the best.If the tender proved to be toohigh the price would have to be cut wherever it could be done easily withouthaving to alter too many drawings,usually by cutting the more high-class partsof the specification and substituting lower quality.This was not at a
In addition,even if it were possible toidentify the problem areas the architect would obviously resist an expensivemajor redesign at this late stage.我不同意您翻的,我觉得是:此外,即使可能会找到问题所在...
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- 2标出电子转移的方向的数目,指出氧化剂和还原剂,氧化产物和还原产物
- 3请问~是what does she look like还是how does she look like啊
- 4先化简,再求值:((a-1)/(a^2-4a+4)-(a+2)/(a^2-2a))÷(4/a-1),其中a=2-√3.
- 5波的周期频率波速的关系
- 6It is very hot at Wuhan in JuIy.
- 7岳阳楼记读后感1500字
- 8若方程x24−k+y26+k=1表示焦点在x轴上的椭圆,则k的取值范围是_.
- 9一个长方体的玻璃容器,从里面量底面长5分米,宽3分米,如果向这个容器中注水,使容器中水所形成的长方形出现
- 10盒子里放有编号1到10的10个球,小芳先后3次从盒子里共取出9个球.如果从2次起,每次取出的球的编号之和都比上一次的2倍还多1,那么剩下的球的编号为 .
- 11平方千米等于多少平方公里
- 2求答案:99-(23+32) 8×(69-60) (100-46)÷6 63-27÷3 (6+57)÷9 25+3×4 急!
- 3哈佛大学的校训是:“与柏拉图为友,与亚里斯多德为友,更要与真理为友.”的哲学道理
- 4一根圆柱形木材长5米,把它截成相等的3段后,表面积增加了420平方厘米.原来这根圆木的体积是多少立方米?
- 5在矩形ABCD中,AD=4,AB-3,PA垂直平面ABCD,PA=五分之四倍根3,那么二面角A-BD-P的度数是多少?
- 6求证tan2θ-sin2θ=tan2θsin2θ
- 7如图,在三角形ABC中,BD,CE是角平分线,它们相交于点F,试证明:∠EFC=90°+1/2∠A
- 8气管有什么作用?
- 9多边形的每个内角都相等,1内角也一外角度数之比为M:N其中MN是互质的正整数.求这个多边形的边数及N的值
- 10树上10个鸟,一枪打死一个,树上还剩几个鸟?结论在什么前提下得出的?