Before you can start speaking and writing in English,your brain must get enough correct English sentences.You can’t speak English if you have never seen an English sentence in your life.This is obvious.And you can’t speak English well if you have not seen a large number of English sentences.
There are two ways to get correct English sentences:listening and reading.Both are good,but reading is usually much easier than listening.With the help of a good dictionary,you will be able to understand English texts much more easily than,for example,English television or movies.
If you read just one book in English,you will see that your English has become much better.You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages.You will be surprised,but English phrases will just come to you when you are writing or speaking!Things like the past simple tense and how to use the word “since” will become part of you.You will use them automati
Before you can start speaking and writing in English,your brain must get enough correct English sentences.You can’t speak English if you have never seen an English sentence in your life.This is obvious.And you can’t speak English well if you have not seen a large number of English sentences.
There are two ways to get correct English sentences:listening and reading.Both are good,but reading is usually much easier than listening.With the help of a good dictionary,you will be able to understand English texts much more easily than,for example,English television or movies.
If you read just one book in English,you will see that your English has become much better.You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages.You will be surprised,but English phrases will just come to you when you are writing or speaking!Things like the past simple tense and how to use the word “since” will become part of you.You will use them automati
- 1仿例句写句子? 例句:蝌蚪水中游得欢,蜘蛛房前织网忙. 知了树上____________,_____________.
- 2bear sleep in winter的意思是什么
- 3设双曲线C:X^2-Y^2=1(a>0,b>0)的离心率E=2,经过双曲线 右焦点F且斜率为根号15/3的直线交双曲线与A,B点,若│AB│=12,求此时的双曲线方程
- 4dy/dx-y=xy^5
- 5甲、乙两数的比是3:5,乙、丙两数的比是15:8,求甲、乙、丙三个数的比
- 6绝对值等于9的数是( ),等于0的是 ( )
- 7已知集合A,B,求A∪B,A∩B(1)A{1,2},B={2,3,4} (2)A={b,c,d,e,f},B={c,e}(3)A={0},B=∅
- 8一个正方形,对角线长4分米,这个正方形的面积是_平方分米.
- 9那些动物有自我保护能力
- 10in the street 和on the street的区别
- 1两个连续奇数的和除以它们的差,商是16,这两个奇数是多少
- 2墨粉纸盘夹在两条纸带之间,而不用一条纸带的原因是什么?
- 3质量相等的两个实心小球甲乙密度之比为2:3,现将甲乙两球放入盛有足够多水的烧杯中 当甲乙两球静止时受到
- 4英语翻译
- 5一个组织为15欧的电阻另一个电阻一R串联后的总电阻为25欧,那么电阻R=——欧,这两个电阻并联后的总电阻为
- 6越快越好,越少越好,
- 7正方形中心在M(-1,0),一条边所在的直线方程为x+3y-5=0,求其他三边所在直线的方程.
- 8如图,在△ABC中,∠A=90°,AB=24cm,AC=16cm,现有动点P从点B出发,沿射线BA方向运动,动点Q从点C出发,沿射线CA方向运动,已知点P的速度是4cm/s,点Q的速度是2cm/s,它
- 9将(x+2)(x-1)=(1/2)x的平方化成一元二次方程的一般形式,然后写出其二次项系数,一次项系数和常数项
- 10我把手压在橡皮泥上面,橡皮泥手压力而改变形状,同时也有对手的支持力,请问,这两个力是弹力吗