there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.
but only a few of them are very important.english is one of
these.many,many people use it,not only in england and u.s.A,
but also in other parts of the world.about 200 000 000 speak
it as their own language.it is difficult to say how many people are
learning it as a foreign language.many millions are to do so.
it is easy or difficult to learn english?different people may
have different answers.have you ever noticed ads of this kind in
the newspapers or magazines?learn english in six weeks,or your
money back.easy or fun!our records and tapes help you
master your english in a month.form first day your pronunciation will
be excellent.just send...of course,it never happens quite
like that.
there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.
but only a few of them are very important.english is one of
these.many,many people use it,not only in england and u.s.A,
but also in other parts of the world.about 200 000 000 speak
it as their own language.it is difficult to say how many people are
learning it as a foreign language.many millions are to do so.
it is easy or difficult to learn english?different people may
have different answers.have you ever noticed ads of this kind in
the newspapers or magazines?learn english in six weeks,or your
money back.easy or fun!our records and tapes help you
master your english in a month.form first day your pronunciation will
be excellent.just send...of course,it never happens quite
like that.
there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. 世界上大约有一千五百种语言.but only a few of them are very important. english is one of 但是它们中间只有一部分是非常重要的.英语就是其中之一.thes...
- 1抛物线顶点在原点,准线经过双曲线X^/A^ - Y^/B^=1的一个焦点,且平行于Y轴,又抛物线与双曲线的一个交点A
- 2香樟路的一边共栽有28棵树,李老师从第1棵树走到第32棵树共用时2分,李老师共走了多少米
- 3岳阳楼记中第五段文字表现作者怎样的胸襟和抱负
- 4“Light”的复数是什么?
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- 6[(2xy的立方)整体的平方/(3x)]*[8xy/4xy]其中x=1000,y=-1
- 7999...9(1992个9)*99...9(1992个9)+199...9(1992个9)的末尾有多少个零
- 8利用小方格的面积为1的网格图画出三边长度分别为 √2 √3 和 √5的三角形,并判断其形状.
- 9如何用比较严谨的方法证f(x)=xsinx无界?
- 10一堆煤用去五分之二,还剩五分之二吨,用去的喝剩下的比较
- 1用卡诺图将逻辑函数Y=C+ABC化成最简的与或式!
- 2有甲、乙两瓶油,甲瓶装25千克,乙瓶装45千克,从甲中倒出一部分到乙瓶中,这时乙瓶中油的重量是甲的4倍
- 3有一块12.56分米、宽5分米的长方形的铁皮,用它做一个圆柱形水桶的侧面.如果要使它容积最大,再配一个底
- 4读课文《花脸》找出描写客人见到神气的关老爷的句子?
- 5《一棵苍凉的白菜》阅读题答案
- 6与过氧化钠反应生成氧气的气体
- 7请把下面的词补充完整,组成八条成语.
- 8(The highest state of love is reached once you get through those insipid
- 91食堂买来大米和面粉.其中大米面粉的袋数比是9:7.大米比面粉多50千克,大米和面粉分别是多少千克?
- 10有两台磨粉机,第一台7小时磨5吨,第二台10小时磨6吨,两台磨粉机平均每小时各磨粉几分之几吨?