helpful ,we call him lei feng
lei feng was a soldier in the1960s he was born in changsha of hunan province in 1940.his family did not have much money .when he was seven ,his parents died .he joined the army at the age of twenty .he had a warm heart and always helped others .
he said,"to live is to serve the people -live to make others happy ,"he regarded other people as his family members.he gave his own money to the parents of other soldiers and he even washed clothes for others.
lei feng lived a simple life.he did not often buy new clothes and never wasted any things .he loved to study and work
on aygust 15th,1962,a pole fell on lei feng's head and took his life .he was only twenty-two years old then.
helpful ,we call him lei feng
lei feng was a soldier in the1960s he was born in changsha of hunan province in 1940.his family did not have much money .when he was seven ,his parents died .he joined the army at the age of twenty .he had a warm heart and always helped others .
he said,"to live is to serve the people -live to make others happy ,"he regarded other people as his family members.he gave his own money to the parents of other soldiers and he even washed clothes for others.
lei feng lived a simple life.he did not often buy new clothes and never wasted any things .he loved to study and work
on aygust 15th,1962,a pole fell on lei feng's head and took his life .he was only twenty-two years old then.
- 1把The children are very lovely.改成感叹句.
- 2如图,草原上有四口油井,位于四边形ABCD的四个顶点上,现在要建立一个维修站H,试问H建在何处,才能使它到四口油井的距离之和HA+HB+HC+HD最小,说明理由.
- 3欲配制500克溶质质量分数为19.6%的稀硫酸,(硫酸密度:1.84克每立方厘米,质量分数:98%)需这种硫酸多少毫
- 4某工厂经过两年时间将某种产品的产量从每年14400台提高到16900台,平均每年增长的百分率是多少?
- 5写一篇英语作文以‘an e-mail to my friend Jim’
- 6一袋小麦84千克,一袋大豆6千克,一袋玉米2千克.要求是,你能提出什么除法问题!请提出两个!
- 7频率为50Hz,磁极对数为( ) 的三相异步电动机,额定转速为:273转/分
- 8美国地名翻译:517 LOS NINOS WAY LOS ALTOS,CA 94022,USA
- 9地球上多少的淡水储藏在南极?
- 10设圆满足①截y轴所得的弦长为2②被x轴分为两段圆弧,弧长比为1:3
- 1某一电饭锅,内部电路如图所示.R1是加热电阻,R2是限流电阻,R2阻值为484Ω,煮饭时,接通电(220V)、闭合手动开关S1,电饭锅处在加热状态.当锅内食物温度达到103℃时,开关S1会自动断
- 2业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随.
- 3小明将一张长24厘米,宽15厘米的长方形硬纸板卷成一个圆柱.这个圆柱的体积最大是多少立方厘米?(π的近似
- 4巧算:1.25*1.6*2.5
- 5函数f(x)定义域为{1,2,3,4}值域为{5,6,7},则这样的函数共有多少个?怎么算的
- 6并且说下做类似这些题的技巧
- 728和14 最小公倍数
- 8请问;从地球看星星会发生折射,那怎样测量两星球的距离?
- 9拉小提琴是play the violin
- 10甲,乙两人共同计算一道整式乘法题:(3x-a)(2x+b),甲由于第二个多项式中的b