I'm as grown up as I can be!Don't worry though,I'll still eat and poop all bay long.If you want me to grow up even more,keep an eye out for updates and stay tuned for the full version.翻译下要自然点的
Hi!I'm Furdiburb from the planet Gliese 581 B.While on vacation to Earth,my parents forgot me and left me behind.Will you take care of me so that I may return back to my planet when I'm old enough?Take good care of me,and I will grow faster.Neglect me,and I will be a sad,sad Furdiburb.\n\nThere are 4 ways to help me hatch faster.Maybe Chicken Mama can help.这个也要
I'm as grown up as I can be!Don't worry though,I'll still eat and poop all bay long.If you want me to grow up even more,keep an eye out for updates and stay tuned for the full version.翻译下要自然点的
Hi!I'm Furdiburb from the planet Gliese 581 B.While on vacation to Earth,my parents forgot me and left me behind.Will you take care of me so that I may return back to my planet when I'm old enough?Take good care of me,and I will grow faster.Neglect me,and I will be a sad,sad Furdiburb.\n\nThere are 4 ways to help me hatch faster.Maybe Chicken Mama can help.这个也要
- 1一根圆柱形木料的底面直径是4分米,长3米.[1]它的表面积是多少平方分米?[2]它的体积是多少立方分米?
- 2No sooner_____asleep than she heard a knock at the door
- 3一只小虫沿东西方向爬行,先以每分钟1.2米的速度向东爬行5分钟,后来又以同样的速
- 4如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=60°,点E,F分别在AB,AC上,把∠A沿着EF对折,使点A落在BC上点D处,且使ED⊥BC. (1)猜测AE与BE的数量关系,并说明理由; (2)求证:
- 5我想求一句古诗词,意思就是说:过去的就算了,不要再留恋了
- 6一个长方体的底面是一个周长为24分米的正方形,它的表面积是228平方分米这个长方形体积是多少
- 7Is there a subway station ___ the corner of the Main Street?
- 8恩格尔系数的变化趋势有什么意义
- 9若a.b互为相反数,c,d互为倒数,m的绝对值是2,求a+b+cd-丨m丨的值
- 10白磷实验结束后,水进多了,为什么?肯能是什么愿因?(是指的空气氧气测定)
- 1盛满水的烧杯中轻轻放入一块质量为100g的木块,木块漂浮在水面上,溢出的水所受重力为多少N?
- 2《三国志 吴志 吕蒙传》 译文
- 3攀:①拉拢,拉扯 组词: 造句:
- 4高分求一份英文检讨书!急!
- 5求以"当我们遇到困难时"为题目的英语作文
- 61)蔬菜容易富集硝酸盐吗?2)富集后的硝酸盐在进入人体后会被微生物转化成亚硝酸盐?
- 7一只电流表上标有”2000”revs(kW/h),如果此电能表的转盘转了1000下,则销耗了_J的电能?
- 8Maria is fourteen years old.Susan is ten years old.Susan is____ _____ _____than Maria.
- 9水凝结成小水滴或小水晶为什么能飘浮在空气中
- 10ink consumption是什么意思