In the nineteenth century,at this period,women were the weak group of people so they usually didn’t have much freedom and choice to pursue their happiness.In fact,they were mostly dominated by their husbands and thus lived in a constrained way,which makes those women miserable throughout their entire lives.Nevertheless,in Mellissa Hardy’s story “The Heifer”,the main character,Aina,was a strong,independent,and adventurous woman who dared to strive for her life; unlike many other women,when Aina wanted something,she went after it.In this way,she should be considered as a hero.Her actions of starting a new life in Canada and killing her husband were just like an adventure which could prove us that she was a hero whom we should admire for her courage in pursuit of her own happiness.
In the nineteenth century,at this period,women were the weak group of people so they usually didn’t have much freedom and choice to pursue their happiness.In fact,they were mostly dominated by their husbands and thus lived in a constrained way,which makes those women miserable throughout their entire lives.Nevertheless,in Mellissa Hardy’s story “The Heifer”,the main character,Aina,was a strong,independent,and adventurous woman who dared to strive for her life; unlike many other women,when Aina wanted something,she went after it.In this way,she should be considered as a hero.Her actions of starting a new life in Canada and killing her husband were just like an adventure which could prove us that she was a hero whom we should admire for her courage in pursuit of her own happiness.
- 13道小学数学题(假设应用题)
- 2y=4的x次幂+ 2的x+1次方 +1的定义域和值域
- 3两桶油,甲比乙多20kg,如果从甲桶取出四分之一则甲桶反而比乙桶少10kg,原来乙桶有多少kg
- 4狐猴起源于哪种生物 狐猴类或者说眼镜猴类 他们起源于啮齿动物吗 老鼠吗
- 5题材和体裁有区别吗
- 6一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,行了全程的八分之三,离中点还有81千米,两地之间的的公路长多少千米
- 7方程(a-2)x^|n-1|加上3等于0 ,是一个关于x的一元一次方程,则a等于
- 8某水果超市有橘子四百五十千克,苹果比橘子少百分之二十,比香蕉多百分之十二点五.水果超市香蕉多少千克
- 9最积极的生活态度是什么样的?有没有个标准?
- 10学生问老师多少岁老师说我想你一样大时你才4岁你和我一样大时我就58岁了求师生的年龄
- 1贵的反义词
- 2请你写出3个与“阅读小说、交流心得”构词结构相同的词语.
- 3把名字刻入石头的,名字比尸首烂得更早.只要春风吹到的地方,到处是青青的野草 把名字刻入石头,是什么
- 4如图所示,有一束光线与平面镜的夹角为60°,当入射光线绕.点顺时针方向转过20°,平面镜M绕O点逆时针方向转过20°,则反射光线转过( ) A.0° B.20° C.40° D.60°
- 5求证根号(a的平方/b)+根号(b的平方/a)≥根号a+根号b a>0 b>0
- 6用良辰美景造句
- 7四年级第七册语文修改病句练习题
- 8雪霜 冰雹 雾 是经历了那些物态变化形成的
- 9姑取汝所制扇来,吾当为汝发市也.翻译成现代文
- 10三峡中渔歌的修辞及其作用 以及渔人怎样的生活