英语作文《How to deal with problems》、
When I have an important (or tough) problem to solve,I often afford myself the luxury of shelving it for a few days,even if I think I can already see a solution.During this time,I don’t think about it and it does not weigh on my mind – I’m busy doing other things.Although I’m not consciously thinking about it,it percolates away in my subconscious,and a solution often announces itself when I least expect it.
If a few days pass without a magical solution bubbling up,I’ll start thinking about the problem again.However,I quite often realize that there’s a better way to define the problem – and this time it’s much easier to solve.
I am often amazed by the simplicity and elegance of the solutions I arrive at using this method.Each time this happens,I’m quite sure that I would not have been able to produce the solution deliberately using a linear,logical thought process.
The time that I’m most prone to receiving these insights is when I’m not working,and usually doing something physical rather than cerebral.My morning run or a long drive often offer up solutions to such problems.
If a few days pass without a magical solution bubbling up,I’ll start thinking about the problem again.However,I quite often realize that there’s a better way to define the problem – and this time it’s much easier to solve.
I am often amazed by the simplicity and elegance of the solutions I arrive at using this method.Each time this happens,I’m quite sure that I would not have been able to produce the solution deliberately using a linear,logical thought process.
The time that I’m most prone to receiving these insights is when I’m not working,and usually doing something physical rather than cerebral.My morning run or a long drive often offer up solutions to such problems.
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