B. Putting up shelves.
C. Starting companies.
B. About 1,000.
C. About 2,000.
B. Children can get a job now if they"re good at DIY.
C. Children will learn how to repair broken things.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。 1. What can students learn in the DIY classes? [ ]A. Painti】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. On the radio
C. In the open air
B. A week for two in Las Vegas.
C. Two nights at a beautiful hotel.
B. Go to the next question.
C. Make a tour.
B. It"s rare.
C. It"s heavy.
B. Planting them in the ground.
C. Making a mini-hot-house for them.
B. The man will plant roses next summer.
C. Some plants grow better in the ground than in the pots.
B. Excited and tired.
C. Excited and fearful.
B. Learning can help them get university degrees.
C. Learning can help them understand their own value.
B. Fields of learning.
C. Ways of learning.
B. At 7:00 on channel 5.
C. At 8:00 on channel 6.
B. He"d like to watch it if he had more time.
C. He"d prefer to watch something else.
B. He thinks that he will be able to get a better job by learning from the show.
C. He thinks it is easier to get someone else to repair their problems around the house.
B. To give her some advice.
C. To invite her to go on a trip.
B.The man feels it is hard to make a decision.
C.The woman will go on a trip with Miguel.
B.He does not want to hurt Celia"s feeling.
C.He does not like Miguel very much.
- 1下面画线的成语使用不正确的一项[ ]A.作为纪律委员,她责无旁贷地承担了纪律管理工作。B.听了著名教育家魏书生的
- 2将总量为4molNa2O2和Al2(SO4)3的混合物投入足量水中,充分反应后生成Ymol沉淀(Y>0),若以x表示原混
- 32009年时行政诉讼法颁布20周年。6月至8月,山西省人大常委会在全省开展的执法检查表明,广大群众维权意识不断增强,法院
- 4互称为同位素的两种原子不可能具有相同的A.电子数B.质子数C.化学性质D.质量数
- 5已知点A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),C(x3,y3)是函数y=-2x上的三点且x1<0<x2<x3,则y1,y2,
- 6 __ I do not know what I ___________ without the suitcase y
- 7从同一高度以不同的速度水平抛出两个物体,不计空气阻力,它们落到水平地面所需的时间( )A.速度大的时间长B.速度小的时
- 8---How much does this store often _______ for such large egg
- 9选出填入下列空白处最恰当的一项是:( )开发智力资源是一个宏伟的社会工程,与其它系统有着( )的联系。A.千头万绪B
- 10如图所示,作用于点的三个力平衡,其中一个力大小为,沿方向.大小未知的力与方向夹角为,则下列说法正确的是( )A.力只
- 1若是一元一次方程,则m的值是 ( )A.±1B.-1C.1D.2
- 2等腰三角形的周长为中5cm,其中w边长为5cm.则该等腰三角形的底长为( )A.3cm或5cmB.3cm或7cmC.3
- 3如图是一个汽车启动器的电路,试分析其工作原理.
- 4质量为20千克的水,温度从20℃升高到70℃需要吸收____________J的热量。若这些热量由燃烧木柴来提供,则至少
- 5根据平面镜的成像规律画出图中物体AB所成的像A"B"
- 6(6分)下图是初中化学中常见物质间的转化关系。其中,常温下A、B是黑色固体,B中两种元素的质量比是4︰1;C的浓溶液可用
- 7古希腊人常用小石子在沙滩上摆成各种形状来研究数,例如:他们研究过①1中1,3,6,10,…,由于这些数能表示成三角形,将
- 8“大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”这说明( )A.整体利益必须服从局部利益B.个人利益与集体利益是相互依存的C.维
- 9某城市制定了居民用水标准,规定三口之家每月用水量的最高标准,超标部分加价收费,如果在标准用水量内每米3的水费是1.4元,
- 10下列各式运用等式的性质变形,正确的是( )A.若2x=-12,则x=-14B.若3x=2,则x=32C.若-13x=6