B. College facilities.
C. Dormitory management.
B. For about 10 days.
C. For about 15 days.
B. The library and the computer center.
C. The college store and the dining halls.
B. He normally lives in Butler Hall.
C. He is in charge of general affairs.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题。 1. What is the speaker mainly telling the listeners about? [ 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. At home.
C. At the office.
B. $6.
C. $12.
B. Strangers.
C. Manager and customer.
B. At home.
C. At the airport.
B. The man paid too much for the car.
C. The price of the car is reasonable.
B. At 6:30 pm, on Friday.
C. At 6:30 pm, on Sunday.
B. Brandy.
C. Cookies.
B. Jeans.
C. Uniform.
B. Because his roommate wants to move out.
C. Because he"s bothered by his roommate.
B. They haven"t talked to each other for over a month.
C. Not mentioned.
B. Talking to his roommate.
C. Moving out.
B. Went to see his grandmother.
C. Cleaned the windows with his father.
B. Whistle all the time.
C. Put his head out of the window.
B. Because he couldn"t find his cap.
C. Because his father ordered him to keep still.
B. Nick"s father jumped out of the window and got his cap back.
C. Nick"s father whistled and got his cap back.
B. Mark.
C. Tracy.
B. Stay for dinner.
C. Miss a train.
B. A discussion.
C. A party.
B. 35.
C. 39.
B. Weather conditions.
C. A holiday tour.
- 1下列具有辩证法思想的是A.物质决定意识,意识是物质的反映B.不登高山,不知天之高C.是亦彼也,彼矣是也D.社会存在决定社
- 2在数据20,10,40,30,80,90,50中,极差是______.
- 3类文阅读。完成下面各题。外祖父的白胡须 琦君 我没有看见过我家的财神爷①,但我总是把外祖父与财神爷联系在一起。因为外
- 4下列各选项中划线的字,读音全都相同的一组是( ) A.觊觎 /揶揄剽窃 /瓢泼诈骗 / 令人咋舌B.工作 /
- 5现有某有机物A。经质谱分析可知其相对分子质量为100。通过元素分析发现其分子中碳的质量分数为60%,氢的质量分数为8%,
- 6当发现老师的错误时,我们应该( )A.沉默,听之任之B.以恰当的方式提出来,不伤害老师C.不管是谁,有了错误就
- 7完形填空。 Once two brothers,John and Tony,asked a sage(智者) t
- 8中共八大是我国建设社会主义道路的一次成功探索,这是因为 ( )①正确分析了中国社会的主要矛盾 ②提出了社会
- 95•12汶川大地震引起山体滑坡堵塞河谷后,形成了许多堰塞湖.据中央电视台报道:唐家山堰塞湖危险性最大.为了尽快排除险情,
- 10下列句子中加点的字的注音全都正确的一项是( )A.我们把它践踏蹂躏(lìn),磨成齑(jī)粉——这多余的,哪儿
- 1—It"s hot today. How about going swimming after school?—____
- 2电视剧《共和国1949》以大量珍贵的影像资料,全面、准确、详实地展示了一幅幅有关新中国成立前的历史风云画卷。如果让你来编
- 3艾滋病在我国正处于蔓延发展的危险阶段,它是由( )微生物引起的.A.真菌B.细菌C.酵母菌D.病毒
- 4下列有关中和滴定的叙述中正确的是( )A.中和滴定操作中所需标准溶液越浓越好,指示剂一般加入2-3mLB.滴定管、锥形
- 5(12分)阅读材料,回答问题。材料 比起明治维新在世界史上获得的卓越地位,被历史学家们称作“同治中兴”(1862—187
- 6如图所示,均匀细杆AB的质量为M,A端装有固定转轴,B端连接细线通过滑轮和重物C相连,若杆AB呈水平,细线与水平方向的夹
- 7绝缘细线上端固定,下端挂一轻质小球a,a的表面镀有铝膜;在a近旁放一金属球b,开始时,a、b都不带电,如图所示,现使b带
- 8Do you want to save money when you travel by train? Here are
- 9用方框内的词或短语的适当形式填空。eight, hundred, quick, early, take, ho
- 10下表为元素周期表的一部分,参照元素①~⑧在表中的位置,用化学用语回答下列问题:(1)④、⑤、⑦形成的简单离子的半径由大到