B. Because it can use a needle.
C. Because it can put straw in its nest.
B. The weaver bird.
C. The oven bird.
B. To serve as its door.
C. For the bird to lay eggs.
B. Not all birds build nests.
C. You can easily find birds" nests.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题。 1. Why is the bird called the tailor bird? [ ]A. Because it】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. He left it at the airport.
C. He forgot to bring it along.
B. Dissatisfied with Paul.
C. Angry with the man"s father.
B. The countryside.
C. The capital of the USA.
B. What she says is not always true.
C. Her stones are mostly believable.
B. The man is going to see the movie.
C. Neither of them enjoys scary movies.
B. It goes ten minutes slow every day.
C. It goes the right time as the radio.
B. Put it ahead ten minutes.
C. Throw it away.
B. Set it by the radio every morning.
C. Throw it away and buy a new one.
B. Driver and passenger.
C. Policeman and witness.
B. A black car.
C. A white car.
B. At about 8:45.
C. At about 9:00.
B. Old buildings.
C. National parks.
B. To act as a guide.
C. To help drive.
B. He is very familiar with the woman"s country.
C. He will probably drive around for a couple of days.
B. The man is busy looking for a job.
C. The man has found a job in the restaurant.
B. Meet the woman"s boss.
C. Wrork in another restaurant.
B. Refusing the customers" unreasonable requests.
C. Never pulling a long face in front of the boss.
- 1【题文】已知函数,若,则的范围是
- 2已知函数f(x)=12x+1+m,m∈R.(1)若m=-12,求证:函数f(x)是R上的奇函数;(2)若函数f(x)在区
- 3名著阅读: “墙角的花,你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了。”这首小诗出自________的《繁星》《春水》,被称为“哲理诗”
- 4在等差数列{an}中,已知a1+a2+a3+a4+a5=20,那么a3= ( )A.4
- 5若线段CD是由线段AB平移得到的,点A(-2,3)的对应点为C(3,6),则点B(-5,-2)的对应点D的坐标是
- 6有人说“贷款消费就是超前消费”。这种观点( )A.正确,因为贷款消费超过了自己的经济承受能力B.正确,因为贷款消费是不
- 7听对话及对话后的问题。选择相应的答语。每个对话读两遍。 ( )1. A. A cup of coffee
- 8某学习小组的同学从网上找到几幅照片,根据照片所示情景请你判断他们对这四幅图的理解正确的是( )A.当火药爆炸炮弹还没发
- 9工业上用MnO2和KOH为原料制取高锰酸钾,主要生产过程分两步进行.第一步将MnO2和固体KOH粉碎,混合均匀,在空气中
- 10读表格,找规律,分别表述三个人的语文学习状况。
- 1《魏书•高祖纪》记载:“诏曰:‘今富强者并兼山泽,贫弱者望绝一廛(房屋),致令地有遗利,民无余财,或因饥馑以弃业,或因灾
- 22013年5月8日,英国首相卡梅伦在英议会接受质询时表示,英国政府并未改变英长期以来的对华及涉藏政策,即英国承认西藏是中
- 3百米赛跑过程中某时刻甲、乙两运动员的位置如图所示(1)到目前为止,两运动员中,______的平均速度较大.(2)乙运动员
- 4鱼不断地用口吞水,再从鳃盖后方排水,这样做的意义是 [ ]A.使身体能运动B.交换体内多余的水C.完成呼吸和捕食
- 5多少千克Fe2O3 与46.4千克Fe3O4 含有相同质量的铁元素?
- 6连通器的原理:连通器里的同种液体在不流动时,各容器中的液面高度总是______的.
- 7阅读下面文字,完成后面题目。(每小题3分)一切艺术作品的创作都是人物形象的创造,动画电影作为电影的一个类型,它同样具备电
- 8动脉血是指( )的血液.A.在动脉里流动B.含二氧化碳比氧多,颜色鲜红C.含氧丰富,颜色鲜红D.含二氧化碳丰富,颜色暗
- 9读图并回答问题:(1)B系统吸收的营养物质中,______是人体最重要的供能物质,这种物质是在______(填器官名称)
- 10如图所示,已知:①甲、乙、丙均为前三周期元素的气体单质,丁为固体单质。②在一定条件下甲与丙、甲与丁都按微粒个数比l:3组