B. To talk about learning to drive.
C. To share his driving experiences.
B. Through newspapers.
C. Through the program.
B. He is warm-hearted.
C. He offers lower prices.
B. He talks to them.
C. He sits beside them.
B. It"s cloudy.
C. It"s sunny.
B. Alice.
C. Richard.
B. A film.
C. An actor.
B. In Room 314.
C. In Room 223.
B. In an office.
C. At home
B. Florence.
C. Rome.
B. Stones.
C. Books.
conversation. a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be
spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it. read the four possible answers
in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. About 60
B. About 50
C. About 30
D. About 25
2. A. Her health.
B. The classes she missed.
C. The coming examination.
D. The difficult lessons.
3. A. Making an appoinment
B. Deciding what to do.
C. Checking the time
D. Going to class.
4. A. She wants him to stay longer.
B. She wishes he had left sooner.
C. She knows he must go soon
D. She wants him to go now.
5. A. Mother and chird
B. Manager and customer.
C. Teacher and student.
D. Boss and clerk.
6. A. Mother and father.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Two friends.
D. Parent and child.
7. A.She wonders why they can"t go for a walk.
B. She doesn"t want to go for a walk in the park.
C. She doesn"t want tog o out with the man.
D. She thinks it"s a good idea.
8. A. In the morning.
B. At an early age.
C. Half an hour ago.
D. At six o"clock.
9. A. In a park.
B. In a museum
C. In a zoo.
D. In a pet stone.
10. A. Because of the sixe.
B. Because of the colour.
C. Because of the material.
D. Because of the style.
B. She"s annoyed by a strange noise.
C. She doesn"t like the screen.
D. Her computer doesn"t work.
2. A.The man is going over to the woman"s place.
B. The problem is solved.
C. The man doesn"t know what"s wrong with the computer.
D. The computer is completely broken.
B. A school teacher.
C. A traveller.
D. A musician.
2. A. To urn a special school.
B. To travel abroad.
C. To run a special school.
D. To perform more beautifully
- 1(1)用分子的观点解释纯净物和混合物的区别?(2)为什么用扇子扇燃着的煤炉越扇越旺,而用扇子扇蜡烛火焰,一扇就灭?
- 2下列选项中划线的词的用法与例句中的相同的一项是[ ]例句:项伯***人,臣活之。A、乃遂收盛樊於期之首,函封之。
- 3It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be
- 4化学在工业、农业、科技等各个领域都有着广泛的应用.请阅读下面一段文字并填空.(1)写出用生石灰制备熟石灰的化学方程式__
- 5设NA为阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法错误的是A.0.1 mol铁在0.1 mol Cl2中充分燃烧,转移的电子数为0.
- 6高晨最近有些烦恼。她与班上的几位同学交往密切,是无话不谈的好朋友。高晨把她们交往中的一些趣事都一一记在自己的日记中,那可
- 7下面关于光现象的说法中,不符合客观实际的是A.小孔成像说明了光沿直线传播B.看到物体成的虚像时,没有光射入我们的眼晴C.
- 8计算:(a+3a+5a+…+2009a)-(2a+4a+6a+…+2010a)。
- 9根据汉语提示完成句子1. Where"s the __________(食物)?2. I have three ____
- 10实验结束后,把两个物镜偏到两旁的目的是( )A.防止他人看B.以免压坏显微镜C.防止灰尘落人物镜D.以免压坏物镜
- 1在平面直角坐标系中,已知动点到点的距离为,到轴的距离为,且.(1)求点的轨迹的方程;(2) 若直线斜率为1且过点,其与轨
- 2下表是1890~1933年中国GDP结构即部分经济部门占GDP的百分比(按照1933年价格计算) 18901913193
- 3校园或小区绿化设计所遵循的原则不包括 [ ]A.实用、经济 B.美观 C.标新立异 D.
- 4名著阅读。(1)我越往前走,海峡也就越浅。不多一会我已经走近岸边,到了可以听见喊声的地方。我用手举着拖来舰队的绳索的一端
- 5阅读下面的文章,并回答问题。 海水是皎洁无比的蔚蓝色,海波平稳得如春晨的西湖一样,偶有微风,只吹起了绝细绝细的千万个粼
- 6既与渤海相邻,又与黄海相邻的省级行政区是( )A.河北、山东B.山东、辽宁C.辽宁、天津D.河北、天津
- 7读我国人口分布图,回答下列各题。小题1:右图可以看出,我国人口分布特点是A.秦岭-淮河一线南北人口差异大B.南多北少 C
- 8设为等差数列{}的前n项和,若,则k的值为A.8B.7C.6D.5
- 9电流互感器是用来测量大电流的仪器,如图所示是某学生设计的电流互感器原理图,以下说法正确的是( )A.图中因变压器
- 10鉴别下列各组物质,所用试剂不正确的是( )A.待鉴定的物质:稀盐酸和稀硫酸鉴定试剂:BaCl2溶液B.待鉴定的物质:硝