B. Reference books.
C. Cooking books.
B. Worldwide Fish.
C. Tasty Fish.
试题【Conversation 1 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Picture books. B. 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. A college student.
C. An elementary student.
B. He was under great pressure.
C. He was forced to find a job.
B. Unsatisfied.
C. Strict.
B. Buy a sandwich.
C. Go out for lunch.
B. Traveling to another country.
C. Staying home for some time.
B. About two hours.
C. About one and half hours.
with the information you"ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You"ll hear the passage
Ice cream was once the luxurious food only enjoyed by ancient Roman emperors.
For quite a long time, ice cream was only served to the rich. And its ingredients were 1_____.
King Charles I of England wanted to be the only one in England who could be served with ice cream.
He got his ice cream from a 2_____.
2. Ice cream today
Today most people can afford ice cream. Last year, the average American ate 3_____ of ice cream.
In 1900 U.S. companies produced five million gallons of ice cream.
By 4_____, they were making about 350 million gallons.
3. Why ice cream is so popular
One reason ice cream has become a big business is modern refrigeration. Refrigerated trucks can carry
ice cream to 5_____ all over the country.
B. She went to buy a new clock.
C. She got up late.
B. Set the alarm this evening.
C. Buy a new alarm clock today.
B. Information on the after-sales service.
C. Telephone number and fax number.
B. 3:30 pm.
C. 4:30 pm.
- 1Today"s weather isn"t as it was yesterday, _____? [ ]A.
- 2如图为电熨斗结构示意图,图中双金属片上层金属的膨胀系数______(填大于、等于或小于)下层金属;当温度升高时,双金属片
- 3已知双曲线的顶点恰好是椭圆的两个顶点,且焦距是,则此双曲线的渐近线方程是( )A.B.C.D.
- 4— How did you find Jennifer Yuh"s new film Kung Fu. Panda 2?
- 5下图显示的是今年2月25日《太原日报》刊登的太原市2002年至2004年财政总收入完成情况,图中数据精确到1亿元,根据图
- 6X、Y、Z是周期表中相邻的三种短周期元素,它们的原子半径依次减小,X与Z的核电荷数之比为3:4,X、Y、Z分别与氢元素能
- 7(1)在同一平面直角坐标系中作出反比例函数与一次函数y2=2x-2的图象,并根据图象求出交点坐标。(2)观察图象,当x取
- 8下列各句中加点的成语,使用恰当的一项是 A.《红楼梦》通过对贾、史、王、薛四大家族的全
- 9There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son di
- 10某班同学参加环保知识竞赛,将学生的成绩(得分取整数)进行整理后分成五组,绘制成频数分布直方图,如图所示,图中从左到右各小
- 1Tonight we"re _____ to a thirteen year old boy.[ ]A. tel
- 2欢庆节日的时候人们会在夜晚燃放焰火。某种型号的礼花弹从炮筒中射出后,4s末上升到离地面100m的最高点处,并恰好在此时炸
- 3科学家发现一种新元素,它的原子核内有111个质子,161个中子,则该元素原子的核外电子数是( )A.111B.272C
- 4一物体做自由落体运动,取g=10m/s2,1s末物体的速度为( )A.20m/sB.15m/sC.10m/sD.5m/
- 5下列说法中正确的个数是( )①π3是分数;②π是无限小数;③22是分数;④a0=1;⑤0是实数.A.1个B.2个C.3
- 6宋朝时士大夫追求风雅,热衷收藏。下列物品中可能被其收藏或喜爱的是A.王冕的《墨梅图》B.顾恺之的《女史箴图》 C.赵孟頫
- 7我国各地政府改革行政审批制度,简化行政审批手续,许多地方把多个部门集中在一起设立行政服务中心,实行首办承诺制。即谁首先接
- 8心血管疾病是威胁人类健康的重要疾病,即使我们形成良好的生活习惯,有的也是不能避免的。下列疾病中属于这种情况的是:( )
- 9血洗了近代以来百年的民族耻辱,成为中华民族由衰败到重新振兴的转折点是(理解; 0.8)A.中华民国成立B.北伐战争胜利进
- 10若代数式与是同类项,则m = ,n = 。