B. The woman has never heard of Doctor Stone.
C. Doctor Stone may have published some articles already.
B. The man"s research.
C. Some of his articles.
B. She is going to listen to Doctor Stone"s.
C. She is not going to any report.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. Doctor Stone will give 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. In the classroom.
C. In the office.
B. He didn"t sleep well last night.
C. He didn"t understand the meaning of the book.
B. To read the book aloud.
C.To read from the end.
B. Yellow fever.
C. Lung cancer.
B. Madison was not happy when he stayed with Todd.
C. Madison and Todd had a son together.
B. Fourteen years.
C. Forty-one years.
B. Because Jefferson appointed him as Secretary of State.
C. Because he died in 1801.
B. At a station.
C. On the street.
B. His car"s wind screen was hit by a stone.
C. He was hit by a stone.
B. His mother.
C. His sister.
B. Mother and son.
C. Driver and passenger.
B. To go to see a play.
C. To go to see a movie.
B. Surfing the Internet.
C. Searching for interesting people.
B. People in need of his help.
C. People on the same project.
B. In the man"s office.
C. In the woman"s house.
B. A three-bedroom flat.
C. A ground-floor flat.
B. It is too expensive to buy.
C. It is satisfying on the whole.
- 1如图,OA、BA分别表示甲、乙两名学生在一次运动时的函数图象,根据图象判断快者的速度比慢者的速度每秒快( )米.
- 2Our country _______ a lot in the last fifty years. A.will ch
- 3下列溶液中各微粒的浓度关系一定正确的是 [ ]A.某酸性溶液中只含NH4+、Cl-、H+、OH-四种离子,则溶液
- 4某校学生暑假乘汽车到外地参加夏令营活动,目的地离学校120千米,一部分学生乘慢车先行,出发1小时后,另一部分学生乘快车前
- 5在某生态系统中,存在蛇、猫头鹰和鼠等动物。当猫头鹰也以鼠为食时,蛇与鼠、蛇与猫头鹰的关系是[ ]A.捕食与捕食
- 6阅读材料,回答问题:(6分)1975年在湖北云梦县睡虎地出土的竹简,第一次提供了自秦孝公至秦始皇时期陆续修成的秦律的部分
- 7Don"t be too general. Please give a ________ suggestion on h
- 8第二节:(共5小题;每小韪分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有多余选项。
- 9阅读下面的诗文,回答文后提出的问题。登岳阳楼(其一)陈与义洞庭之东江水西,帘旌不动夕阳迟。登临吴蜀横分地,徙倚湖山欲暮时
- 10民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。下列名言警句中不能够体现中华民族民族精神的有[ ]A.天行健,君子以
- 1如图,容积为V1的容器内充有压缩空气。容器与水银压强计相连,压强计左右两管下部由软胶管相连。气阀关闭时,两管中水银面登高
- 2生活中碰到的某些问题,常涉及到化学知识,下列分析不正确的是( )A.Mg(OH)2和Al(OH)3热分解生成的气态水可
- 3已知反比例函数的图象如图所示,那么m的取值范围是 .
- 4补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(1)闻道有先后,_________________,如是而已。(韩愈《师说》) (2)
- 5下表为“我国某城市学生连续三天实测日出、日落时刻(北京时间)和正午标杆影长记录表”,据此完成下列问题。 日出日落正午标杆
- 6在常温下,Fe与水并不起反应,但在高温下,Fe与水蒸气可发生反应.应用下列装置,在硬质玻璃管中放入还原铁粉和石棉绒的混合
- 7某企业2006年盈利1500万元,2008年克服全球金融危机的不利影响,仍实现盈利2160万元.从2006年到2008年
- 8【题文】填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是( )庐山避暑胜地,果然名不虚
- 9古诗文填空:(8分)(每空1分,凡有错别字的句子不得分)(1) ,关山度若飞。(2)
- 10如图所示,闭合开关后,、、中的电流分别是0.3A、0.2A、0.1A,则电流表的示数为:[ ]A.0.4A