B. In the classroom.
C. In the office.
B. He didn"t sleep well last night.
C. He didn"t understand the meaning of the book.
B. To read the book aloud.
C.To read from the end.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. Where are the speakers most probably?A. In the dining room. 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Yellow fever.
C. Lung cancer.
B. Madison was not happy when he stayed with Todd.
C. Madison and Todd had a son together.
B. Fourteen years.
C. Forty-one years.
B. Because Jefferson appointed him as Secretary of State.
C. Because he died in 1801.
B. At a station.
C. On the street.
B. His car"s wind screen was hit by a stone.
C. He was hit by a stone.
B. His mother.
C. His sister.
B. Mother and son.
C. Driver and passenger.
B. To go to see a play.
C. To go to see a movie.
B. Surfing the Internet.
C. Searching for interesting people.
B. People in need of his help.
C. People on the same project.
B. In the man"s office.
C. In the woman"s house.
B. A three-bedroom flat.
C. A ground-floor flat.
B. It is too expensive to buy.
C. It is satisfying on the whole.
B. A red sweater.
C. Tennis shoes.
B. A woman who robs men in the park.
C. A man who dresses up like a woman.
B. Such a case has never been heard before.
C. The man speaker has been robbed several times.
- 1 —My spoken English is poor, what shall I do? —___an Englis
- 21931年,一位科学家病重将要离世的消息牵动着世界人民的心,几十名记者为他守夜,每隔一个小时就对外发布一次消息:“灯”还
- 3In the past three years they _ nothing. [
- 4【题文】依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )印象中,成熟的向日葵,花盘都是低垂的,
- 5【题文】 “滴、滴、滴……!刚才最后一响是北京时间8点整”。每当听到这熟悉的报时声,你可知道,标准的“北京时间”发自我国
- 6WikiWiki一词来源于夏威夷语的“wee kee wee kee”,原意是“快点快点”。它是一种多人协作的网络超文本
- 7“换客”将自己的闲置物品发布到网站与网友交换,使过去的“买——用——闲置(或扔)”单线型消费变为现在的“用——换——用”
- 8函数f(x)=ln x的图象与函数g(x)=x2-4x+4的图象的交点个数为( )A.0B.1C.2D.3
- 9下列方程组中是二元一次方程组的是( )A.x+2y=62y-3z=5B.x+1y=22x-y=1C.x+y=4y=3D
- 10一场风雨中,某雨滴正与竖直方向成45°向下偏西方向做匀速下落,则雨滴所受空气的作用力大小和方向是
- 1【题文】已知是R上的单调递增函数,则实数a的取值范围为( )A.(1,+∞)B.(1,8)C.(4,8)D.[
- 2按要求作文。 我们在学习、生活和工作中,有很多的经历是难以忘怀的,例如习惯养成、难题探究、同伴合作、社会实践……这些丰
- 3我国有些煤矿的坑道中具有丰富的可燃性气体.利用该可燃气可建成发电厂,这样既充分利用了能源,又保证了煤矿的安全生产,坑道中
- 4-Who ________ a dog in my class? -Many students ________.
- 5计算:3-27-|3-π|.
- 6随着时代的进步,轿车的车速和性能有了较大提升,某轿车如图所示,它的质量是1.8t,每个车轮与地面的接触面积是0.02m2
- 7如图,矩形ABCD的两条对角线相交于点O,∠AOD=60°,AD=2,则AB的长是[ ]A.2B.4C.2D.4
- 8A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J均为有机化合物,根据以下框图,回答问题:(1)B和C均为有支链的有机化合物,B的结
- 9如图所示,为了捉到一条鱼,猩猩用矛对准看到的鱼拼命地刺向水里却没有成功.这主要是由于光的______现象.猩猩看到水中的
- 10实际划分东西半球的界线是( )A.任意两条相对的经线所组成的经线圈B.0°和180°经线所组成的经线圈C.西经2