B. She had a bad stomachache.
C. Her neighbors made much noise.
B. The girl in Apartment 3.
C. The man in Apartment 2.
B. Listen to some music.
C. Talk to her neighbors.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. Why did Polly get a bad sleep last night?A. She had a bad hea】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. In the woman’s home.
C. At an insurance company.
B. The kitchen window.
C. The bedroom window.
B. To help her rebuild her house.
C. To show honesty in his business.
B. How to maintain healthy bones.
C. The structure of sea coral.
B. The patient might reject the bone.
C. There are not enough donors.
B. Its composition is similar to that of bone.
C. It is not as brittle as bone.
B. At the hospital.
C. At a theatre.
B. He’s too nervous to calm down.
C. The woman shouldn’t wait to be interviewed.
B. The meaning.
C. The pronunciation.
B. In a zoo.
C. In a restaurant.
B. Phone and make an appointment.
C. Read the advertisements in the newspapers.
B. He is a teacher.
C. He is a worker.
B. All day long
C. Half an hour.
B. See a film.
C. Do maths homework.
B. The boy just ate something.
C. They are going to have dinner soon.
B. Candy.
D. Sandwich.
B. Broccoli.
C. Carrots.
- 1下列几种估测中,比较符合实际情况的是( )A.小明午餐大约吃4㎏的米饭B.教室的高度大约是7mC.泉州市六月份的平均气
- 2把740200保留三个有效数字的近似数表示为_______。
- 3点到直线的距离,是过这点画这条直线的垂线,这点与垂足的距离.[ ]
- 4(本小题满分10分)选修4-5:不等式选讲已知函数f(x)=|x-2|-|x-5|。(I)证明:-3≤f(x)≤3;(I
- 5给下面划线的字注音,根据拼音写出汉字并改正句中的错别字。 对高尚道德的不懈追求是中华民族的优良传统和精神财富
- 6某同学在复习课上罗列了李鸿章、康有为、孙中山、陈独秀的有关事迹。你认为他们复习的主题是[ ] A.侵略与反抗B
- 7历史上中国文化曾对世界产生过重要影响。近年来,伴随着中国的崛起,世界上掀起了一股中国文化热。从中华民族精神的价值角度看,
- 8从西周“普天之下,莫非王土”到战国“废井田,开阡陌”,直接反映了A.分封制的瓦解 B.土地兼并的出现C.井田制的崩溃D.
- 9— ______ Mary ______ Alice has joined the music club because
- 10在①正方形,②直角三角形,③梯形这三个图形中,中心对称图形的是( )(填序号)。
- 1在比例尺为1:10000的地图上,若某建筑物在图上的面积为50cm2,则该建筑物实际占地面积为[ ]A、50m2
- 2现代文阅读。龙潭
- 3如图所示,菱形ABCD的周长为20cm,DE⊥AB,垂足为E,sinA=35,则下列结论正确的个数有( )①DE=3c
- 4马来群岛大部分地区属于[ ]A.热带季风气候B.热带雨林气候C.热带草原气候D.热带沙漠气候
- 5两个条形磁体如图所示放置,在每一个磁体上放一枚小铁钉,当两磁体相互接触时,小铁钉将会[ ]A、相互靠近 B、相互
- 6若抛物线y2=2px的焦点与双曲线的右焦点重合,则p的值为( )。
- 7__________是撑起信心的最重要支柱。
- 8认真观察下面一幅漫画,按要求答题。(1)请用简洁的语言介绍这幅漫画的内容。答:_____________________
- 9计算(1)(2)(3)﹣.(4)﹣(x﹣1)
- 10The students in the class were______ four groups before they