B. The Ming Tombs.
C. The Temple of Heaven.
B. 4 days.
C. 5 days.
B. Visit Longevity Hill.
C. Take a boat on Kunming Lake.
试题【听下面的材料,回答第1至3题。1. Which of the following places did they visit on August 4th?A. 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. A cinema.
C. A film.
B. Read science fictions.
C. Sit tight.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Husband and wife.
B. His aunt gave it to him.
C. The woman gave it to him.
B. Doing shopping.
C. Having dinner.
B. He is good at making friends.
C. He majored in communicating.
B. He is a little bit careless.
C. He likes worrying very much.
B. 75.
C. 78.
B. To meet her client.
C. To meet her old neighbour.
B. Behind a baker’s.
C. Next to a flower shop.
B. Host and guest.
C. Boss and secretary.
B. He has no time to look at the conference materials.
C. His English is not so fluent now..
B. She knows the technical terms but doesn’t understand all of them.
C. She feels excited about the talk that she will give at the conference
B. Pictures.
C. Stories.
B. It is embarrassing.
C. It hurts.
B. Having an exam.
C. Moving to a new place.
B. Stressful.
C. Enjoyable.
- 1仿写。苦难对于奋进者是一块垫脚石,对于能干者是一笔财富,对于弱者是一个万丈深渊。成功对于
- 2美国记者约翰·里德(1888—1920)描述了一场战争中彼得格勒和莫斯科的情景:“没有人知道俄国是怎样度过那个冬天的,…
- 3Do you _______ newspapers every day?[ ]A. watchB. look a
- 4免疫细胞是指A.红细胞B.血浆细胞C.淋巴细胞D.血小板
- 5某兴趣小组以“新中国科技世界之最”为课题,开展研究,收集到以下资料,其中最适合入选的是A.中国第一颗原子弹B.中国第一颗
- 6一块质量为400克的铜块和一个铅块吸收相同的热量后,升高的温度之比为4:3,求这铅块的质量.[C铜=0.39×103J/
- 7下图是某地等高线地形图和海平面以下地层示意图,读图回答下列小题。小题1:如图所示时间,关于A河流域说法正确的是A.正值炎
- 8计算:=( )。
- 9下列说法正确的是( )A.可逆反应的特征是正反应速率和逆反应速率相等B.在其他条件不变时,使用催化剂只能改变反应速率,
- 10Michael is _____ to lift the bag full of rice onto the truck
- 1初三(1)班有48名学生,春游前,班长把全班学生对春游地点的意向绘制成了扇形统计图,其中“想去野生动物园的学生数”的扇形
- 2我国南、北方地区的界线确定,其主导因素是( )A.纬度位置B.地势高低C.海陆位置D.气候条件
- 32007年4月29日,一项旨在为我国困难老人提供援助的基金在北京人民大会堂正式启动。据介绍,目前我国正处在老龄化社会的加
- 4—____ today? —It"s Monday. [ ]A. What day is B. What"s t
- 5依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①能源短缺,加
- 6 "Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by
- 7、抛物线上有一点到焦点的距离为5,(1)求的值;(2)过焦点且斜率为1的直线交抛物线于两点,求线段的长。
- 8红细胞悬液为不透明的红色液体,而红细胞发生溶血(红细胞破裂)后,光线比较容易通过溶液,溶液会逐渐变澄清,所以可通过红细胞
- 9______ is known to all,the Amber Room belongs to the Russian
- 10当不慎有大量Cl2逸出,可以用浸有某种物质的一定浓度的水溶液的毛巾捂住鼻子,该溶液最适宜采用的是( )A.烧碱溶液B.