B. Because he had changed a lot.
C. Because she had thought that he would still be at university.
B.He was a good student.
C. He didn"t like his father.
B.It was longer.
C.It was interesting.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题.1. Why was the woman surprised to see Harry? A. Because she h】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Drive the woman to a hotel.
C. Meet a guest at the a/rport.
B.At the man"s house.
C.At the woman"s house.
B.A hotel reception.
C.A business meeting.
B. A good night"s sleep makes a person less sleepy.
C. Sleep and dreams don"t affect the way people feel.
B. The person who appears in a dream is more important.
C. The dream character doesn"t affect the person"s performance during the day.
B. Hhe dreams what he does during the day.
C. If the special character appears in his dreams.
B.In an office.
C.On the phone.
B.He had no time.
C. He didn"t know the way to it.
B. She"s going to lose some weight.
C. She"s going to put on some weight.
B.Do the cooking.
C. She will have a day off.
B. He wins the first place in the final exam."
C. He wins the first in the l00-metre run.
C.Wednesday evening.
B. She is a musician.
C. She is a football player.
B. They are going to have dinner together.
C. They are going to enjoy a concert.
B. On May 3rd.
C. On May 4th.
B. Some students will attend the speech contest.
C. Some writers and actors will come.
B. Some writers and actors.
C. Some teachers.
- 1下列化学用语表达正确的是 A.三氧化硫分子比例模型: B.次氯酸分子的电子式:C.基态硫原子的价电子排布:
- 2She has been skating _______she came to our city. [ ]A
- 32008奥运圣火点燃。纵览今日北京,一座彰显“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”三大主题的环境友好型城市呼之欲出,为北京树立
- 4空中匀速下降的两只降落伞,其总质量相等.甲的速度是3m/s,乙的速度是5m/s,所受阻力F甲、F乙之比是( )A.3:
- 5下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音全都相同的一组是( )A.呜咽/悲咽殷勤/殷实冠名/夺冠B.枕藉/狼藉剿袭/剿灭漂洗
- 6若盒中装有同一型号的灯泡共只,其中有只合格品,只次品。(1) 某工人师傅有放回地连续从该盒中取灯泡次,每次取一只灯泡,求
- 7阅读《五柳先生传》一文中的选段,并回答问题。 先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字,宅边有五柳树,因以为号焉。闲静少言,不慕
- 8为了控制汽车尾气给空气造成的污染,在燃料的使用和管理等方面采取了一些有效措施.(1)图1中公交车使用的天然气主要成分是_
- 9玄武湖遂道工程是南京市规划的“经六纬九”以及快速井字型内环的重要组成部分.隧道西起模范马路南京工业大学附近入口,东至新庄
- 10下列关于省区轮廓与其名称、简称、省级行政中心搭配正确的一组是[ ]A.①—黑龙江—龙—哈尔滨 B.②—湖北—
- 17月5日发生在乌鲁木齐的打砸抢烧严重暴力事件是有组织、有预谋的,是境外分裂势力策划和煽动引起的,他们试图制造民族分裂的阴
- 2下列熟语中有错别字的一项是A.听风就是雨无风不起浪吃一堑长一智闭塞眼睛捉麻雀B.图穷匕首见无根不长草出污泥而不染不到长城
- 3下列说法正确的是 A.Li是最活泼金属,F是最活泼非金属B.元素周期表有7个主族,7个副族,1个0族,1个Ⅷ族,共
- 4—How about raising money for the people in Yushu, Qinghai?—_
- 5下列陈述中正确的是:( ) A.光的偏振现象证明光是一种纵波B.衍射条纹有单色和彩色
- 6My sister was determined that her daughter ____abroad when s
- 7化简:
- 8对下面文段中加线词的解释有错误的一项是(3分) ( )马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。食马者
- 9读南极地区图,回答下列问题。(1)我国的长城站(62°S,59°W)位于中山站(69°S,76°E)的________方
- 10英国经济学家凯恩斯在《和约的经济后果》一书中说:“凡尔赛条约是一个残忍的胜利者在文明史上所干出的最凶暴的行为之一。”这是