B. A waiter.
C. A manager.
B. An hour.
C. Two hours.
B. In the office.
C. In the sports field.
B. She politely refused the offer of help.
C. Her son wouldn"t arrive there right then.
B. The color does not quite suit her.
C. Her friend has made a right choice.
试题【听下面5 段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. In her garage.
C. In her garden.
B. For meat.
C. For sport.
B. He doesn"t like snakes as pets.
C. He doesn"t like talking about snakes.
B. They are not quite good.
C. They are very well drawn.
B. Classmates.
C. Teacher and pupil.
B. He can draw without looking at the object he draws.
C. He has a special gift in drawing but finds other things difficult.
B. A street dancer.
C. A street musician.
B. Because there are fewer people in those seasons.
C. Because he doesn"t like going out in those seasons.
B. Because he wants to become a better performer.
C. Because he can learn more from other performers
A. Because it took much time.
B. Because it was a hard job.
C. Because it was too late.
B. There were no sports tracks there.
C. There were too many houses there.
B. less than 10 years ago.
C. More than 10 years ago.
B. In 1918.
C. In 1925.
B. A film with sound.
C. A music drama.
B. It made the first experimental movies with sound.
C. It intends to step into the field of mobile phones.
- 1如图所示为氢原子的能级图,若用能量为12.75eV的光子去照射大量处于基态的氢原子,则( )A.氢原子能从基态跃迁到n
- 2 When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk befo
- 3下列不属于新能源的是[ ]A.风能B.太阳能C.潮汐能D.石油
- 4(6分)试用“分子”、“原子”或“元素”回答:(1)酒精易挥发,这表明酒精 在作扩散运动,由液态变成气态,表
- 5用温度计测量人体温度时,以下物理量没有发生变化的是( )A.质量B.体积C.密度D.温度
- 6【题文】读日本东部海域相关地质构造图,回答以下问题。【小题1】海底可燃冰是由天然气与水在高压低温条件下形成的冰状结晶物质
- 7阅读下面的文言文,完成小题。离魂记(唐)陈玄祐天授三年,清河张镒,因官家于衡州。性简静,寡知友。无子,有女二人。其长早亡
- 82011年3月1日,国务院正式批复《浙江_______经济发展示范区规划》,宁波——舟山港海域 、海岛及其依托城市成为规
- 9在饱和Na2CO3溶液中通入二氧化碳会有晶体析出,在饱和NaCl溶液中通入CO2则不发生化学反应。若在饱和NaCl溶液中
- 10 I felt____after he opened the present. I thought he would h
- 1【题文】概括下面这段文字的主要信息。(不超过20字)(3分)从龟甲、竹简、绢帛到纸张、印刷术的发明,从莫斯电码、二进制代
- 2自从我国汽车市场开放以来,降价从来就是车市的主旋律。2008年以来,随着石油、铁矿石等基础性资源价格不断上涨,我国两家自
- 3下列句子中划线的词语使用正确的一项是( )A.阿富汗境内各派别势力打得不可开交,致使临时政府主席卡尔扎伊大为恼火,他表
- 4听下面一段材料,回答第1-2题。1. What are many children interested in?A.
- 5下列实验能达到预期目的的是①用硝酸钡溶液鉴别硫酸根离子与亚硫酸根离子;②用乙醇从碘水中萃取碘;③用溴水检验汽油中是否含有
- 6如图,C为线段AB上的一点,△ACM、△CBN都是等边三角形,若AC=3,BC=2,则△MCD与△BND的面积比为(
- 7根据图画提示填写出交通方式。1.My English teacher goes to work ________ .2.
- 8社会上有高尚的,有中庸的,有低俗的,有邪恶的现象。有些青少年盲目地“随大流”或模仿别人,究其原因是[ ]A、敢于
- 9下面大洲轮廓属于__________洲。
- 10“大将筹边尚未还,湖湘子弟满天山。新栽杨柳三千里,引得春风度玉关。”这首诗颂扬了一位清代名将率军收复新疆、治理边疆的业绩