B. 55 dollars.
C. 60 dollars.
B. Art Museum.
C. Bus Station.
B. An engineer.
C. A journalist.
B. On Sunday.
C. Tomorrow.
B. More expensive.
C. Cheaper.
1. Where does the woman want to go?
A. To a hospital
B. To a bank.
C. To a hotel.
2. What does the man mean?
A. He will go to Mr. Black’s office after half past two.
B. He won"t meet Mr. Black in his office today.
C. He just came back from Mr. Black’s office.
3. What does the man think of his performance?
A. Not so good.
B. Great
C. Terrible.
4. How is the man feeling now?
A. Sleepy.
B. Angry .
C. Thirsty.
5. What’s the weather like today?
A. Warm.
B. Cold.
C. Hot.
1. When will the speaker’s mother come back?
A. At 10:00.
B. At 10:30.
C. At 11:00.
2. What gift does the woman want to receive?
A. An iPhone 4.
B. A camera.
C. A pair of shoes.
1. What do we know about Lucy?
A. She’s popular with others.
B. She doesn’t behave well.
C. She isn"t very pretty.
2. What does Mary have to do tomorrow?
A. Finish her school paper.
B. Hand in her school paper .
C. Take an exam.
1. What did the man do yesterday?
A. He went downtown.
B. He bought books online.
C. He hung out with his friends.
2. What does the man think of the Chinese language?
A. Fun.
B. Strange.
C. Difficult.
3. Why does the man’s nephew want to learn Chinese?
A. He is interested in it.
B. His parents ask him to do it.
C. He will study in China.
1. When does this class begin?
A. At 8:00.
B. At 9:00.
C. At 10:00.
2. What happens if a student misses three classes?
A. He can make up for the classes at weekends.
B. He need to pay more money for the classes.
C. He will be dropped from the classes.
3. Which of the following about safety is mentioned in the talk?
A. Keeping long hair tied back.
B. Wearing gloves before the class.
C. Changing shoes before the class.
- 1阅读下面的文字,完成下面题目。烟雨桃花潭陈所巨桃花潭早在神往之中。每每由凝思进入幻境,将自己化成汪伦、李白,或岸上,或舟
- 2(6分)在做“研究匀变速直线运动”的实验时,某同学得到一条用打点计时器打下的纸带,并在其上取了A、B、C、D、E、F等6
- 3日本外务省发言人指出,印支停战将使中国在世界事务中的地位提高。美国《商业周刊》的评论称,美国企图把中国“无限期排斥在世界
- 4如图甲所示的平底部薄壁玻璃杯,底面积为3×10-3m2,装满水后水深0.1m.。现将一个5×10-5m3的木块缓慢放入水
- 5有氧化铁和氧化铜的混合物ag,加入2mol/L的硫酸溶液50mL时,恰好完全溶解。若将等质量这种混合物在氢气中加热并充分
- 6已知为执行如图所示的程序框图输出的结果,则二项式的展开式中含项的系数是( ).A.192B.32C.96D.-192
- 7一频率为600Hz的声源以20rad/s的角速度沿一半径为0.80m的圆周作匀速圆周运动,一观察者站在离圆心很远的P点且
- 8已知数列{an},Sn是其n前项的和,且满足3an=2Sn+n(n∈N*)(1)求证:数列{an+12}为等比数列;(2
- 9阅读下面的唐诗,完成下列问题。山中王勃长江悲已滞,万里念将归。况属高风晚,山山黄叶飞。 [注]本诗大概作于王勃被废斥
- 10阅读下面的文言文,完成小题小石城山记柳宗元自西山道口径北,逾黄茅岭而下,有二道:其一西出,寻之无所得;其一少北而东,不过
- 1阅读下面两首诗,然后回答问题。(8分)鹧 鸪 词李益湘江斑竹枝,锦翅鹧鸪飞。处处湘云合,郎从何处归?鹧 鸪 词李涉湘江烟
- 2直径为6和10的两圆相外切,则其圆心距为( )A.16B.8C.4D.2
- 3一个人用100N的力往下按某一杠杆,把一个物体举高了0.5m.如果人手下降的高度是2m,在这一过程中,人做的功是 ___
- 4光线从空气中垂直入射到水中时,传播方向______(填“改变”或“不变”),传播速度______(填“变大”“变小”或“
- 5After a 5-year absence, we returned to our mother school, an
- 6—Is it all right if I keep this photo?—________.A. No, you d
- 7近代一有识之士曾说:“一国所得,诸国安然而享之;一国所求,诸国群起而助之,是不啻驱西洋诸国,使之协以谋我。”上述言论最能
- 8已知各项均不相等的等差数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,若S3=15,且a3+1为a1+1和a7+1的等比中项.(1)求数列
- 9一艘轮船由海平面上A地出发向南偏西40º的方向行驶40海里到达B地,再由B地向北偏西20º的方向行驶40海里到达C地,则
- 10-Your skirt is so nice. -__________.[ ]A. It’s not nice