B. To buy a new car.
C. To open a dog hospital.
B. Walking dogs.
C. Carrying papers.
B. It can bring her more money.
C. It"s good for her health.
试题【听下面一段对话, 回答第1至3题.1. Why does the woman want to make some money?A. To take a trip】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B.She took a taxi but still was late.
C.She was ill and went to see the doctor.
B.For about three hours.
C.For about four hours.
B.Answer the mail right away.
C.File important information.
B.Twice a month.
C.Once a year.
A.The speaker is an advisor at a high school.
B.We have to give up some of our subscriptions sometimes.
C.We should store something on the top of our desk for use.
B. A singer.
C. A student.
B. He doesn"t have time to practice.
C. He isn"t interested in joining it.
B. She has never played the guitar.
C. She has made a lot of friends.
B.It could make him lose an important business partner.
C.It could make him lose a good job.
B.Ask his guests to come in another day.
C.Ask his guests to wait for him in the hall.
B.He has been fired because of the mistake.
C.He is a green hand in the restaurant.
B. Seventeen.
C. Twentytwo.
B. She can"t get on well with her classmates.
C. Something is wrong with her brain.
B. She"s better at studies and sports than any other student.
C. She"s not different from the average teenagers.
B. Her gift for studies and sports.
C. Her family and school background.
- 1下列现象不属于复杂反射活动的是( )A.谈虎色变B.一次遭蛇咬,十年怕井绳C.寒冷使皮肤出现“鸡皮疙瘩”D.听到铃声进
- 2将三粒均匀的分别标有:1,2,3,4,5,6的正六面体骰子同时掷出,出现的数字分别为a,b,c,则a,b,c正好是直角三
- 3终身具有造血功能的结构是( )A.骨膜B.骨松质内的红骨髓C.骨干D.骨髓腔内的黄骨髓
- 4作文。 材料一:“人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情!” 材料二:在上学的路上,
- 5两极格局结束和世界格局多极化趋势开始的标志是[ ]A.美国侵略朝鲜战争的失败B.东欧剧变和苏联解体C.美国侵略越
- 6The doctor _________ him to give up smoking but he would not
- 7—How are you getting on with your study? — , thank you
- 8阅读下面材料,根据要求写小作文。(15分)2009年 12月13日,都昌候鸟自然保护区管理局查获一起非法猎捕候鸟案,解救
- 9能用发霉、变质的残羹剩饭或饲料喂养家禽家畜吗?为什么?
- 10斯大林逝世后,在苏联开始进行改革的是[ ]A.勃列日涅夫B.赫鲁晓夫C.安德罗波夫D.契尔年科
- 1月球的土壤中吸附着数百万吨的氦(He-3),其原子核中质子数为2、中子数为1,下列关于氦(He-3)元素的说法正确的是(
- 2阅读材料回答问题材料一 要使欧洲国家统一起来,必须结束长达百年之久法德之间的冲突……把法德的全部煤钢生产置于一个其他欧洲
- 3使用显微镜观察植物细胞的切片时,若是在光线很强的条件下,为了控制进光量,应选用的反光镜是 (填“平面
- 4中国同盟会在《民报》创刊号上,刊登了黄帝像,其主要目的是 [ ]A.提倡民主自由 B.宣传排满革命 C.倡导个人
- 5 新学期开始,班主任让同学们自荐和竞争各学科科代表的位置,你很想当某学科(可写任意一科)科代表,但你这科的成绩并不是全
- 6若入射光线与镜面夹角是30°,则入射角为____度,反射角为____度,平面镜绕入射点转动 ____度,能使入射光线与反
- 7阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。心中有光,是信念的基点,是力量的源泉,是开启人生之路的探照灯,是打开成功之门的金钥匙。海明
- 8根据信息表,介绍你的好朋友Helen,不少于50字。姓名Helen Smith性别女电话号码951—3397学校PEP
- 9下列物体中:①食用油,②酱油,③醋,④人体,⑤食盐水溶液,⑥塑料尺,⑦橡皮,⑧干毛巾,⑨湿毛巾.属于导体的是______
- 10新中国成立后,我国各民族建立了___________的新型关系。[ ]A.平等、团结、共同繁荣 B