1. What does Henry like doing at the airports?
A. Watching people.
B. Telling stories.
C. Reading magazines.
2. What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day?
A. A valuable suitcase was missing.
B. A banker stole a large sum of money.
C. A woman ran away from home.
3. Why was the woman Henry mentions at the airport?
A. She was traveling on business.
B. She was leaving for Greece.
C. She was seeing her husband off.
试题【听下面一段对话,回答第1-3题。1. What does Henry like doing at the airports?A. Watching people】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Doctor and patient.
B. Operator and caller.
C. Customer and repairman.
2. How many cities has the man traveled to according to the conversation?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
3. What does the man mean?
A. He wants to go with the woman.
B. He won’t get up as early as 7 am.
C. He is not interested in going there.
4. What does the man have for this meal?
A. Soup,noodles and iced tea.
B. A sandwich,noodles and hot coffee.
C. Soup,noodles and hot coffee.
5. Why does the man ask for a leave?
A. He is ill.
B. His mother is ill.
C. His father is ill.
1. What is Miss Smith doing?
A. Making a call.
B. Taking a break.
C. Attending a meeting.
2. When should Miss Smith call the man according to the conversation?
A. Today.
B. Tomorrow.
C. The day after tomorrow.
3. What number should Miss Smith call?
A. 802-8714-246.
B. 802-9714-246.
C. 902-8741-426.
1. Who is the woman most probably?
A. The man’s classmate.
B. The man’s colleague.
C. The man’s secretary.
2. What happened in the afternoon?
A. A bank was robbed.
B. A fight broke out in the street.
C. A girl was shot and killed.
3. What can we know about Mary?
A. She caught a cold.
B. She was hurt.
C. She was scared.
1. How long has the man been in Brighton?
A. For 2 years.
B. For 5 years.
C. For 6 years.
2. What will the man do in Nigeria?
A. A doctor.
B. A nurse.
C. An organizer.
3. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The man has got his new job this morning.
B. The woman thinks the man’s decision is wise.
C. Brighton is a small town in Africa.
1. What do the speakers agree with each other about?
A. The Snoopy series are too childish.
B. Cartoons are fun for both kids and adults.
C. Their lives are too stressful to tolerate.
2. What does the man tell the woman about Ice Age?
A. The plot is not easy to understand.
B. All the characters are animals.
C. It’s an imaginative film.
3. How does the man feel about humans in some other cartoon movies?
A. Unkind.
B. Brave.
C. Lovely.
- 1长江水能资源蕴藏量占全国的________,长江水能资源主要集中在_______河段。
- 2某酒厂制作了3种不同的精美卡片,每瓶酒酒盒随机装入一张卡片,集齐3种卡片可获奖,现购买该种酒5瓶,能获奖的概率为____
- 3(体验探究题)(1)3x-2不是二次根式,原因是______;(2)a不是二次根式,原因是______;(3)4是二次根
- 42011年4月20日,海南离岛免税购物政策在三亚的免税店试点实施,免税商品受到热捧,销售收入大增。免税商品销售收入的提高
- 5有a、b两束单色光从空气中平行照射在平行玻璃砖上,它们经玻璃折射后射入空气的光线如图1所示。则有关a、b光的说法正确的是
- 6物理学中用光线来描述光的传播路径,用磁感线来描述磁场,以下说法正确的是:[ ]A.光线是真实存在的B.磁感线是真
- 7分别在pH=2的酸溶液和pH=13的NaOH溶液中加入足量的铝,放出氢气的量前者多,其原因可能是( )A.两溶液的体积
- 8(10福建南安4.)今年4月22日是第41个世界地球日。今年地球日主题为:“珍惜地球资源、 转变发展方式 、倡导低碳生活
- 9根据生男生女的图解(如图),判断下列说法错误的是( )A.当受精卵含有XY染色体时,将生长发育成为男孩B.正常女性产生
- 10观察下图,回答问题。 (1)依据上图内容,分析党中央提出了什么方针。这一方针的含义是什么?这一方针针对什么领域?____
- 1设,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 2下面关于启蒙运动兴起背景的表述不正确的是[ ]A.西欧资本主义萌芽的产生B.自然科学取得了长足的进步C.封建君主
- 3下表反映了2002~2003年间,我国珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、京津冀、大东北“四大经济圈”三大产业结构的变化情况。阅读下
- 4竞争的市场可能会带来很不公平的收入分配,甚至会使得一部分人缺乏赖以生存的基本生活资料。对此,经济学家奥肯在《平等与效率》
- 5植物特别矮小,叶片呈暗绿色并出现紫色,这种症状可能是缺乏 ( )A.铁B.磷C.钾D.氮
- 6法国国歌《马赛曲》在俄国一度被禁止演奏,但1891年法国舰队访问俄国时,俄国乐队高奏《马赛曲》,连沙皇也破例脱帽致敬。这
- 7运动员在踢足球时,足球被踢离开脚后还能在空中继续飞行,这是因为足球具有______;足球后来会落向地面,是因为足球受__
- 80.25+(-18)-34-|-78
- 9如图所示,重为10N,底面积为4×10-2m2的水桶,内盛深度为20cm的水,放在面积为1 m2的水平桌面的中央,则水对
- 10—Do you like rock music , Ann ?— ________ . It’s too noisy t