1. How long has the man been in Brighton?
A. For 2 years.
B. For 5 years.
C. For 6 years.
2. What will the man do in Nigeria?
A. A doctor.
B. A nurse.
C. An organizer.
3. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The man has got his new job this morning.
B. The woman thinks the man’s decision is wise.
C. Brighton is a small town in Africa.
1. What do the speakers agree with each other about?
A. The Snoopy series are too childish.
B. Cartoons are fun for both kids and adults.
C. Their lives are too stressful to tolerate.
2. What does the man tell the woman about Ice Age?
A. The plot is not easy to understand.
B. All the characters are animals.
C. It’s an imaginative film.
3. How does the man feel about humans in some other cartoon movies?
A. Unkind.
B. Brave.
C. Lovely.
1. What did Maria do right after graduation?
A. She entered politics.
B. She worked as a teacher.
C. She worked for her father.
2. Where did Maria set up her first coffee bar?
A. In London.
B. In Singapore.
C. In New York.
3. How many coffee bars does Maria have now?
A. 10.
B. 80.
C. 85.
A. Take a trip to France.
B. Study French further.
C. Study further in France.
2. When should the woman go to meet the man?
A. At 10∶00.
B. At 10∶30.
C. At 11∶00.
3. Where does the conversation take place?
A. On a bus.
B. On a train.
C. On a plane.
4. What does the man think of the restaurant?
A. The service there is satisfying.
B. The food there is cheap.
C. It’s bright and clean.
5. Why does the woman thank the man?
A. He returned her money found.
B. He gave her a fivepound bill.
C. He lent her some money.
1. When did the man get to the park this morning?
A. At 5∶00.
B. At 5∶30.
C. At 6∶00.
2. How many times has the man been to the park early in the morning?
A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
3. What can we know about the man?
A. He is a Chinese.
B. He used to play Taijiquan.
C. He had a good time this morning.
1. Where does the conversation take place?
A. On the subway.
B. At the bus stop.
C. On the train.
2. Why did the man speaker want to beat the guy?
A. The guy stole some money from him.
B. The guy grabbed his girlfriend by the arm.
C. The guy smoked in public and grabbed the woman who stopped him.
3. What does the man speaker think of the woman speaker?
A. She is cowardly.
B. She is right.
C. She makes him mad.
- 1在地球仪上或地图上,经线指示( )A.东西方向B.南北方向C.东北方向D.东南方向
- 2下列各句中,没有语病的一句是A.穿黄工程位于河南省郑州市以西约30公里的孤柏嘴,是南水北调工程中资金投入较大、施工难度最
- 3单项式-13ab3的系数为______.
- 4如下图,从上面看图中的粮仓,得到的平面图形是[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 5下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )A.抉择膏梁轮廓金壁辉煌B.颠簸惊蛰迁徙一如既往C.沉缅引擎骋礼震耳欲聋D.敕
- 6Popular music is well_____ by most young people. A.thought a
- 7党的十七届六中全会提出文化强 国目标之后,股市迅速做出了反映,文化传媒产业板块的股票价格整体上涨近25% 。由此可见
- 8我国在两极地区一共建设四个科考站,如图。完成问题。小题1:四个科考站中,没有极昼极夜现象的科考站是A.黄河站B.昆仑站C
- 9已知两点M(-2,0)、N(2,0),点P为坐标平面内的动点,满足=0,则动点P(x,y)的轨迹方程为[ ]A.
- 10当我们做屈肘动作时,相关肌肉的状态是A.肱二头肌舒张,肱三头肌舒张B.肱二头肌舒张,肱三头肌收缩C.肱二头肌收缩,肱三头
- 1一个受欢迎的人具有一些共同的特征,这些特征是[ ]A、不真诚、冷淡、大大咧咧 B
- 2下列词语中有错别字的一组是A.瀚海寂廖披荆斩棘慷概悲歌B.迁徙颠覆四面楚歌破釜沉舟C.绸缪霹雳贻人口实锱铢必较D.伛偻突
- 3武广高铁已通车运行,速度最高可达390Km/h,转弯时的半径达到了8 Km。若机车在运行过程中所受的阻力大小始终不变,在
- 4下列化合物中,不能通过单质间直接化合制取的是[ ]A.FeCl3 B.CuCl2 C.H
- 5下列离子方程式正确的是A.Cl2与NaOH溶液反应:Cl2+OH-==Cl-+ClO-+H2OB.向稀氨水中加入稀盐酸:
- 6慕尼黑协定产生的影响是①德国法西斯侵略受到鼓舞,加速了战争的爆发②致使德国吞并捷克斯洛伐克地区,实力大增③苏联对英法更加
- 7已知集合,,求.
- 8物理小组在一次探究活动中测量滑块与木板之间的动摩擦因数.实验装置如图,一表面粗糙的木板固定在水平桌面上,一端装有定滑轮;
- 9在函数的图象上,其切线的倾斜角小于的点中,坐标为整数的点的个数是( )A.3个B.2个C.1个D.0个
- 10两个固定的异号点电荷电荷量一定,但大小不等。用和分别表示两个点电荷产生的电场强度大小,则在通过两个点电荷的直线上,的点(