B. He doesn"t want to help her.
C. He is not familiar with the area.
B. It"s very terrible.
C. It"s the best one he has ever seen.
B. 8:20.
C. 8:00.
B. The players.
C. The games.
B. Green.
C. Blue.
试题【听力1. Why can"t the man tell the woman the way?A. He"s lost.B. He doesn"t want to】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. A shop assistant.
C. A teacher.
B. Borrowing some magazines.
C. Asking some experts for advice.
B. Notebooks.
C. A bottle of ink.
B. Six.
C. Twelve.
B. A teacher.
C. His father.
B. Going skiing.
C. Her studies.
B. Think more about his study.
C. Take a trip to the beach.
B. Join her for dinner.
C. Help with her study.
B. Attend a wedding.
C. Set up a coffee shop.
B. To the coffee shop.
C. To her shop.
B. Come back early.
C. Take tennis lessons.
B. Using the language as often as you can.
C. Trying to make fewer mistakes.
B. Keep your sense of humor.
C. Be careful next time.
B. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes.
C. Be ready to speak English.
B. How to make fewer mistakes.
C. How to learn a language.
- 1英汉互译。1. help me with my English2. write about myself3. 英语活动4
- 2Here _____ in the classroom. [ ]A. is three woman teac
- 3用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1. Joe ________(meet) his favorite basketball
- 4同学之间朝夕相处,难免会产生一些摩擦和不愉快的事情,甚至会引起争执。因此,我们应该( )A.学会理解和宽容,不
- 5在山区开发利用中,为了有效保护生态环境,最适合发展的是[ ]A、林业 B、工业 C、畜牧业 D、渔业
- 6下列各项中书写完全正确的一项是【 】A.泱泱大国有恃无恐游刃有余异曲同工B.义气相投庸人自扰 油头猾脑神智不清C.以德抱
- 7把pH=2和pH=11的溶液混合,所得到的溶液的PH的范围不可能为 [ ]A. 1 B. 3C. 9 D. 1
- 8(本小题满分12分)已知f (x)=.(1)求函数f (x)的值域.(2)若f (t)=3,求t的值. (3)用单调性定
- 9As students, we want to study____. [ ]A. more seriou
- 10The cave is _____to the public, high up the face of a cliff
- 1中,角、、的对边长分别为、、,已知,,,则_____________.
- 2补写出下列题目中的空缺部分:16、柳永,原名三变,字耆卿,别称柳七,柳屯田。主要作品为《__________》《____
- 3 党和政府提出要“努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居”。这体现了党和政府①实行平均分配 ②维
- 4中医药是我国文化遗产的瑰宝,在2009年全世界爆发甲型H1N1型流感期间,中药“达菲”发挥了重要作用.而莽草酸是生产“达
- 5阅读下面一段文字,完成后面的练习。(20分)都江堰余秋雨这一切,首先要归功于遥远得看不出面影的李冰。
- 6我国湿地面积广大,其正确发展方向应是A.利用湿地水域,合理发展水产业B.通过湿地改造,发展谷物种植业C.利用湿地自然条件
- 7请写出下列诗句的作者。(1)孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流——_______________(2)朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨
- 8若a、b为实数,则a>b>0是a2>b2的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既非充分条件也非必
- 9“女生比男生的声音尖细”指的是________不一样,这是由声带振动的________决定的。
- 10本初子午线是( )A.地球上的任意一条经线B.东西经度的分界线C.地球上的任意一条纬线D.东西半球的分界线