1. What is said about medical development in the future?
A. Health care will be free.
B. Cancer may be cured.
C. AIDS may disappear.
2. What will make distant places more popular for holiday?
A. Better air service.
B. Faster air transport.
C. Lower cost for air travel.
3. What is the topic of this interview?
A. Future ways of travelling.
B. Medical progress in the future.
C. Changes of life in the next decade
1. Where is the woman going now ?
A. To an art museum.
B. To a Chinese restaurant.
C. To an underground station.
2. Why does the woman come to the city?
A. For business.
B. For traveling.
C. For shopping.
3. Why does the man recommend the restaurant to the woman?
A. The service there is good.
B. The food there is tasty.
C. The price there is low.
4 . According to the man, which is the best means of transport to the restaurant?
A. The bus.
B. The taxi.
C. The underground.
B. The man"s mother.
C. The man"s teacher.
B. Peter shouldn"t be so shy about what he did.
C. Peter shouldn"t have cheated in the final exam.
B. Before eight o" clock in the evening.
C. Within eight hours.
B. By plane.
C. By train.
B. He has visited the TV tower twice.
C. He has visited the TV tower once.
1. What kind of passage have you just heard?
A. A public lecture.
B. A radio announcement.
C. A government statement.
2 What is the main purpose of the event?
A. To increase people’s sense of environment protection.
B. To invite people to join an environmental organization.
C. To persuade families to have an outing in the mountains.
3. How many trees are going to be planted today?
B. 2000
4. What does the speaker advise volunteers to do?
A. To learn some tree-planting skills.
B. To come along any time they like.
C. To bring along their gloves.
B. 3
C. 4
B. In front of the TV.
C. Near the window.
B. In a classroom.
C. In a furniture store.
B. At 8:50.
C. At 9:00.
B. By bike.
C. By car.
B. Autumn.
C. Winter.
- 1某化学兴趣小组对奥运会金牌成分提出猜想:甲认为金牌是由纯金制成;乙认为金牌是由金银合金制成;丙认为金牌是由黄铜(铜锌合金
- 2甲物体以15m/s的初速度做匀减速直线运动,加速度大小为3m/s2;在其后方28.5m处的乙物体正以5m/s的初速度做匀
- 3已知数列{an}的前三项分别为a1=5,a2=6,a3=8,且数列{an}的前n项和Sn满足Sn+m=12(S2n+S2
- 4如图5所示,光滑的平台上有一质量为20kg,长度为10m的长板,其中7m伸出平台外.为了使木板不翻倒,让一个质量为25k
- 5如图所示,升国旗用的旗杆顶上安装一个 _________ 滑轮,用来改变施力的方向.当国旗在国歌声中匀速升起时,国旗的动
- 677. According to Property Inheritance Law, the farm shall
- 7下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是( )A.铁和稀硝酸反应:Fe+2H+=Fe2++H2↑B.氯化铁腐蚀印刷线路板:Fe
- 8阅读材料西方人认为拜占庭帝国的文化带有明显的东方色彩,东方人却从拜占庭帝国的文化看出希腊罗马文化的身影。位于亚欧交界的帝
- 9在-512,0,-1.5,-5,2,114,-73中,负数有______个,整数有______个.
- 10下列变化不能表明盐酸与氢氧化钠发生了反应的是[ ]A.向氢氧化钠溶液中加入盐酸后,混合溶液的温度升高B.向氢氧化
- 1下图为某草原生态系统组成的食物网。下列叙述不正确的是( )A.该食物网中含四条食物链B.土壤中的镉沿食物链积累在
- 2下列哪种是生物由水生演化到陆生过程中形成防止体内水分散失的结构?( )A.鸟类发展出羽毛B.陆生植物出现气孔C.昆虫体
- 3人体缺碘会影响正常的生命活动,成年人体内缺碘易产生的病症是( )A.甲状腺机能亢进症B.地方性呆小症C.侏儒症D.地方
- 4 为了让同学们认识到饮食与健康的关系,使大家懂得正确饮食才能健康,班级开展了“中学生饮食与健康”的调研活动。请你完
- 5绘制篇幅相同的四幅地图,所选比例尺最大的是( )A.中国地图B.江苏省地图C.泰州市地图D.泰兴市地图
- 6计算:
- 7若(a+2)2+︳b-3︳=0,则ab=______.
- 8在图中标出磁感线的方向和小磁针的N极.
- 9(1)将下列实验操作选用的一种仪器名称填在横线上:①吸取或滴加少量液体时用
- 10仿照示例,从竹子、彩虹、落叶、橡皮四种物象中任选一个,写出意思褒贬相对的两句话,要求既能反映事物特征,又富于哲理。(6分