1. What is not allowed in the museum?
A. Talking
B. Touching the exhibits
C. Flash photography.
2. Why didn’t the man see the signs?
A. Because his English was not good.
B. Because he was nearsighted
C. Because he was too careless.
3.What happened at last?
A. The man was fined $50.
B. The woman didn’t punish the man
C. The man’s camera was taken away by the woman.
1.When was the Everglades National Park set up?
A. In 1947
B. In 1957
C. In 1977
2.What is the Everglades National Park famous for?
A. The amusement
B. The diversity(多样性)of wildlife
C. Forests
3.What endanger(s) the park’s health and future?
A. Terrible weather
B. Polluted water
C. Human activities and development.
1. What"s the time now?
A. 10:30.
B. 10:20.
C. 10: 10.
2. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. To exchange the blue jeans.
B. To see the manager.
C. To buy another pair.
3. Why did the woman have to go home?
A. To cash a check.
B. To get her ID.
C. To get some money.
4. What are these people going to do?
A. Wait for Jane a little longer.
B. Go to see a film.
C. Give Jane a ring.
5. What does the woman mean?
A. It may take a long time to do the experiment.
B. Doctor Smith will count their time in the lab.
C. Chemistry lab opens for one hour every afternoon.
1. How did the man decide to send his packet?
A. By airmail.
B. Through the Internet.
C. By surface.
2. How much will the man pay in all including the registering?
A. $7.85.
B. $7.50.
C. $5.
1. What"s the matter with Steve?
A. He has a cold.
B. He has the flue.
C. He has a stomachache.
2. What does Carla suggest Steve do?
A. Take Chinese medicine.
B. See another doctor.
C. Take a good rest.
3. What does Steve probably decide to do?
A. Talk to another friend.
B. Listen to Carla"s suggestion.
C. See the same doctor again.
1. Where is the man now?
A. In his own office.
B. At the register office.
C. At the counter.
2. When will the welcome buffet begin?
A. At 2.
B. At 4.
C. At 6.
3. Why are they there?
A. They want to know what their counterparts(同行) are doing.
B. They want to look at the message from the conference Chairman.
C. They want to have lunch with the conference Chairman.
- 1下列各句中,划线的成语使用不恰当的一项是(3分)A.生活实践既是大学生砥励品质、锤炼作风、发现新知、运用真知的重要途径,
- 22011年6月22日,西安市公安局新一届的40名特邀警风监督员和36名督察特邀监督员拿到了聘任书,在接下来的两年内,他们
- 32009年为防控甲型H1N1流感,某校安排学生接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗,计划1天内接种完.上午接种七、八年级学生,下午接
- 4下列物质中,可以看作纯净物的是( )A.“××”牌黄酒B.“狼山”牌矿泉水C.上海老庙24K黄金D.××山的铁矿石
- 5邓小平理论是指导我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的光辉旗帜。首次使用“邓小平理论”这个科学称谓是在A.中共十二大B.中共
- 6某小鼠生活过程中被多种病原体感染过,科学家却能够以小鼠为实验材料,通过细胞工程技术获得抗某种病原体的高纯度单克隆抗体,这
- 7We can learn many people"s names at the _____ this book. [
- 8下列选项中划线字的读音准确无误的一项是[ ]A.簪子(zān)拗不过(niù)侮辱(wū)饶赦(shè)B.称职
- 9The woman ______ there, ______ in a blue shirt, is Lily’s te
- 10在打捞海底沉船时,常用水下机器人潜入水下打捞船上物品,已知ρ海水=1.03×103kg/m3。 (1)机器人在水下70m
- 1读下图,如果a、b、c分别代表第一、二、三产业所占的比重,则表示城市化水平最低的点是[ ] A、①
- 2计算:(1)23+32-53-32;(2)|3-2|+|3-1|;(3)25-15+π2.(用计算器,保留4个有效数字)
- 320世纪50年代以来,人类飞向太空的梦想第一次实现了,最符合上述叙述的史实是: [ ]A.1957年,苏联发射了
- 4―Where is your mom, John?―My mother is talking ____ my teach
- 5—You seem busy these days.—Yes. I’m looking for a house. It’
- 6如图所示的电路中,P为滑动变阻器的滑片。保持理想变压器的输入电压不变,闭合电建S,下列说法正确的是A.P向下滑动时,灯L
- 7I ________ you how to deal with the matter, but why didn’t y
- 8商家获得的利润按以下公式计算:利润=售价﹣进价﹣售价×税率.若税率由b%调为c%,且商品的进价和利润都未改变,则商品的售
- 9片断写作练习: “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”这两句震撼人心的千古名言,使我们对伟大的民族英雄文天祥肃然起敬。谈谈
- 10(2011•大庆)在如图所示的四种情景中,属于光的直线传播的是( )A.灯光照射下形成的影子B.透过放大镜形成的像C.