1. What is the man doing?
A. Chairing a meeting.
B. Giving a speech.
C. Introducing a person.
2. Why does the woman sing so well?
A. She has a great teacher.
B. She teaches singing.
C. She is young.
1. What is the second gift for Jimmy?
A. A watch.
B. A car.
C. A computer.
2. Why does Jimmy feel happy?
A. He lives with his parents.
B. He’s got what he dreamt of.
C. He’s received lots of presents.
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. They are strangers to each other.
B. They are friends.
C. They are husband and wife.
2. Why does the woman come to talk with the man?
A. To get a job.
B. To take a test.
C. To see the secretary.
3. What does the man mean by saying sorry?
A. He doesn’t need a designer.
B. He can’t hear the woman clearly.
C. He can’t help the woman.
1. What do we know about the woman?
A. She lives close to the office.
B. She is new to the company.
C. She likes the big kitchen.
2. How does the man go to work?
A. By bus.
B. On foot.
C. By car.
3. Why was Susan late for work?
A. She missed the bus.
B. Her train was late.
C. Her car broke down.
4. What will the man do the next day?
A. Visit Lily in her flat.
B. Go to work by train.
C. Leave home earlier.
1. Where can you most probably hear this talk?
A. In a class of the English language.
B. In a class of the Greek language.
C. In a class of the French language.
2. How long does the Class last?
A. 13 weeks.
B. 11 weeks.
C. 15 weeks.
3. What is “the short-cut” to learning words according to the speaker?
A. Taking more courses.
B. Reading basic words aloud.
C. Learning how words are formed.
4. Why is the class popular?
A. It’s taught by Professor Morris.
B. It is not offered each term.
C. It helps to master some useful rules.
1. Who is the man?
A. A teacher.
B. A doctor.
C. An engineer.
2. What was the weather like on Mary’s holiday?
A. Cloudy
B. Fine.
C. Rainy.
3. How did the man feel about the film?
A. He liked the last part of it.
B. He didn’t like it at all.
C. He liked it very much.
4. What will the woman do next?
A. Talk to a police officer.
B. Tell the man what happened in detail.
C. Wait for the man to call back.
5. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Their home in the future.
B. How technology has changed their lives.
C. The making of a robot.
- 1某班学生准备到郊外山地进行越野活动,设计行动方案时主要应参考的地图是[ ]A、地形图 B、交通图 C、导游图 D
- 2水是生命之源、万物之基,是人类宝贵的自然资源,我们每个人都要关心水、爱护水,节约用水。(1)我国规定生活饮用水的水质必须
- 3下列叙述与胶体的性质无关的是A.同一支钢笔使用不同品牌墨水时,容易发生堵塞现象B.当日光从窗隙射入暗室时,可观察到一束光
- 4一粒小麦属于( )A.种子B.果实C.子房D.胚珠
- 5下面划线加粗字解释有错的一项是[ ]A、通计一舟 通:整个 是以先帝简拔以遗陛下 遗:留给,给予B、恐前后受其
- 6核经一系列的衰变后变为核,问:(1)一共经过几次α衰变和几次β衰变? (2)与相比,质子和中子数各少多少?(3)综合写出
- 7阅读下面的文段,回答下面的题。艺术真实性问题漫议童庆炳 ①什么是艺术真实性呢?有各种各样的界说,但基本意思是认为艺术真
- 8第六届“世界合唱比赛”主题活动。 被誉为合唱界“奥林匹克”的第六届世界合唱比赛,将于2010年7月15日至2
- 9函数的一条对称轴方程为x=,则a= [ ]A.1 B.C.2 D.3
- 10到20世纪初,列强在中国享有的侵略权益有①开辟通商口岸②开设工厂③和中国协定关税④派兵驻扎在东交民巷的使馆界 [
- 1先阅读下面的内容,再解决问题,例题:若m2+2mn+2n2-6n+9=0,求m和n的值.∵m2+2mn+2n2-6n+9
- 2在《凡尔赛和约》签字前,德国的社会民主党议员勒贝说:“一个被剥夺权利的、饥饿的人民是没有工作能力的;一个被强奸的人民不仅
- 3下列黄色不属于因化学反应而产生的现象的是( )A.无色试剂瓶中的浓HNO3呈黄色B.久置的KI溶液呈黄色C.鸡蛋白遇
- 4下列何者不是生态农业的特点 [ ]A.污染小或无污染 B.能量多级利用 C.实现农业的可持续
- 5如图,闭合开关S后,电压表示数为6V,电流表示数为3A,则右框内的电阻连接情况可能为( )A.10Ω和5Ω的电阻串联
- 6如图,我国海监船在O处观测到一日系船正匀速直线航行我国海域,当该日系船位于点O的北偏东30°方向上的点A处(OA=203
- 7近期,福建省对从事个体经营且符合条件的高校毕业生给予免受行政事业性收费、税收优惠、小额担保贷款和贴息等政策扶持。这表明[
- 8下列运算正确的是( )A.4=±2B.2-3=-6C.x2•x3=x6D.(-2x)4=16x4
- 9两根相距为L的足够长的金属直角导轨如图所示放置,它们各有一边在同一水平面内,另一边垂直于水平面.质量均为m的金属细杆ab
- 10如图所示,水平放置的正三角形ABC,在它的正上方有光源S.请探究如下问题. (1)应怎样画出它在地面上的投影?它的投影是