1.Where is the man from?
A. France.
B. Australia.
C. England.
2.What is the woman doing in England?
A. Studying.
B. Working.
C. Visiting
1.When did the teacher suggest going on a journey?
A. Next Saturday.
B. This Sunday.
C. This Saturday
2.Where do the two speakers decide to go?
A. To the park.
B. To the mountains.
C. To the reservoir.
1.Who is the man probably?
A. A taxi driver.
B. The store manager.
C. A policeman.
2.How far is the department store from here?
A. About a 15-minute walk.
B. About a 25-minute walk.
C. About a 50-minute walk.
3.What do we know about the woman?
A.She has to walk one more block to the store.
B.She is walking in the wrong direction.
C.She will take a taxi there instead.
1.Why does the woman think the man may be interested in the theater group?
A. Because he told her that he wanted to make more friends.
B. Because she heard that he was an actor before.
C. Because she knows that he likes acting.
2.What do we know about the man?
A. He is kind of busy.
B. He doesn’t trust the woman.
C. He likes the way the group works.
3. How often does the theater group practice?
A. Once a week.
B. Once a month.
C. Twice a week.
4.What does the woman expect the man to do?
A. See her on Thursday.
B. Learn his part quickly.
C. Go to see her practice.
1.Why did Jim stop heading?
A. Because the sun was strong.
B. Because he was too tired.
C. Because he got lost.
2.What did Jim use as a pillow?
A. His bag.
B. His shirt.
C. His shoes.
3.What did Jim see when he woke up?
A. A horse.
B. A tiger.
C. A snake.
4.What can we learn from the text?
A. It was late in the evening when Jim woke up.
B. There were many trees near the path.
C. Jim slept under a big rock.
1. What does the man want to buy?
A. a suit
B. a shirt
C. a tie
2. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. in a doctor’s office
B. in a hotel
C. in a shoe shop
3. When will the lecture begin?
A. at 8:15
B. at 7:45
C. at 8:00
4. What are the speakers talking about?
A. the boy’s holiday
B. the boy’s work
C. the boy’s Chinese lessons
5. How much does the woman have to pay for the tickets?
A. 100 yuan
B. 200 yuan
C. 300 yuan
- 1已知不等式ax2+bx+c>0的解集为(1,t),记函数f(x)=ax2+(a-b)x-c.(1)求证:函数y=f
- 2以下是对公式的理解及物理学史上的重大发现,其中说法正确的有 A.由公式知,物体的加速度等于速度的变
- 3造成台湾与祖国大陆分离的不平等条约是——_________
- 4一元二次方程ax2+x-2=0有两个不相等实数根,则a的取值范围是( )A.a<18B.a=-18C.a>-18D.a
- 5下列说法不正确的是A.苹果属于碱性食物B.生铁和钢是含碳量不同的两种铁碳合金C.亚硝酸钠是有毒物质,不能添加到食物中D.
- 6化简:= ▲
- 7中国古代“五行”学说认为:“物质分金、木、土、水、火五种属性,金克木、木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金”,将这五种不同属性
- 8“磁场对通电导体有力的作用”,下列家用电器中利用了这原理工作的是( )A.电热毯B.电风扇C.电水壶D.电熨斗
- 9下列计算正确的是[ ]A.2a2+a=3a3B.2a-1=C.(-a)3·a2=-a6D.2a-1=
- 10国际热核聚变实验反应堆的原理类似太阳发光发热,即在上亿摄氏度的超高温条件下,利用氢的同位素氘、氚的聚变反应释放出核能。
- 1刘刚通过实验探究弹力与弹簧长度变化的关系,他应该得到的正确结论是:在发生弹性形变时,弹簧的弹力与弹簧的______成正比
- 2某2价金属的氧化物中金属元素与氧元素的质量比为5:2,求该金属的相对原子质量是[ ]A.24B.65C.40D.
- 3若一个圆锥的母线长是它底面半径的3倍,则它的侧面展开图的圆心角等于[ ]A.120° B.135° C.150°
- 4读2003年某日我国四地点日出日落时间表(北京时间),据此回答题。地点日出时间日落时间①7:1816:48②6:5415
- 5If ______ have 200 yuan, what can you buy? [ ]A. each yo
- 6设函数,则该函数的值域为 .
- 7升降机底板上放一质量为100kg的物体,物体随升降机由静止开始竖直向上移动5m时速度达到4m/s,g取10m/s2,则此
- 8如图,将一张等腰直角三角形纸片沿中位线DE剪开后,可以拼成的四边形是( )A.矩形或等腰梯形B.矩形或平行四边形C.平
- 9实验室中要配制2mol/L的NaCl溶液980 ml,配制时应选用的容量瓶的规格和称取的NaCl的质量分别是A.980
- 10如图,直线AB、CD、EF两两相交,则图中为同旁内角的角共有( )对。A、3 B、4 C、5