Tibet. As we all left home at a early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. We had to do the
washing, cleaning and shopping by us. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. We enjoyed our
happy life. At weekends, we would play basketball, swam in the pool or go for a picnic. We are lived
in a big family. We treated each other brothers and sisters. If any one of us had any difficulty with his
studies, the other student would help him out. It has been five years when we graduated, but those
memories are as sweet as never before.
from Tibet. As we all left home at a early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. We had to 2. an
do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. We 3. ourselves 4. helpless
enjoyed our happy life. At weekends, we would play basketball, swam in the pool or go for a 5. swim
picnic. We are lived in a big family. We treated each other∧brothers and sisters. If any one of us
6. 去掉 7. as
had any difficulty with his studies, the other student would help him out. It has been five years 8. students
when we graduated, but those memories are as sweet as never before.
9. since 10. ever
— Yes, but we ______. He didn"t come.
B. didn"t need to
C. could have
D. should have
B. to worry
C. being worried
D. worried
2. The experiment he ____________(进行;实施) turned out to be a success.
3. John"s ___________(雄心) is to swim across all the big rivers in the world.
4. The foreign visitors were _____________(陪同) to the airport.
5. He expressed his ________________(同情) when I failed in the exam.
6. The exhibition is held _______________(每年).
7. National ____________(界限) are becoming meaningless in the world.
8. The government suggested ______________(放弃) the research for lack of money.
9. We are trying to make politics more _____________(相关) to younger people.
10. They expected him to ______________(参加) in ceremony.
B. to worry
C. being worried
D. worried
B. had; are
C. had; is
D. have ;is
- 1在加油站、面粉加工厂、纺织厂内必须严禁烟火,是因为在这些地方的空气中常混有可燃性的气体或粉尘,它们接触到明火,就有发生爆
- 2已知.(1)求的值;(2)求满足的锐角.
- 3人的眼球好像一架照相机,眼球的结构如题图所示,晶状体和角膜相当于一个凸透镜,视网膜相当干光屏.(1)物体在人眼的视网膜上
- 4原子结构示意图如下图: 按金属元素、非金属元素、稀有气体元素的顺序排列的是 ① ② ③[
- 5方格纸上A、B两点,如图,若以B点为原点,建立直角坐标系,则A点坐标为(3,4),若以 A点为原点建立直角坐标系,则B点
- 6Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work . I need
- 7如图所示为____________发现质子的实验装置。M是显微镜,S是荧光屏,窗口F处装有银箔,气体可从阀门T充入,A是
- 8下面漫画《奠》给我们的启示中,叙述不正确的是 [ ]A.如果我们对自然只是一味地索取,必然会受到它的惩罚 B.
- 9区分下列各组物质的两种方法都合理的是( )ABCD需区分的物质锦纶和羊毛黄铜和焊锡人体吸人的空气和呼出的气体厕所清洁剂
- 10(5分)化学支撑科技,化学改变生活。请结合所学知识回答:(一)“材料创新”促进人类文明的进步“神舟十号”飞船的成功发射开
- 1设m、n是两条不同的直线,、是两个不同的平面,给出下列四个命题.①若,则∥;②若,,,则或;③若,,则∥;④若,则.其中
- 2下列划线字注音有误的一项是 [ ]A.汲取(jí)机械(xiè)B.锲而不舍(qiè)玄虚(xuán)C
- 3大学生赵C因名字“中西合璧”。在换发第二代身份证时遇到麻烦,民警要他把名字全部改为原汗原味汉字,否则不予换发,赵C不服,
- 4计算:(-3x3)2=______;(12)0-(13)-2=______.
- 5x、y>0, x+y="1," 且 ≤a恒成立, 则a的最小值为 A.B. 2C.2D.
- 6下列地形区与其特点组合正确的一组是[ ]A、内蒙古平原——崎岖不平 B、云贵高原——雪山连绵 C、四川盆地——地
- 7(1)“世袭制”代替“禅让制”开始了“公天下”的历史。错误:_____________改正:_____________(
- 8小阳同学根据下表所提供的信息得出以下四个结论,其中正确的是( ) 几种物质的密度(常温常压)物质密度/kg•m-3物质
- 9下列叙述,错误的是( )A.我国降水集中秋冬季节B.我国降水从东南沿海向西北内陆递减C.寒潮是冬半年影响我国的气候灾害
- 10小明要用图所示的实验器材探究“电压一定时,电流的热效应与电阻的关系”,其中瓶内电阻丝的长度、粗细都相同.(1)请用笔画线