A. fell; has done
B. fell; does
C. was; had done
D. felt; has done
Last summer I learnt to ride a bicycle. At first,I was unable to control it"s direction. Sometimes
I fall to the right or to the left. But I asked my father to tell me how I could ride straightly. He didn"t
answer me directly. Instead, he took me to side of the street. "Can you find some bike track that is
really straight?" asked my father. I watched more carefully and shook my head ."No" he said, "in fact
neither of the tracks is always straight. But just by correct the direction every now and then, you had
already gone forward."
Last night when Steven and I was having a walk in the street, we suddenly heard a painful cry for
help under a tree nearby. We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying on the ground with a stick
in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed,
Because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick in the leg would help controlling the
bleeding. As there was no telephone,we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the hospital. The
doctors examined the boy fast and we got to know where the boy lived. So we telephoned his parents
and left after he came to the hospital. We did a good deed.
B. had been
C. would have been
D. am
Late he became a river boat pilot .Mark Twain was her pen name .During the American Civil War
He worked as a reporter and write a lot of stories. Gradually he made his mark and his work were
popular .He became one of the best known writer of the 19th century in the U.S.A .In his life Mark
Twain wrote the number of stories and novels ,on which "Adventure of Tom Sawyer" is most famous
one .His writings have been translated to many other languages ,and they are deeply love by the readers
all over the world .
—My friend ______ me a right place.
B. introduced
C. had introduced
D. was introducing
- 1下列属于由于食物链受到破坏而造成农作物减产的原因是( )A.不合理使用农药B.特大的水灾C.酸雨的危害D.大量捕捉青蛙
- 2已知M(0,-2),点A在x轴上,点B在y轴的正半轴,点P在直线AB上,且满足AP=PB,MA•AP=0.(1)当A点在
- 3实验室制取氧气可用以下原理:①2KClO3MnO2.△2KCl+3O2↑②2KMnO4△.K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑
- 4近年,日本加速扩大海外投资,投资建厂的主要对象是( )A.欧洲、美国、东亚和东南亚B.中国、西欧、东亚和东南亚C.亚洲
- 5“嫦娥一号” 的成功发射,为实现中华民族几千年的奔月梦想迈出了重要的一步。已知“嫦娥一号”绕月飞行轨道近似圆周,距月球表
- 6阅读下面一首元曲,回答问题。【中吕】 朝天曲张养浩 柳堤,竹溪,日影筛金翠。杖藜徐步近钓矶。看鸥鹭闲游戏。农父渔翁,贪
- 7一年中,我国最低气温和最高气温分别出现在 [ ]A.漠河、吐鲁番B.漠河、武汉C.哈尔滨、吐鲁番D.哈尔滨、武汉
- 8读我国某季节季风示意图,回答有关问题。(1)图中所示,我国正处于______季。东南季风由_______洋吹向我国大陆,
- 9已知函数,函数若存在,使得成立,则实数的取值范围( )A.B.C.D.
- 10陆游的诗:“遗民泪尽胡尘里,南望王师又一年。”这里的“王师”是指 [ ]A.北宋军队 B.南宋军队 C.党项军队
- 1当x______时,多项式x2+4x+6的最小值是______.
- 2十一届全国人大五次会议分别听取了政府工作报告、最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的报告。这表明( )①全国人大是最高国家权
- 3If you want to listen to music, please _______ the radio fir
- 4阅读下面古诗,回到下列问题。(7分)阮郎归·耒阳道中为张处父推官赋①辛弃疾山前灯火欲黄昏,山头来去云。鹧鸪声里数家村,潇
- 5北回归线穿过的省级行政区的简称是[ ]A、粤、桂、滇、琼 B、台、粤、桂、滇C、闽、粤、桂、台 D、滇、琼
- 6下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )(3分)A.绵延七八年,祸及半个中国的安史之乱造成了人民生灵涂炭,杜甫也因之辗转流离
- 7“南三听涛”是湛江八景之一,濒临浩瀚的南海,天水相连,涛声喧哗,巨浪排峰.声音是由物体的 ______产生的,涛声是通过
- 8完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)On a hot summer day in south Florida
- 9锂离子电池的广泛应用使回收利用锂货源成为重要课题:某研究性学习小组对废旧锂离子电池正极材料(LiMn2O4、碳粉等涂覆在
- 10阅读下面文字,按要求作文。 风景一般指自然风光,人文景观;也泛指人间真情、生活场景等等。每个人的心里都会存留许多与风景