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The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree. Not   36__   with life, I was down. A young boy out of breath   37  me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted(倾斜的) down,   38   with great excitement, “Look what I found!”
In his hand was a flower, and what a   39   sight, with its petals(花瓣) all worn-not enough rain, or too little light.   40   him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I   41  a small smile and then shifted away. But instead of   42  he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with   43 , “It sure smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I   44   it; here, it’s for you.”
The flower before me was dying or dead. But I knew I   45   take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and   46 , “Just what I need.” But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he   47  it mid-air without reason. It was then that I   48   for the very first time the boy was   49 .
I heard my voice shake, tears shone like the sun   50   I thanked him for picking the very best one. He smiled, and then ran off to play,   51  of the effect he’d had on my day.
I sat there and   52  how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. How did he know of my self-indulged(放纵的)  53  ? Perhaps from his heart, he"d been blessed with true   54 .
55   the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that"s mine.
36.A.excited     B.inspired    C.content     D.disappointed
37.A.approached      B.overlooked       C.understood       D.recognized
38.A.telling      B.saying      C.informing D.talking
39.A.unique      B.rough       C.bothering  D.pitiful
40.A.Wanting   B.Demanding      C.Persuading       D.Inviting
41.A.presented  B.adjusted    C.forced      D.delivered
42.A.declining  B.accepting  C.panicking  D.quitting
43.A.surprise    B.embarrassment C.sympathy  D.sorrow
44.A.took  B.pulled       C.attained    D.picked
45.A.should      B.can    C.may  D.must
46.A.announced       B.replied      C.declared    D.whispered
47.A.grasped    B.held  C.caught      D.seized
48.A.observed   B.confirmed C.noticed     D.concluded
49.A.strange     B.blind C.deaf  D.unimaginable
50.A.once  B.after  C.as      D.since
51.A.unaware   B.unbelievable     C.regretful   D.regardless
52.A. doubted     B. felt     C. found  D. wondered
53.   A. embarrassment   B. depression  C. hopelessness      D. effort
54.   A. sense  B. hearing      C. sight   D. ability
55.A.In     B.From C.Before      D.Through

36--55   CABDA   CDADD   BBCBC   ADBCD  

36.   因生活受挫,作者心情不好—I was down. 对生活不满意。Be contented with 对…满意
37.   作者并不认识的一小男孩向我走过来。从out of breath, tired可以知道。
38. 小男孩兴奋地对我讲。say 强调说话内容;tell 表示“告诉”,要接宾语     inform要接sb of sth ; talk 表示双向的谈话。
39.  从下文all worn-not enough rain, or too little light可以看出。其余选项不符。
40.  作者并没有心情讲话,只想让男孩走开不要打扰她。
41.  作者无心看那凋谢的花,只好强装出笑脸,移到另外一个位置。
42.  由下文男孩仍然sit next to me 可知,他并没有离开。
43. 男孩惊喜地说道,:“这花闻起来很香,肯定很漂亮”
44.  这就是他采摘花的原因。
45.  由于男孩不离开,反而积极向我献花,作者知道男孩的意思——自己一定要接受这花的馈赠。
46.  作者只好回应的男孩的话。
47.  从下文mid-air可以知道,男孩是把花举在空中的。
48.  正是男孩高举的这一动作,才让作者注意到他却是一个盲人。notice无意察觉到,observe是带有某一目的观察。confirm是对所预测事情的证实和确认,conclude是从某事论述中得出结论。
49.  最后一段第一句也有提示。
50.  作者知道男孩的真相后,心理感触万分——在感谢他时,声音都在颤抖。
51.  男孩心理只想到这美丽而散发着香味的花应该与人分享,而并未意识到这对对于情绪低落的作者的影响有多大。都不可以与of搭配;小男孩并没在意其行为对我的影响,所以regardless of也排除。
52.  男孩失明却能‘看到’美丽的花朵,却能与一个情绪低落的人分享,这确实让作者感到诧异而又想弄个明白。
53.  男孩又是如何知道我陷于低迷的痛苦呢?这都是让作者纳闷的事。embarrassment尴尬;作者还没有痛苦到绝望的地步,排除hopelessness;effort用在这不合意思。
54.  男孩失明,却看到美丽。或许这正是上天恩赐于他的真正的视力吧。
55.  正是通过男孩的眼睛,我才得以看到问题的根源并不是客观事物本身,而是自己的心灵。In the eyes of 在某人看来, from 从眼睛本身, 作者不是从男子的眼睛里看到,而是通过男孩看待事物的做法得到感悟。Before 不合题意。
试题【The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree. No】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned twelve, a white gardenia was delivered to my house. No card or note came with it.    1   to the flower shop were always useless---it was a cash   2   . After a while I stopped trying to  3    who the sender was and just delighted in the beautiful and perfume of the white flower. But I never   4   imagining who the sender might be. Some of my   5    moments were spent daydreaming about it.
My mother asked me whether there was someone for whom I had done a(n)    6   kindness who might be showing   7    . Perhaps the neighbor I helped when she was    8   a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man   9   the street whose mail I helped to get during the   10   so he wouldn’t have to venture down his icy step. As a teenager,    11  , I had more fun guessing that it might be a  12   who had noticed me   13   I didn’t know him.
One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. He was    14   some of the most important events in my life. I became completely    15   in my upcoming graduation and the dance. When my father died, I   16   the dance and the dress for it. The day before the dance, I found a dress on the sofa. I didn’t  17    if I had a new dress or not, but my mother did.
She wanted her children to feel   18    and lovable, imaginative, believing that there was a   19   in the world and beauty in the face of hard times. Actually mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely,   20   and perfect. The gardenia stopped coming when my mother died.
1. A. Calls            B. Quarrels         C. Messages         D. Letters
2. A. service          B. deal             C. bargain           D. offer
3. A .recognize        B. imagine          C. wonder           D. discover
4. A. failed           B. stopped          C. succeeded         D. enjoyed
5. A. saddest         B. painful          C. happiest           D. loneliest
6. A. special          B. common         C. valuable           D. important
7. A. concern          B. attitude          C. interest            D. appreciation
8. A. repairing         B. washing         C. unloading          D. starting
9. A. across           B. through          C. from              D. onto
10.A. spring            B. summer         C. autumn            D. winter
11. A. though          B. anyway           C. therefore          D. indeed
12. A. friend           B. superman         C. teacher            D. boy
13. A .as if             B. even though       C. in case            D. so that
14. A. considering       B. expecting         C. missing           D. preparing
15. A. disappointed     B. uninterested       C. discouraged        D. concentrated
16.A. forgot           B. lost               C. hated             D. expected
17. A. wonder          B. believe           C. care              D. know
18. A. contented        B. respected         C. thanked           D. loved
19. A. trouble          B. magic            C. tragedy            D. comedy
20. A. strong           B. beautiful          C. smelly            D. lucky
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A letter to Edward, a columnist(报刊专栏作家)
Dear Mr Expert:
I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.
Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine — so much so that they make mine theirs.
It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.
I enjoy having my friends here sometimes — it makes the place feel comfortable and warm— but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(隐私)?
Edward’s reply to Joan
Dear Joan:
If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.
And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛),you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with— or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.
Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”
63. We can learn from the first letter that Joan Edward        .
A. lives away from her parents
B. takes pride in her friends
C. knows Mr Expert quite well
D. hates her parents very much
64. We can infer from the first letter that        .
A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy
B. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can accept
C. Joan doesn’t like the parties at all
D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over
65. According to Mr Expert, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?
A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.
B. She does not understand true friendship.
C. Her family experience stops her from doing so.
D. She does not put her needs first.
66. The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means      .
A. dependent life    B. fierce fight C. bad manners      D. painful feeling
67. The second letter suggests that Mr Expert        .
A. is worried about Joan’s problem      B. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends
C. advises Joan on how to refuse people      D. encourages Joan to be brave enough
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True friends double your happiness and half your burdens.Basically how you would like a true friend to be is what you should be like to your true friends.Trust,forgiveness,
responsibility are some elements of a true friendship.True friendships are hard to achieve.
And what’s more,life is short.So treasure these friends if you already have them.If you don’t,
continue to search,because once you have them,life will become so much easier to live,no matter what happens.I have been through very difficult times and I dare say,without my friends,
I would not have made it.
Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them.Not to mention time.When your friend needs you,and when things are not going too well on your side,it is often so easy to  turn a deaf ear to  their requests.It is especially during these times that you must find the strength to help your friend.
And it is during these times that your friendship will be made stronger.
And you must always be happy for their successes,even when things are not going too well for you.It might be hard to do this,but it is something that you need to learn.Think about all the sacrifices your friend has made for you and all the times when he was happy for you despite his own troubles.Think  aboutall the happy times you enjoyed and the sad,difficult times you went through together.That should give you plenty of patience to actually be a true friend.Remember,true friends are the next best thing to family.They will always be your supporters.小题1: What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Precious Friendship
B.A True Friend
C.A Happy Time
D.Friend,a Treasure
小题2:According to the passage,to be a true friend,you do NOT need to ___ .
A.trust your friends
B.forgive your friends’ mistakes
C.spend much money on friends
D.be helpful to your friends
小题3:True friendships are hard to achieve because ____.
A.friendships can help you through difficult times
B.friendships need lots of energy and patience
C.your friends need you to give more help to them
D.you should be always on your friends’ side
小题4:The underlined phrase “turn a deaf ear to” in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.   
A.pretend not to know
B.take no measures to
C.have no means to
D.turn to a deaf for
小题5:From Paragraph 3,we can conclude that          .
A.a friend won’t achieve success without your support
B.most people in trouble are not happy about their friends’ successes
C.you should support your friends on any conditions
D.a true friend appears only when you have troubles

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My First Job
I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the field
s of Eufaula Okla.__36  the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture.He gave me a cent for every nail I___37  out of old boards.I got my first__38   job,at JM"s Restaurant in town,when I was 12.My main responsibilities(职责)were__39      tables and washing dishes, __40   sometimes I helped cook.Every day after school I would__41  to JM"s and work until ten.Even on Saturdays I_  42    from two until eleven.At that age it was difficult going to work and__43  my friends run off to swim or play.I didn"t necessarily like work,but I loved what working__44   me to have.Because of my___45  I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez.This made me__46  .
Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working__47  around town.A local clothing store offered me credit(赊账)__48 I was only in seventh grade.I immediately__49   a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes.I was___50 only 65 cents an hour,and I already owed the storekeeper$90!So I learned_ 51 the danger of easy credit.I paid it__52 as soon as I could.
My first job taught me selfcontrol,responsibility and brought me a__53of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.As my father, __54  worked three jobs,once told me,“If you__55sacrifice(奉献)and  responsibility,there are not many things in life you can"t have.”How right he was.
36.A.Before        B. Within        C. From          D. By
37.A.pulled        B. put           C. picked        D. pressed
38.A.usual         B. real          C. main          D. particular
39.A.sweeping      B. packing       C. clearing      D. emptying
40.A.or            B. so            C. but           D. even
41.A.head          B. turn          C. change        D. move
42.A.studied       B. worked        C. played        D. slept
43.A.helping       B. having        C. watching      D. letting
44.A.asked         B. told          C. promised      D. allowed
45.A.study         B. power         C. age           D. job
46.A.proud         B. friendly      C. lucky         D. hopeful
47.A.ran           B. got           C. flew          D. carried
48.A.although      B. while         C. if            D. since
49.A.sold          B. borrowed      C. charged       D. wore
50.A.keeping       B. making        C. paying        D. taking
51.A.gradually     B. greatly       C. hardly        D. early
52.A.out           B. over          C. away          D. off
53.A.point         B. level         C. part          D. sign
54.A.he            B. that          C. who           D. whoever
55.A.understand    B. demand        C. offer         D. fear
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Farmers,as we all know,have been having a hard time of it lately,and have turned
to new ways of earning income from their land.This involves not only planting new kinds of crops,but some__55 ways of making money,the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing.Yes,you heard me__5 !A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis,and during the past year over 100,000 people have __5 to watch the race.“I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,"one punter (赛马经纪人)told me,“and I thought I"d have a look.I didn"t believe it was serious to tell you the truth."According to a regular visitor,betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses.“At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse __58  ,and there are clear favourites. __5 nobody has heard anything about these _60  !Most people find it difficult to tell one from another in any
case."I stayed to watch the races,and I must admit that I found it quite__61  . In
a usual sheep race,half a dozen sheep race down hill over a course of about half a mile.Food is waiting for them at the other end of the__62  just to give them so
me encouragement,I ought to add!The sheep run surprisingly fast,__63 they have probably not eaten for a while.Anyway,the crowd around me were obviously enjoying
heir day out at the races, __64  by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.
55.A. common         B. strange            C. swift          D. illegal
56.A. honestly       B. surprisingly       C. completely     D. correctly
57.A. showed off     B. brought up         C. turned up      D. looked forward
58.A. behind time    B. in progress        C. in advance     D. in time 
59.A. But            B. Therefore          C. Moreover       D. Otherwise 
60.A.horses          B. sheep              C. races          D. stories
61.A.exciting        B. dangerous          C. boring         D. peculiar
62.A.race            B. hill               C. track          D. field
63.A.if              B. so                 C. yet            D. although
64.A.observing       B. judging            C. considering    D. inferring 
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