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True friends double your happiness and half your burdens.Basically how you would like a true friend to be is what you should be like to your true friends.Trust,forgiveness,
responsibility are some elements of a true friendship.True friendships are hard to achieve.
And what’s more,life is short.So treasure these friends if you already have them.If you don’t,
continue to search,because once you have them,life will become so much easier to live,no matter what happens.I have been through very difficult times and I dare say,without my friends,
I would not have made it.
Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them.Not to mention time.When your friend needs you,and when things are not going too well on your side,it is often so easy to  turn a deaf ear to  their requests.It is especially during these times that you must find the strength to help your friend.
And it is during these times that your friendship will be made stronger.
And you must always be happy for their successes,even when things are not going too well for you.It might be hard to do this,but it is something that you need to learn.Think about all the sacrifices your friend has made for you and all the times when he was happy for you despite his own troubles.Think  aboutall the happy times you enjoyed and the sad,difficult times you went through together.That should give you plenty of patience to actually be a true friend.Remember,true friends are the next best thing to family.They will always be your supporters.小题1: What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Precious Friendship
B.A True Friend
C.A Happy Time
D.Friend,a Treasure
小题2:According to the passage,to be a true friend,you do NOT need to ___ .
A.trust your friends
B.forgive your friends’ mistakes
C.spend much money on friends
D.be helpful to your friends
小题3:True friendships are hard to achieve because ____.
A.friendships can help you through difficult times
B.friendships need lots of energy and patience
C.your friends need you to give more help to them
D.you should be always on your friends’ side
小题4:The underlined phrase “turn a deaf ear to” in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.   
A.pretend not to know
B.take no measures to
C.have no means to
D.turn to a deaf for
小题5:From Paragraph 3,we can conclude that          .
A.a friend won’t achieve success without your support
B.most people in trouble are not happy about their friends’ successes
C.you should support your friends on any conditions
D.a true friend appears only when you have troubles



小题2:根据第一段的第三句“Trust,forgiveness,responsibility are some elements of a true friendship.”可知,A、B、D三项均是作为真心朋友要做的,而文中没提到要花钱呵护友谊,故答案为C项。
小题3:根据第二段的第一句“Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them.”可知,友谊需要很多精力和耐心去维持,故答案为B项。
小题4: 根据上下文可知,当你的朋友需要你的时候,有时事情并不利于你这一方的时候,很容易对他人的请求置若罔闻,从上下句可以猜测得到它的含义,故答案为A项。 
小题5: 根据第三段的第一句“And you must always be happy for their successes,even
when things are not going too well for you.”可知,答案为C项。
试题【True friends double your happiness and half your burdens.Basically how you would】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

My First Job
I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the field
s of Eufaula Okla.__36  the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture.He gave me a cent for every nail I___37  out of old boards.I got my first__38   job,at JM"s Restaurant in town,when I was 12.My main responsibilities(职责)were__39      tables and washing dishes, __40   sometimes I helped cook.Every day after school I would__41  to JM"s and work until ten.Even on Saturdays I_  42    from two until eleven.At that age it was difficult going to work and__43  my friends run off to swim or play.I didn"t necessarily like work,but I loved what working__44   me to have.Because of my___45  I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez.This made me__46  .
Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working__47  around town.A local clothing store offered me credit(赊账)__48 I was only in seventh grade.I immediately__49   a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes.I was___50 only 65 cents an hour,and I already owed the storekeeper$90!So I learned_ 51 the danger of easy credit.I paid it__52 as soon as I could.
My first job taught me selfcontrol,responsibility and brought me a__53of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.As my father, __54  worked three jobs,once told me,“If you__55sacrifice(奉献)and  responsibility,there are not many things in life you can"t have.”How right he was.
36.A.Before        B. Within        C. From          D. By
37.A.pulled        B. put           C. picked        D. pressed
38.A.usual         B. real          C. main          D. particular
39.A.sweeping      B. packing       C. clearing      D. emptying
40.A.or            B. so            C. but           D. even
41.A.head          B. turn          C. change        D. move
42.A.studied       B. worked        C. played        D. slept
43.A.helping       B. having        C. watching      D. letting
44.A.asked         B. told          C. promised      D. allowed
45.A.study         B. power         C. age           D. job
46.A.proud         B. friendly      C. lucky         D. hopeful
47.A.ran           B. got           C. flew          D. carried
48.A.although      B. while         C. if            D. since
49.A.sold          B. borrowed      C. charged       D. wore
50.A.keeping       B. making        C. paying        D. taking
51.A.gradually     B. greatly       C. hardly        D. early
52.A.out           B. over          C. away          D. off
53.A.point         B. level         C. part          D. sign
54.A.he            B. that          C. who           D. whoever
55.A.understand    B. demand        C. offer         D. fear
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Farmers,as we all know,have been having a hard time of it lately,and have turned
to new ways of earning income from their land.This involves not only planting new kinds of crops,but some__55 ways of making money,the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing.Yes,you heard me__5 !A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis,and during the past year over 100,000 people have __5 to watch the race.“I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,"one punter (赛马经纪人)told me,“and I thought I"d have a look.I didn"t believe it was serious to tell you the truth."According to a regular visitor,betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses.“At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse __58  ,and there are clear favourites. __5 nobody has heard anything about these _60  !Most people find it difficult to tell one from another in any
case."I stayed to watch the races,and I must admit that I found it quite__61  . In
a usual sheep race,half a dozen sheep race down hill over a course of about half a mile.Food is waiting for them at the other end of the__62  just to give them so
me encouragement,I ought to add!The sheep run surprisingly fast,__63 they have probably not eaten for a while.Anyway,the crowd around me were obviously enjoying
heir day out at the races, __64  by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.
55.A. common         B. strange            C. swift          D. illegal
56.A. honestly       B. surprisingly       C. completely     D. correctly
57.A. showed off     B. brought up         C. turned up      D. looked forward
58.A. behind time    B. in progress        C. in advance     D. in time 
59.A. But            B. Therefore          C. Moreover       D. Otherwise 
60.A.horses          B. sheep              C. races          D. stories
61.A.exciting        B. dangerous          C. boring         D. peculiar
62.A.race            B. hill               C. track          D. field
63.A.if              B. so                 C. yet            D. although
64.A.observing       B. judging            C. considering    D. inferring 
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You Did More Than Carry My Books
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark "_36" down and helped the boy pick up these articles. "_ 37  "they were going the same way,he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark "_38  " the boy"s name was Bill,that he "_ 39  " computer games, baseball and history,that he was having a lot of "_40" with his other subjects and that he had just broken "_41" with his girlfriend.
They arrived at Bill"s home first and Mark was "_42" in for a Coke and to watch some television.The afternoon passed "_ 43  " with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home.They "_ 44  "to see each other around school,had lunch together once or twice,and then both ended up from the same high school.Just three weeks before "_ 45 ",Bill asked Mark if they "_ 46  " talk.
Bill "_ 47  " him of the day years ago when they had first met.“Do you "_48" wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?”asked Bill. “You see, I "_49 " out my locker because I didn"t want to leave a mess (脏乱) "_50  "anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to "_51 " my things. But after we
spent some time together "_52" and laughing,I realized that "_ 53  " I had done that, I would have "_ 54" a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together.So you see, Mark ,when you picked up my books that day ,you did a lot more .You "_ 55  "my life.”
36.  A. fell            B. sat          C. lay         D. knelt 
37.  A. Although        B. Since        C. After       D. Until 
38.  A. discovered      B. realized     C. said        D. decided 
39.  A. played          B. loved        C. tried       D. made 
40.  A. questions       B. ideas        C. trouble     D. doubt 
41.  A. up              B. out         C. off         D. away 
42.  A. called          B. helped       C. invited     D. allowed 
43.  A. peacefully      B. willingly    C. freely      D. pleasantly 
44.  A. continued       B. agreed       C. forced      D. offered 
45.  A. graduation      B. movement     C. separation  D. vacation 
46.  A. would           B. should       C. could       D. must 
47.  A. demanded        B. reminded     C. removed     D. asked 
48.  A. ever            B. usually      C. even        D. never 
49.  A. checked         B. took         C. cleaned     D. put 
50.  A. over            B. into         C. with        D. for 
51.  A. find            B. pick         C. pack        D. hold 
52.  A. talking         B. playing      C. reading     D. watching 
53.  A. before          B. if           C. while       D. as 
54.  A. forgotten       B. passed       C. left        D. lost 
55.  A. helped          B. recovered    C. improved    D. changed 
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As a child,I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost;these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.
Maybe it was the strange__36 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that__37  me so much.There was never total__38  ,but a streetlight or passing car lights__39  clothes hung over a chair take on the__40 of a wild animal.Out of the corner of my__41,I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no__42 .A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight.My__43 would run wild,and my heart would beat fast.I would__44 very still so that the“enemy”would not discover me.
Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, __45 on the way home from school.Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home—that was no__46 .After school, __47 ,when all the buses were__48  up along the street,I was afraid that I"d get on the wrong one and be taken to some__49  neighbourhood.On school or family trips to a park or a museum,I wouldn"t__50  the leaders out of my sight.
Perhaps one of the worst fears__51  all I had as a child was that of not being liked or__52 by others.Being popular was so important to me__53  ,and the fear of not being liked was a__54 one.
One of the processes(过程) of growing up is being able to __55 and overcome our fears.Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.
36. A. way         B. time           C. place         D. reason
37. A. wounded     B. destroyed      C. surprised     D. frightened
38. A. quietness   B. darkness       C. emptiness     D. loneliness
39. A. got         B. forced         C. made          D. caused
40. A. spirit      B. height         C. body          D. shape
41. A. eye         B. window         C. mouth         D. door
42. A. breath      B. wind           C. air           D. sound
43. A. belief      B. feeling        C. imagination   D. doubt
44. A. lay         B. hide           C. rest          D. lie
45. A. especially  B. simply         C. probably      D. directly
46. A. discussion  B. problem        C. joke          D. matter
47. A. though      B. yet            C. although      D. still
48. A. called      B. backed         C. lined         D. packed
49. A. old         B. crowded        C. poor          D. unfamiliar
50. A. leave       B. let            C. order         D. send
51. A. above       B. in             C. of            D. at
52. A. protected   B. guided         C. believed      D. accepted
53. A. then        B. there          C. once          D. anyway
54. A. strict      B. powerful       C. heavy         D. right
55. A. realize     B. remember       C. recognize     D. recover
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Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn"t have done or something you didn"t do which you should have? At one time or another we probably all have.There"s no __51in getting depressed about it now—it"s no __52 crying overspilt(溢出的)milk.However,there may be some gain in thinking about exactly what happened and why __53  we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future.
One thing we all do now and again is to lose our __54 with a friend or close relative.The odd thing is that we more often display great __55 towards someone we are fond of than towards __56 .The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to __57 a bit of steam in a safe environment,while the consequences (后果)of __58   a stranger could be far more serious.
Being honest is usually thought of as a virtue (美德) and undoubtedly this is the __59  .On the other hand,we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone,telling them exactly what we feel,and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of __60 .Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?
51. A. reason        B. purpose      C. point          D. result 
52. A. use           B. help         C. value          D. benefit 
53. A. so            B. because      C. but            D. though 
54. A. mind          B. memory       C. manner         D. temper 
55. A. anger         B. interest     C. love           D. respect 
56. A. strangers     B. friends      C. relatives      D. colleagues
57. A. run through   B. throw away   C. give up        D. let off
58. A. inviting      B. insulting    C. speaking to    D. believing in 
59. A. issue         B. case         C. event          D. factor 
60. A. excitement    B. happiness    C. pride          D. guilt 
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