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You Did More Than Carry My Books
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark "_36" down and helped the boy pick up these articles. "_ 37  "they were going the same way,he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark "_38  " the boy"s name was Bill,that he "_ 39  " computer games, baseball and history,that he was having a lot of "_40" with his other subjects and that he had just broken "_41" with his girlfriend.
They arrived at Bill"s home first and Mark was "_42" in for a Coke and to watch some television.The afternoon passed "_ 43  " with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home.They "_ 44  "to see each other around school,had lunch together once or twice,and then both ended up from the same high school.Just three weeks before "_ 45 ",Bill asked Mark if they "_ 46  " talk.
Bill "_ 47  " him of the day years ago when they had first met.“Do you "_48" wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?”asked Bill. “You see, I "_49 " out my locker because I didn"t want to leave a mess (脏乱) "_50  "anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to "_51 " my things. But after we
spent some time together "_52" and laughing,I realized that "_ 53  " I had done that, I would have "_ 54" a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together.So you see, Mark ,when you picked up my books that day ,you did a lot more .You "_ 55  "my life.”
36.  A. fell            B. sat          C. lay         D. knelt 
37.  A. Although        B. Since        C. After       D. Until 
38.  A. discovered      B. realized     C. said        D. decided 
39.  A. played          B. loved        C. tried       D. made 
40.  A. questions       B. ideas        C. trouble     D. doubt 
41.  A. up              B. out         C. off         D. away 
42.  A. called          B. helped       C. invited     D. allowed 
43.  A. peacefully      B. willingly    C. freely      D. pleasantly 
44.  A. continued       B. agreed       C. forced      D. offered 
45.  A. graduation      B. movement     C. separation  D. vacation 
46.  A. would           B. should       C. could       D. must 
47.  A. demanded        B. reminded     C. removed     D. asked 
48.  A. ever            B. usually      C. even        D. never 
49.  A. checked         B. took         C. cleaned     D. put 
50.  A. over            B. into         C. with        D. for 
51.  A. find            B. pick         C. pack        D. hold 
52.  A. talking         B. playing      C. reading     D. watching 
53.  A. before          B. if           C. while       D. as 
54.  A. forgotten       B. passed       C. left        D. lost 
55.  A. helped          B. recovered    C. improved    D. changed 

36---55    DBABC   ACDAA   CBACD   CABDD  

36.knelt down跪下。从上文可以看出那个男孩的东西撒落在地上,所以Mark跪在地上帮他捡起来。而fell down落下;sat down坐下;lay down躺下,均不合题意。答案为D。 
39.根据动词后的宾语可确定应填loved,只有loved后接computer games,baseball and history才有意义。知道他喜欢电脑游戏、棒球和历史。答案为B。
40.have a lot of trouble有很多麻烦。从短文中的最后一段Bill告诉Mark自己想离家出走可判断出他在学业上有很多麻烦。have a lot of questions有很多问题,有很多问题不会引起离家出走,因为每个学生在学习上都有各种各样的问题需要解决。答案为C。 
41.break up(尤指关系)结束,破裂。句意是:他和他的女朋友刚刚分手。break out(火灾或战争)爆发;break off折断;break away脱离。答案为A。 
42.be invited受到邀请。由于Mark帮助Bill拿东西,所以被Bill邀请喝可乐和看电视。答案为C。 
43.peasantly“愉快地”。下文with a few laughs and some shared small talk说明他们过得非常愉快。而peacefully和平地;willingly心甘情愿地;freely自由地,均不合题意。答案为D。 
45.根据上文and then both ended up from the same high school可判断他们之间的谈话发生在他们毕业的前三周。而movement运动;separation分离;vacation假期,均不合语意。答案为A。
47.remind提醒,使想起。Bill使Mark想起几年前他们初次见面的那一天。答案为B 。 
49.clean打扫干净。根据下文I didn"t want to leave a mess可判断出他把自己的抽屉洞清理好。check“检查”,把抽屉洞检查一遍,与所提供的情景不符。答案为C。
50.leave sth. for sb.把某物留给某人。句意是:我不想把脏乱留给别人。而leave over省去,略去;leave sth. with sb.把某物交给某人,均不合语意。答案为D。
52.上文The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk.为做出正确选择提供了重要线索,只是把原句中的名词换成了动名词。playing有一定的干扰作用,一些考生把上文中他们喝可乐、看电视当作线索,做出错误选择。答案为A。 
53.根据谓语动词的虚拟语气可判断出应用if。在表示过去的虚拟语气中,if从句中用had+过去分词,主句用 would(could)+动词原形。答案为B。 
54.lose a new friend失去了一个新朋友。A项forgotten“忘记”;B项passed“经过”;C项left“离开、留下”,均不符合题意。答案为D。
55.changed my life改变了我的生活。这篇短文告诉我们,在Bill遇到Mark前,他试图离家出走,但后来改变了主意。所以Bill说是Mark的帮助改变了他的生活。improve my life改善我的生活,表示生活水平的提高,与原文不符。答案为D。
试题【You Did More Than Carry My BooksMark was walking home from school one day when h】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

As a child,I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost;these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.
Maybe it was the strange__36 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that__37  me so much.There was never total__38  ,but a streetlight or passing car lights__39  clothes hung over a chair take on the__40 of a wild animal.Out of the corner of my__41,I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no__42 .A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight.My__43 would run wild,and my heart would beat fast.I would__44 very still so that the“enemy”would not discover me.
Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, __45 on the way home from school.Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home—that was no__46 .After school, __47 ,when all the buses were__48  up along the street,I was afraid that I"d get on the wrong one and be taken to some__49  neighbourhood.On school or family trips to a park or a museum,I wouldn"t__50  the leaders out of my sight.
Perhaps one of the worst fears__51  all I had as a child was that of not being liked or__52 by others.Being popular was so important to me__53  ,and the fear of not being liked was a__54 one.
One of the processes(过程) of growing up is being able to __55 and overcome our fears.Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.
36. A. way         B. time           C. place         D. reason
37. A. wounded     B. destroyed      C. surprised     D. frightened
38. A. quietness   B. darkness       C. emptiness     D. loneliness
39. A. got         B. forced         C. made          D. caused
40. A. spirit      B. height         C. body          D. shape
41. A. eye         B. window         C. mouth         D. door
42. A. breath      B. wind           C. air           D. sound
43. A. belief      B. feeling        C. imagination   D. doubt
44. A. lay         B. hide           C. rest          D. lie
45. A. especially  B. simply         C. probably      D. directly
46. A. discussion  B. problem        C. joke          D. matter
47. A. though      B. yet            C. although      D. still
48. A. called      B. backed         C. lined         D. packed
49. A. old         B. crowded        C. poor          D. unfamiliar
50. A. leave       B. let            C. order         D. send
51. A. above       B. in             C. of            D. at
52. A. protected   B. guided         C. believed      D. accepted
53. A. then        B. there          C. once          D. anyway
54. A. strict      B. powerful       C. heavy         D. right
55. A. realize     B. remember       C. recognize     D. recover
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Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn"t have done or something you didn"t do which you should have? At one time or another we probably all have.There"s no __51in getting depressed about it now—it"s no __52 crying overspilt(溢出的)milk.However,there may be some gain in thinking about exactly what happened and why __53  we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future.
One thing we all do now and again is to lose our __54 with a friend or close relative.The odd thing is that we more often display great __55 towards someone we are fond of than towards __56 .The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to __57 a bit of steam in a safe environment,while the consequences (后果)of __58   a stranger could be far more serious.
Being honest is usually thought of as a virtue (美德) and undoubtedly this is the __59  .On the other hand,we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone,telling them exactly what we feel,and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of __60 .Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?
51. A. reason        B. purpose      C. point          D. result 
52. A. use           B. help         C. value          D. benefit 
53. A. so            B. because      C. but            D. though 
54. A. mind          B. memory       C. manner         D. temper 
55. A. anger         B. interest     C. love           D. respect 
56. A. strangers     B. friends      C. relatives      D. colleagues
57. A. run through   B. throw away   C. give up        D. let off
58. A. inviting      B. insulting    C. speaking to    D. believing in 
59. A. issue         B. case         C. event          D. factor 
60. A. excitement    B. happiness    C. pride          D. guilt 
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I climbed the stairs slowly , carrying a big suitcase , my father following with two more . By the time I got to the third floor , I was__26  and at the same time feeling lonely . Worse still , Dad__27  a step and fell , sending my new suitcases __28 down the stairs . “Damn !"he screamed , his face turning red . I knew __29 was ahead . Whenever Dad"s face turns red , __30 !
How could I ever __31him to finish unloading the car__32 screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls , girls I would have to spend the__33 of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out(探出),as Dad walked__34 close behind . I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) __35start.
“__36the room quickly ,"I thought . “Get him into a chair and calm down ."
But__37 , would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) _38room? __39 I turned the key in the lock and__40 the door open , with Dad__41 complaining(抱怨)about a hurting knee or something . I put my head in , expecting the__42 . But to my __43, the room wasn"t empty at all ! It had furniture , curtains , a TV , and even paintings on the walls.
And there on a wellmade bed sat Amy,my new __44,dressed neatly.Greeting me with a nod , she said in a soft voice , “Hi , you must be Cori . Then , she__45 the music and looked over at__46.“And of course , you"re Mr Faber ,"she said, __47 .“Would you like a glass of iced tea?" Dad"s face turned decidedly __48  before he could bring out a “yes".
I knew __49 that Amy and I would be __50  and my first year of college would be a success.
26.A.helpless          B.lazy           C.anxious        D.tired
27.A.took             B.minded         C.missed         D .picked
28.A.rolling           B.passing        C.dropping       D.turning
29.A.suffering         B.difficulty      C.trouble        D.danger
30.A.go ahead         B.look out       C.hold on        D.give up
31.A.lead             B.help          C.encourage      D.get
32.A.after            B.without        C.while          D.besides
33.A.best            B.beginning       C.end            D.rest
34.A.with difficulty     B.in a hurry       C.with firm steps     D.in wonder
35.A.fresh             B.late             C.bad                D.unfair
36.A.Search            B.Find             C.Enter              D.Book
37.A.in fact            B.by chance         C.once more           D.then again
38.A.small             B.empty            C.new                D.neat
39.A.Finally             B.Meanwhile        C.Sooner or later      D.At the moment
40.A.knocked           B.forced           C.pushed            D.tried
41.A.yet               B.only             C.even               D.still
42.A.worst             B.chair            C.best               D.tea
43.A.regret            B.disappointment   C.surprise          D.knowledge
44.A.roommate          B.classmate        C.neighbour         D.companion
45.A.turned on         B.turned down      C.played            D.enjoyed
46.A.Dad               B.me               C.the door          D.the floor
47.A.questioning       B.wondering         C.smiling          D.guessing
48.A.red               B.less pale         C.less red         D.pale
49.A.soon              B.there             C.later            D.then
50.A.sisters           B.friends           C.students         D.fellows
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In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I would rather forget. But none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant. The work was hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were terrible.
First of all, the job made huge demands on my strength. For then hours a night, I took boxes that rolled down a metal track and piled them onto a truck. Each box contained twelve heavy bottles of apple juice. I once figured out that I was lifting an average of twelve tons of apple juice every night.
I would not have minded the difficulty of the work so much if the pay had not been so poor. I was paid the lowest wage of that time—two dollars an hour. Because of the low pay, I felt eager to get as much as possible. I usually worked twelve hours a night but did not take home much more than $ 100 a week.
But even more than the low pay, what made me unhappy was the working conditions. During work I was limited to two ten-minute breaks and an unpaid half hour for lunch. Most of my time was spent outside loading trucks with those heavy boxes in near-zero-degree temperatures. The steel floors of the trucks were like ice, which made my feet feel like stone. And after the production line shut down at night and most people left, I had to spend two hours alone cleaning the floor.
I stayed on the job for five months, all the while hating the difficulty of the work, the poor money, and the conditions under which I worked. By the time I left, I was determined never to go back there again.
49. Why did the writer have to take many jobs at that time?
A. To pay for his schooling.
B. To save for his future.
C. To support his family
D. To gain some experience
50. The following facts describe the terrible working conditions of the plant EXCEPT ______.
A. loading boxes in the freezing cold                     B. having limited time for breaks
C. working and studying at the same time        D. getting no pay for lunch time
51. What is the subject discussed in the text?
A. The writer’s unhappy school life.               B. The writer’s eagerness to earn money.
C. The writer’s experience to earn money.      D. The writer’s hard work in an apple plant.
52. How is the text organized?
A. Topic—Argument—Explanation
B. Opinion—Discussion—Description
C. Main idea—Comparison—Supporting examples
D. Introduction—Supporting examples—Conclusion
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Betty and Harold have been married for years. But one thing still puzzles(困扰) old Harold.
How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three and a half hours later, and they"re still sitting on the sofa? Talking?
What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?
Betty shrugs. Talk? We"re friends.
Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear: women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is "marked and unmistakable."
More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman. Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman. More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress (感情危机). "Most women," says Rubin, "identified(认定) at least one, usually more, trusted friends to whom they could turn in a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives."
"In general," writes Rubin in her new book, "women"s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men"s relationships are marked by shared activities." For the most part, Rubin says, interactions (交往) between men are emotionally controlled -a good fit with the social requirements of "manly behavior."
"Even when a man is said to be a best friend," Rubin writes, "the two share little about their innermost feelings. Whereas a woman"s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn"t unusual to hear a man say he didn"t know his friend"s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa."
71. What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that ______.
A. he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband    B. women have so much to share
C. women show little interest in ballgames       D. he finds his wife difficult to talk to
72. Rubin"s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to ______.
A. a male friend     B. a female friendC. her parents        D. her husband
73. According to the text, which type of behavior is NOT expected of a man by society?
A. Ending his marriage without good reason.
B. Spending too much time with his friends.
C. Complaining about his marriage trouble.
D. Going out to ballgames too often.
74. Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph?
A. Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.
B. Women are more serious than men about marriage.
C. Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.
D. Women depend on others in making decisions.
75. The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around _____.
A. happy and successful marriages       B. friendships of men and women
C. emotional problems in marriage       D. interactions between men and women
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