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When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn’t that our friends are all very busy, it is just that we haven’t got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evening?”,they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I’m always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.
Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us, we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost---no television!---So they don’t know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full ---they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.
57. The couple have not got a television, because     .
A. they are not rich enough         
B. they are strange people
C. they enjoy spending evenings in their own ways
D. they don’t know what to do when there are power cuts
58. Both of them are interested in     .
A. learning languages B. traveling 
C. staying home alone                D. watching people play games
59.At night when there is no electricity, the couple       .
A. have to stare at the wallsB. can do nothing but sit in silence
C. will have many visitors D. have to go out for candles
60. The best title for this passage is _____.
A. What is the function of television?     B. Candle! But No Electricity!
C. Different Friends, Different Hobbies.   D. We Go Without Televisions!
57-60 CBCD

试题【When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us t】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
In 1932, my father had to declare bankruptcy (***). He was ashamed of it, but it came about because of his  36  heart.
He had been in the milk business and every day he  37  milk to many homes. His route(线路)included many people  38  worked at the local steel company. Dad  39  delivering milk even when his customers were unable to  40  him.
After the bankruptcy, he started selling hamburgers from a  41  building he and his brothers had built. That was the  42  of the Poplar Inn, named  43   the row of poplar trees(杨树)nearby. My mother was a good cook, and soon many dishes were  44  to the menu. Later, another two buildings were built and the Poplar Inn   45   much larger.
On Saturdays, Mother would spend the whole day in the kitchen  46  for parties. During dinner, my sister Phyllis and I helped  47  customers. Phyllis would dance, and I would sing the latest songs. Square dances were  48   then and many adults would dance. As the evening went  49 , and children became bored with watching their parents  50 , they were often taken to our bedrooms.
Since Dad had a big heart, it was not  51  for him to help others without asking for payment. Every time my father made a loan (借出的贷款), he  52  out a card, but he never tried to  53  those debts. Finally, he destroyed the cards — therefore there were no  54  at all.
The Poplar Inn was  55  around 1953 to make way for a new highway. But if I stood there now, instead of hearing traffic, I think I’d hear music and the sound of people laughing.
36. A. warm   B. stupid C. ugly   D. powerful
37. A. bought        B. took        C. presented       D. fetched
38. A. who     B. which        C. whom          D. what
39. A. stopped B. recommended    C. kept   D. advised
40. A. aid       B. pay     C. employ      D. inform
41. A. small   B. huge   C. convenient      D. single
42. A. history  B. story   C. end            D. beginning
43. A. after     B. with    C. at       D. to
44. A. devoted       B. contributed C. added          D. related
45. A. went    B. became      C. appeared       D. changed
46. A. preparing     B. sending     C. standing     D. searching
47. A. predict  B. disappointC. concern      D. entertain
48. A. important     B. curious       C. popular      D. meaningful
49. A. away    B. on      C. up      D. down
50. A. dance   B. sing    C. play    D. drink
51. A. common      B. unknown    C. patient       D. unusual
52. A. filled    B. carried       C. picked       D. stood
53. A. throw   B. collect C. form      D. complete
54. A. affairs  B. dialogues   C. debts   D. problems
55. A. set aside      B. brought in  C. pulled down      D. put together
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Most people want to know how things are made. They honestly admit, however, that they hardly know a thing when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. Where a composer begins, how he manages to keep going – in fact, how and when he learns his trade – all are covered in complete darkness. The composer, in short, is a man of mystery.
One of the first things the common man wants to know about is the part inspiration(灵感)plays in a composer’s work. He finds it difficult to believe that composers are not much interested in that question. Writing music is as natural for the composer as eating or sleeping for all. Music is something that the composer happens to have been born for.
The composer, therefore, does not say to himself: “Do I feel inspired?” He says to himself: “Do I feel like working today?” And if he feels like working, he does. It is more or less like saying to himself: “Do I feel sleepy?” if you feel sleepy, you go to sleep. If you don’t feel sleepy, you stay up. If the composer doesn’t feel like working, he doesn’t work. It’s as simple as that.
66. What would be the best title for the text?
A. Composer: a man of mystery           B. Practice makes good music
C. Relation between sleeping and music       D. Music: product of nature
67. The words “covered in complete darkness” underlined in paragraph 1 most probably mean__________
A. difficult to be made   B. without any light       C. black in color    D. not known
68. Most people seem to think that a composer________.
A. finds it difficult to write music     B. considers it important to have a good rest
C. should like to talk about inspiration  D. never asks himself very simple questions
69. The author will most probably agree that composers_________.
A. are born with a gift for music      B. are people full of mystery
C. work late at night for their music     D. know a lot about eating and sleeping
70. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. How the music produces.
B. How secret the composer’s work.
C. Why the composer is so popular with people.
D. What the composer often thinks about.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分, 满分30分)
Everybody gets unhappy. That’s why people eat a lot of  21  or spend lots of money on clothes—they think that these things will make them  22  !   23  , it is easy to create happiness, if you just have learned to be a  24  .
Giving  25  and resources to others who need them is a good thing to do. It will possibly contribute more to your happiness and to maintaining(保持) a   26   attitude than anything else. The key to successful family   27  is spending time staying with other family members. Give your time to your husband or wife,  28  time and resources to your children, and  29   they are the most valuable to you in the world.
Imagine this: a boy has  30  ,and you give him something of great  31  to him, such as by reading him a book. There is no  32  that you’ll see a big simile on his face. Maybe you’ll find that this is the happiest  33  of your life. You can also volunteer for a rescue service. There you will learn the meaning of“I cried  34  I had no shoes and then I saw a man who had no legs”.
Isn’t it true that the happiest people are typically those we consider foolish because they are  35  ready to give you the  36  off their back? It is also  37  that the most discontent(不满足的) people are the ones who are always making demands and never  38  others. Form the  39  of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the secrets to living a  40  and happy life.
21.A.junk food               B.meals                        C.fruits                        D.vegetables
22.A unhappy                 B.disappointed               C.happy                       D.satisfied
23.A.Mostly                   B.Actually                    C.Finally                      D.Naturally
24A.winner                    B.reminder                    C.receiver                    D.giver
25.A time                       B.money                      C.clothes                     D.food
27.A.communication     B.negative
B.relationships       C.rude
C.hobbies       D.equal
28.A. take                      B. bring                        C. devote                     D. lead
29.A.believe                   B.recognize                   C.understand                D.dream
30.A.something              B.nothing                      C.everything                 D.anything
31.A.value                     B.help                          C.use                           D.importance
32.A.wonder                  B.need                          C.doubt                        D.good
33.A.view                      B.person                       C.day                           D.moment
34.A.but                        B.because                      C.though                      D.if
35.A. never                    B.yet                            C.seldom                      D.always
36.A. clothes                  B. hat                           C. money                     D. life
37.A.true                       B.certain                       C.sure                          D.real
38.A.take in                   B.pay for                      C.care about                 D.worry about
39.A.culture                   B.custom                      C.look                         D.habit
40.A.healthy                   B.unforgettable              C.successful                  D.simple
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

People who eat at home most of the time have better nutrition than those who go out to eat , a recent study shows. Cornell University professors Lana Hall and Karen Bunch interviewed 3900 people in the survey. “People who eat less than 30 percent of their food away from home eat the most nutritiously,” they said.
“In general, Americans don’t have nutrient, except for iron and calcium,” they reported. They have the opposite problem——over—consumption(过度消耗), especially of fat.
The food at many fast food restaurants is often low in vitamins. “People who eat more than 30 percent of total calories away from home eat foods that are generally low in nutrients per calorie,” the professors said. More calories and enough nutrient intake(吸收) are required to achieve.
One of the major health risks is eating too much fat. The professor found than fat consumption became greater as income went up. It also went up in houses where the female worked. This is probably because these people eat more highly processed (加工的)foods.
57.According to the passage, which of the following suggestions would you most readily take?
A.Eat out as many times as possible
B.Eat at home as many times as possible
C.Eat foods with a lot if iron, calcium and fat
D.Eat more highly processed foods
58.What is the result if people often dine out according to the passage?
A. They tend to have better nutrition         B. They tend to have less nutrition
C.They can save a lot of time               D. They will spend much money on it
59. Nowadays, a major health risk that people face is_______.
A.Eating too much fast food         B. Frequent dining out
C.Eating at home very often         D. Eating too much fat
60.The passage is about__________.
A. Eating and Health      B. The Life Style in Modern Society
C. Fast food in the USA    D. Dining out Lowers Nutrient Intake
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“We started as a group of friends with the same problem: difficulty in our personal life to manage our time, being always in a hurry.” This thought was recently offered by Bruno to explain the origin of The Art of Living Slowly, an organization that he founded two years ago, with his wife, Ella.

Bruno and Ella said they decided to draw more people’s attention to the overlooked idea that “time is wealth.” On February 19th last year, they created a new holiday, the first Global Day of Slow Living. Despite its ambitious name, the event was limited almost entirely to Italy, where the couple arranged a number of events: a reverse bicycle race in which the last rider was declared the winner; an afternoon of grandfathers reading poetry to children etc.
One Monday in late February, 2008, the couple staged a New York version (版本) of the Day of Slow Living. “It has to be a Monday, the worst day to try to slow down.” Bruno explained. Bruno was wearing a police cap, mirrored sunglasses, and a sandwich board stating, “Watch out! Speed-walking camera is in action!” He flagged down passers-by and handed them postcards printed with fourteen “slowmandments.” For example, No. 4: Write your text message on your cell phone with no symbols and get in the habit of starting with “Dear …” No 7: Avoid being so busy that you don’t have time for yourself. Bruno told the passers-by to read them once a day and keep the doctor away.
Many said, “I can’t do this. New York is too fast.” Bruno admitted. But many stopped, they read and said. “This one is good for me, because trying to slow down is like trying to stop smoking.”
When asked about their plans for the future. Bruno and Ella looked at each other and chanted the name of the city they have chosen for next year’s Global Day of Slow Living, “Tokyo!”
68. The Art of Living Slowly was founded to help people         .
A.understand the truth of life.    B.know the difficulty in managing time
C.avoid being in a hurry all the time  D.make friends with the same problem
69. What did Bruno do in New York?
A.He advertised his idea on a sandwich board.
B.He stopped passers-by and delivered postcards.
C.He served as a policeman to prevent accidents.
D.He took photos for the people who walked fast.
70. Which statement may be included in the fourteen “slowmandments” in paragraph 3?
A.Wake up five minutes earlier.  B.Do two things at the same time.
C.Make a habit of writing letters.      D.Don’t work on weekends and relax.
71. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The new holiday is usually celebrated on a fixed day.
B.Italian grandfathers enjoy reading poetry to children.
C.The couple tend to choose busy cities to promote the idea.
D.New Yorkers have a negative attitude towards slow living.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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