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You may have heard the term "the American Dream". In 1848, James W. Marshall found gold in California and people began having golden dreams. That 19th century "American Dream" motivated (激发起) the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the "Golden State".
The American Dream drove not only 1800s gold-rush prospectors but also waves of immigrants throughout that century and the next. People from Europe, and a large number of Chinese, arrived in the US in the 19th century hoping that in America they would find gold in the streets. But most, instead, worked as railroad labourers. They created the oldest Chinatown, in San Francisco, and gave the city a Chinese name "the old gold hill".
In the 20th century, some critics said that it was no longer possible to become prosperous through determination and hard work. Unfair education for students from poor families and racial discrimination almost made the American Dream a nightmare.
Then, in the 1990s, California saw a new wave of dreamers in Silicon Valley. People poured their energy into the Internet. This new chapter of the American Dream attracted many business people and young talents from China and India to form start-ups and seek fortunes in America.
Better pay, a nice house, and a rising standard of living will always be attractive. However, the new American Dream is no longer just about money. It encourages Americans to consume wisely to protect the environment, improve the quality of life, and promote social justice.
The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has become the model of the new American Dream. After years of hard work, he grew from a poor young man from Austria into a movie superstar and then governor. Many people hope his story can save the American Dream and give California a brighter future.
1. It can be inferred that _____.
A. America’s golden dream could never be realized
B. America’s golden dream had bought great fortunes to Chinese immigrants
C. each period of time has its own taste of the American dream
D. determination and hard work are the best way to realize the American dream
2. Why did most of the early immigrants work as railroad laborers?
A. Because they could earn more money as railroad laborers.
B. Because they had to make a living by working as railroad laborers.
C. Because they thought railroad was the first step to find gold.
D. Because railroad laborers were greatly honored at that time.
3. The underlined sentence “his story can save the American Dream” (in the last paragraph) indicates that _____.
A. the dream of seeking fortunate in America is easy to realize
B. most of the immigrants to America don’t reach their previous goal
C. the success of Arnold Schwarzenegger is among the common examples of the immigrants
D. the immigrants have made great contributions to California
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Wave of Immigrants to America            B. Make Fortunes Abroad
C. Hard Work Leads to Success                  D. Changes of America’s Golden Dream


试题【CYou may have heard the term "the American Dream". In 1848, James W. Marshall fo】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Romantic love is a culture trait found primarily in industrialized societies. Elsewhere in the world, pragmatic(重实效的) considerations rather than flights of fancy are often used to make a choice of partner, and romantic love is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience that gets in the way of the ordinary, rational process of mate selection. Traces of this attitude persist in the American upper classes, where daughters are expected to marry “well”-----that is, to a male who is eligible by reason of family background and earning potential. Most Americans, however, see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage, and tend to look askance(轻蔑地)at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.
The phenomenon of romantic love occurs when two young people meet and find one another personally and physically attractive. They become mutually absorbed, start to behave in what appears to be a flighty(充满幻想的), even irrational manner, decide that they are right for one another, and may then enter a marriage whose success is expected to be guaranteed by their enduring love. Behavior of this kind is portrayed and warmly endorsed(赞同)throughout American popular culture, by books, magazines, comics, records, popular songs, movies, and TV.
Romantic love is a noble ideal, and it can certainly provide a basis for the spouses to “live happily ever after.” But a marriage can equally well be founded on much more practical considerations”----as indeed they have been in most societies throughout most of history. Why is romantic love of such importance in the modern world? The reason seems to be that it has some basic functions in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family(小家庭).
1. Romantic love is less frequently found in many non-industrial societies because people in these societies_______.
A . firmly believe that only money can make the world go round
B. fail to bring the imaginative power of the mind into full play
C. fondly think that flights of fancy prevent them from making a correct choice of partner
D. have far more practical considerations to determine who will marry whom
2. The word eligible (in Line5, Para. l), could best be replaced by ____.
A . qualified   B. available  C. chosen  D. influential
3. According to the passage, most Americans _____.
A. expect their daughters to fall in love with a male at first sight
B. regard romantic love as the basis for a successful marriage
C. look up to those who marry for the sake of wealth
D. consider romantic love to be the most desirable thing in the world
4. What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?
A. It is a common occurrence among the old.
B. It is primarily depicted by books.
C. It is characterized by mutual attraction and absorption.
D. It is rejected as unreasonable.
5. The author seems to believe that ___________
A. romantic love makes people unable to think clearly in the process of mate selection
B. only romantic love can make a marriage happy ever after
C. much more practical considerations can also be the basis for a successful marriage
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Lead(铅) deposits, which accumulated(增加) in soil and snow during the 1960"s and 70"s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated(托管) unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead accumulation world-wide has decreased greatly.
A study published recently in the journal Nature shows that air-borne leaded gas emissions from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic (北极的) snow were declining(减少).
In his new study, Dr. Boutron found the ratios of the different forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used in the United States were different from the ratios of European, Asian and Canadian gasoline and thus enabled scientists to differentiate (分区) the lead sources. The dominant lead ratio found in Greenland snow matched that found in gasoline from the United States.
In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the North-eastern United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline. Many scientists had believed that the lead would stay in soil and snow for a longer period.
The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of 30 forest floors in New England, New York and Pennsylvania in 1980 and in 1990. The forest environment processed and redistributed (再分配)the lead faster than the scientists had expected. Scientists say both studies show that certain parts of the ecosystem (生态系统 ) respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute.
1. The study published in the journal Nature indicates that ________.
A. the Clean Air Act has not produced the desired results
B. lead deposits in arctic snow are on the increase
C. lead will stay in soil and snow longer than expected
D. the US is the major source of lead pollution in arctic snow
2. Lead accumulation worldwide decreased significantly after the use of unleaded gas in the US ________.
A. was discouraged               B. was carried out by law
C. was forbidden by law           D. was introduced
3. How did scientists discover the source of lead pollution in Greenland?
A. By analyzing the data published in journals like Nature and Ambio.
B. By observing the lead accumulations in different parts of the arctic area.
C. By studying the chemical elements of soil and snow in Northeastern America.
D. By comparing the chemical compositions of leaded gasoline used in various countries.
4. The authors of the Ambio study have found that ________.
A forests get rid of lead pollution faster than expected
B. lead accumulations in forests are more difficult to deal with
C. lead deposits are widely distributed in the forests of the US
D. the upper layers of soil in forests are easily polluted by lead emissions
5. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that scientists ________.
A. are puzzled by the mystery of forest pollution
B. feel ease by the use of unleaded gasoline
C. still consider lead pollution a problem
D. lack enough means to combat lead pollution
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High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬) by many ,but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done. Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers-and anyone who will listen. Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde group and Wharton school.
“Storytelling hurts the boss and entertains consumers,” said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group.” the store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.” On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four other, and will no longer visit the specific store for every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative reviews. The resulting “snowball effect” can be bad to bosses.
According to the research, shoppers who bought clothing met the most problems. ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers. The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered (塞满了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople. During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided fight between those eyeing the same parking space.
Bosses can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions.
Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers. “Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly.” said Professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.” Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filling complaints to the boss, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Bosses are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.
1. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?
A. Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.
B. Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.
C. Few customers believe the service will be improved.
D. Customers have no easy access to store managers.
2. What does Paula Courtney imply by saying “ … the shopper must also find a replacement” (Line 2, Para. 4)?
A. New customers are sure to replace old ones.
B. It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.
C. Most stores provide the same
D. Not complaining to the manager causes the shopper some trouble too.
3. Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking attendants so that shoppers_____
A. can stay longer walking in the store  B. won’t have trouble parking their cars
C. won’t have any worries about safety  D. can find their cars easily after shopping
4. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?
A .Manners of the salespeople   B. Hiring of efficient employees
C. Huge supply of goods for sale   D. Design of the store layout.
5. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to _________.
A exert pressure on stores to improve their service
B. settle their problem with stores in a diplomatic(外交)way
C. voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly
D. shop around and make comparisons between stores
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The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when 1 ran into something solid. It was Carlos.
“My God, you’re tall,” he said.
Of course, the class began to laugh. Angry. I walked to my seat without a word.
I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be the last straw. But Reed was studying chemistry and did not seem to be aware of anything else. I didn’t know why I considered Reed my friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I. Anyway, every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.
“Take that seat,” Mr. McCarthy told the cocky newcomer Carlos,pointing to the only empty one,in the back of the room.
Carlos grinned,“But I need a couple of dictionaries.”Again the class laughed, but now they were laughing with Carlos,not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his side.
It was the school elections that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president and Carlos vice-president. “How come?”I kept asking myself,“How come this shrimp who’s only been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?”
So that morning,I stopped Carlos and said,“It doesn’t seem to bother you — being short.”He looked up at me , “Of course I mind being short. But there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin,I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.” “You seem to get along great,”I admitted, “But what about me? Nobody wants to date a girl taller than he is.” “The trouble with you is you’re afraid to be yourself. You’re smart. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty.” I felt myself turning red…
56.The author was angry because ________.
A.the class made fun of her                                                B.Carlos was too rude to her
C.she had to carry many books                                          D.Reed Harrington didn’t date her
57.Which of the following about Carlos is NOT TRUE?
A.He was popular.                                                                 B.He was new in the school.
C.He was shorter than the author.                                   D.He was chosen president in the school elections.
58.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Carlos and the author have become good friends
B.the author will be more confident
C.Carlos always encouraged the author
D.the author was tall
59.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to be popular                                                             B.A tall girl
C.Be yourself                                                                          D.Something about Carlos
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Fire can help people in many ways. But it can be very dangerous. Fire can heat water, warm houses, give light and cook. But fire can burn things, too. It can burn trees, houses, animals or people. Sometimes big fire can burn forests.
Nobody knows for sure how people began to use fire. But there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man very, very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope (绳子) and brought fire down.
Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire very fast. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with matches. You should also learn to put fires. Fires need oxygen (氧气). Without oxygen they will die. Cover a fire with water, sand or sometimes with your coat. This keeps the air away from a fire and kills it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it will burn you.
49.How did people begin to use fire? _________.
A. Not everybody knows how people began to use fire
B. Nobody knows how to make a fire
C. It is an Australian who started a fire
D. We are not sure how people began to use fire
50.Children mustn’t play with matches because ________.
A. matches burn paper                B. it isn’t interesting
C. they can be dangerous             D. they can burn a house
51.When you are going to put out a fire, you ______,
A. must be careful                       B. should keep air away from it
C. must know it is dangerous         D. should cover it with water
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