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Two traveling angels(天使) stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the guest room. Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied: “Things aren’t always what they seem.”
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor but very hospitable(好客的) farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had, the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’s rest. When the sun came up the next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their only income, lay dead in the field.
The younger angel was very angry and asked the older angel, “How could this happen?” Why did you not watch out for the cow? The first man had everything, yet you watched over his house,” she accused. “The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you did not help.”
“Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the basement, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so greedy and unwilling to share his good fortune, I asked God if I could seal(封口) the wall so he couldn’t find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I asked God if the angel could take the cow instead. Things aren’t always what they seem.”
小题1:Why did the older angel repair the hole for the rich family?
A.Because she didn’t like the greedy owner.
B.Because she wanted to save the gold for the poor.
C.Because the basement was too cold to stay in.
D.Because she believed that one should always be ready to offer help.
小题2:In paragraph two, “the pair” refers to_____________.
A.The poor coupleB.the rich couple
C.the guestsD.the angels
小题3:The story tries to tell the reader that_________________.
A.angels are always ready to help the poor
B.sometimes things are not what they seem
C.angels are always ready to help the rich
D.the young should always learn from the old.


本文一则寓言,讲述两个天使住在两个不同的家庭的故事。告诉大家“Things aren’t always what they seem.”
小题1:推理题。根据文章最后一段Since the owner was so greedy and unwilling to share his good fortune,可知答案为A。
小题3:主旨大义题。通读全文可知主题为:Things aren’t always what they seem.
试题【Two traveling angels(天使) stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy fam】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Once upon a time, there was a scholar who wanted to gain more knowledge each day even though he had already gained enough knowledge. One day, he came to visit a saint and wanted to be his student. The saint provided some tea. He slowly filled the scholar’s cup: the cup was full, yet he kept pouring and pouring. The scholar burst out, “Stop! You can’t add anything to something that’s already full!” The saint set down the teapot and replied, “Exactly.”
Whether it’s the silence between notes in music, or some open time in your schedule, you need space to act effectively. Yet most of us, myself included, tend to stuff as much as possible into whatever room is available-closets, schedules, budgets, relationships, and even the mind itself.
However, some people know how to avoid overstuffing their life. For example, in Australia, it seemed that most people there operated at about 85% of their capacity(能力),unlike Americans pushing as close to 100% as possible. So when you run into Australians you know in the street, they have time to hang out and talk with you.
Remember the cup: its value is in the space, the emptiness it holds. How to empty your “cup”?
Be mindful of the element of space, openness , and emptiness  in your life. This includes room in a drawer, the volume of air in a kitchen, and open-mindedness in a friend. Sometimes you’re just stuck with a big bucket of tasks yet to do. But at least empty the bucket faster than you fill it with new tasks. Put some space between finishing one thing and staring another. For example, after sending one email, take a breath before replying to another one. Drop the stuff you can no longer afford to lug around. At sea level, you can run with a brick in your backpack, but if you’re hiking on a mountain, that brick has got to go.
小题1:By pouring water into the cup, the saint most probably wanted the scholar to know that     .
A.he should pay attention to details
B.he should keep learning every day
C.he had already gained enough knowledge
D.he should be very careful in order to succeed
小题2:We learn that compared to Americans, Australians      .
A.work much harder
B.know less about their capacity
C.spare more time for themselves
D.spend less time with their friends
小题3:The underlined word“lug”in the last paragraph probably means“     ”.
小题4:What’s  the structure of the passage?
A.Example →advice→ conclusion →story.
B.Topic→ example →advice→ story.
C.Story→topic →example→advice.
D.Reason →topic →advice →example.
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The art of life.B.Value every minute
C.The art of drinking teaD.Empty your“cup”at times

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There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very much.Every day after work the man would come home and 36  with the little boy.He would always  37 all of his extra time with the little boy.
One night, while the man was at work, he  38 that he had extra work to do for the evening, and that he wouldn"t be able to play with his little boy.39 he wanted to be able to give the boy something to keep him  40.So, looking around his office, he saw a magazine with a large  41 of the world on the cover.He got a(n) 42 .He removed the map, and then patiently tore it up into small pieces.Then he put all the 43 in his coat pocket.
When he got home, the little boy came 44 to him and was ready to play. The man 45 that he had extra work to do and couldn"t play just now.He 46 the little boy into the dining room, and 47 all the pieces of the map.He spread them on the table.He explained that it was a map of the world, and that by the time he could 48 together, his extra work would be 49_, and they could both play.Surely this would keep the child busy for hours, he thought.
About half an hour later the boy came to the man and said, "Okay, it"s finished. Can we play now?" The man was50, saying, "That"s impossible.Let"s have a look" And 51 enough, there was the picture of the world, all put together every piece in its 52 .The man said, “That’s amazing! How did you do that?” The boy said, “It"s 53.On the 54 of the page is a(n)55 of a man.When I put the man together the whole world fell into place.”
A.did upB.dealt withC.put outD.took out
A.look it upB.get it aroundC.put it backD.turn it over

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One night, as Diaz stepped off the train and onto a nearly empty platform, a teenage boy approached and pulled out a knife.
“He wanted my money, so I just gave him my wallet and told him, ‘Here you go ’” Diaz says.
As the teen began to walk away, Diaz told him, “Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something. If you’re going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm.”
The robber looked at him puzzled, saying, “Why are you doing this?”
Diaz replied, “If you’re willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, then you must really need the money. I mean, all I wanted to do was get dinner and if you really want to join me…..”
Diaz says he and the teen went into a diner and sat in a booth.
“The manager comes by, the dishwashers come by, the waiters come by to say hi,” Diaz says.
The kid said, “You know everybody here. Do you own this place?”
“No, I just eat here a lot,” Dias said. “But you’re even nice to the dishwasher,” he said.
Diaz replied, “Well, haven’t you been taught you should be nice to everybody?”
“Yea, but I didn’t think people actually behaved that way,” the teen said.
When the bill arrived, Diaz said, “You’re going to have to pay for this bill because you have my money and I can’t pay for this. So if you give me my wallet back, I’ll gladly treat you.”
The teen returned it immediately. “I gave him $20…. I figure maybe it’ll help him.” Diaz says he asked for something in return--- the teen’s knife--- “and he gave it to me.”
Afterwards, when Diaz told his mother what happened, she said, “You’re the type of kid that if someone asked you for the time, you gave them your watch.”
“I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It’s as simple as it gets in this complicated world.”
小题1:What did Diaz do to the teen?
A.He gave the teen a new walletB.He treated the teen to dinner
C.He gave his coat to the teenD.He taught the teen a lesson
小题2:From the passage we can infer that the boy _______.
A.expressed his gratitude for Diaz’s kindness
B.gave up the idea of robbing in the end
C.wasn’t taught how to be nice to everybody
D.gave the knife to Diaz in return for his forgiveness
小题3:For what Diaz did, his mother showed an attitude of _______.
小题4:By telling the story of Diaz, the author intends to tell us ______.
A.to keep calm in dangerB.not to go out alone at night
C.to treat others kindlyD.not to harm others on purpose

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A man found the cocoon (茧) of a moth (蛾). He took it home so that he could    1  the moth come out of the cocoon. On that day a small   2  appeared. He sat and watched the moth for several hours as the moth struggled to   3  the body through that little hole. Soon it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had    4  as far as it could and it could go no further. It just seemed to be stuck. So the man, out of his kindness, decided to help the moth. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the  5___  bit of the cocoon. The   6  then came out easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriven (无用的) wings. The man continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and   7  to be able to support the    8  , which would get smaller in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life   9  around with a swollen body and shriven wings. It was   10  able to fly.
What the man in his kindness   11  was that the small cocoon and the  12__of the moth to get through the   13  opening was a way to push fluid (液体)   14  the body of moth   15   its wings so that it would be ready to fly   16  it got out of the cocoon. Freedom and    17  would come only after the struggle. By taking the struggle away, he also took away the moth’s health.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If we were to   18  our lives without any difficulties, we would become disabled. We would not be as    19  as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance. Leave no room for   20   .
A.help B.protect C.watch D.see
A.opening B.line C.moth D.butterfly
A.push B.draw C.make D.force
A.got B.done C.tried D.struggled
A.covering B.remaining C.shell D.skin
A.moth B.butterfly C.cocoon D.worm
A.lessen B.widen C.expand D.shorten
A.standing B.flight C.themselves D.body
A.flying B.crawling C.walking D.lying
A.already B.certainly C.never D.seldom
A.shouldn’t do B.thought C.didD.didn’t understand
A.crawling B.struggle C.fight D.force
A.tiny B.beginning C.right D.above
A.in B.on C.by D.from
A.into B.to C.in D.onto
A.after B.once C.before D.until
A.courage B.hope C.flight D.survival
A.stand on B.get on C.go through D.live
A.great B.determined C.brave D.strong
A.regrets B.death C.failure D.wishes

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Bill and his family has been living in the six-family building for years. All the neighbors got along fairly well with each other until recently.
An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor. Bill’s mother and the old lady were good friends. Unfortunately the lady died last month. Her husband could not live alone, so he had his grandson move over and live with him.
The grandson has become a problem to all the neighbors, especially to Bill’s family. The walls of the building are thin and he is noisy. Bill is used to peace and quiet but the young man likes to listen to the radio late at night. Sometimes friends of his visit and they make a lot of noise. That is too much for Bill’s family.
Bill’s mother once asked the old man politely if he was able to sleep well at night, but obviously the man didn’t understand what she meant. If he did and spoke to his grandson, the young man obviously didn’t listen, since things haven’t changed any. Everyone in Bill’s family agrees that something must be done though they don’t want to hurt the kind old man.
小题1:Bill’s family got angry because ________.
A.the old lady had died
B.a young man moved in
C.the old man could not live alone
D.the grandson made a lot of noise
小题2: Which of the following statements is true?
A.The old man could not live without his wife’s help.
B.The old man and his wife were sometimes making trouble too.
C.Bill’s mother was kind to her neighbors.
D.Bill’s mother was the only one who likes the young man.
小题3:The grandson makes a lot of noise as ________.
A.he never thinks other people might not be happy with so much noise around
B.the walls of the building are thin
C.he likes to listen to the radio at night
D.friends of his visit
小题4:It seems that ________to solve the problem.
A.anyone is ableB.only the grandfather is going
C.Bill’s mother is ableD.nobody is likely

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