当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally frien...
阅读理解。     A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors.
     On one side stand those who see clothes dryers (干衣机) as a waste of energy and a major polluter of the
environment. As a result, they are turning to clotheslines as part of the "what-I-can do environmentalism (环境
     On the other side are people who are against drying clothes outside, arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant
to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations (HOAs) access the U.S. to ban outdoor clotheslines,
because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood. This had led to a Right-to-Dry
Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect people"s right to use clotheslines.
     So far, only three states have laws to protect clothesline. Right-to-Dry supporters argue that there should
be move.
     Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-conscious (有生态意识的) person who feeds his trees with bathwater
and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants. His family also uses a clothesline. But on July
9, 2007, the HOA in Wake Forest, North Carolina, told him that a dissatisfied neighlzir had telephoned them
about him clothesline. The Recks paid no attention to the warming and still dried their clothes on a line in the
yard. "Many people e say they are environmentally friendly but they don"t take matters in their own hands,"
says Reck. The local HOA has decided not to take any action, unless more neighbors come to them.
     North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do. But HOAs and
housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor neighborhoods. They worry that if
buyers think their future neighbors can"t even afford dryers, housing prices will fall.
     Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary, and in view of global warming, that idea needs to
change. As they say, "The clothesline is beautiful. Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged. We all have
to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming." 1. One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying to ham clothesline drying is that _____. A. clothes dryers are more efficient
B. clothesline drying reduces home value
C. clothes dryers are energy-saving
D. clothesline drying is not allowed in most U.S. states 2. Which of the following best describes Matt Reck? A. He is a kind-hearted man.
B. He is an impolite man.
C. He is and experienced gardener.
D. He is a man of social responsibility. 3. Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?A. He is a kind-hearted man.
B. He is an impolite man.
C. He is and experienced gardener.
D. He is a man of social responsibility. 4. What is mainly discussed in the text? A. Clothesline drying: a way to save energy and money.
B. Clothesline drying: a lost art rediscovered.
C. Opposite opinions on clothesline drying.
D. Different varieties of clotheslines.
1-4: BDBC
试题【阅读理解。     A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally frien】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     I know what you"re thinking: pizza (比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last
night"s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.
     I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早饭), and they have a ton of different excuses for
doing it. Some say they don"t have time, others think they"re "saying" calories (卡路里), still others just
don"t like breakfast food.
     But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you"re trying to lose weight.
"Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all," says Katherine
Brooking, R.D., who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year"s "SELF CHALLENGE". And
even pizza can be healthy if it"s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.
     Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research
shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of
Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who
regularly have a morning meal.
     So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast
altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night"s leftovers-it may sound
crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, "You can always eat it tomorrow." I put away
the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it … you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories.
And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects. 1. The word "leftovers" in paragraph I probably means _____. A. food remaining after a meal
B. things left undone
C. meals made of vegetables
D. pizza topped with fruit 2. What can we infer from the text?A. Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
C. There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.
D. Eating vegetables helps save energy. 3. According to the last paragraph, it is important to ______.A. eat something for breakfast
B. be careful about what you cat
C. heat up food before eating it
D. cat calorie-controlled food 4. The text is written mainly for those ______. A. who go to work early
B. who want to lose weight
C. who stay up late
D. who eat before sleep
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     My family and I lived across the street from Southway Park since I was four years old. Then just last year
they city put a chain link fence around the park and started bulldozing (用推土机推平) the trees and grass to
make way for a new apartment complex. When I saw the fence and bulldozers, I asked myself, "Why don"t
they just leave it alone?"
     Looking back, I think what sentenced the part to oblivion (别遗忘) was the drought (旱灾) we had about
four years ago. Up until then, Southway Park was a nice green park with plenty of trees and a public swimming
pool. My friends and I roller-skated on the sidewalks, climbed the tress, and swam in the pool all the years I
was growing up. The park was almost like my own yard. Then the summer I was fifteen the drought came and
things changed.
     There had been almost no rain at all that year. The city stopped watering the park grass. Within a few weeks
I found myself living across the street from a huge brown desert. Leaves fell off the park tress, and pretty soon
the trees started dying, too. Next, the park swimming pool was closed. The city cut down on the work force
that kept the park, and pretty soon it just got too ugly and dirty to enjoy anymore.
     As the drought lasted into the fall, the park got worse every month. The rubbish piled up or blew across the
brown grass. Soon the only people in the park were beggars and other people down on their luck. People said
drugs were being sold or traded there now. The park had gotten scary, and my mother told us kids not to go
there anymore. The drought finally ended and things seemed to get back to normal, that is, everything but the
park. It had gotten into such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way. Then about six months ago I heard
that the city was going to "redevelop" certain worn-out areas of the city. It turned out that the city had planned
to get rid of the park, sell the land and let someone build rows of apartment buildings on it.
     The chain-link fencing and the bulldozers did their work. Now we live across the street from six rows of
apartment buildings. Each of them is three units high and stretches a block in each direction. The neighborhood
has changed without the park. The streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now. Things will never be the
same again. Sometimes I wonder, though, what changes another drought would make in the way things
are today.
1. How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers?  A. Scared.
B. Confused.
C. Upset.
D. Curious.2. Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother? A. It was being rebuilt.
B. It was dangerous.
C. It because crowded.
D. It had turned into a desert. 3. According to the writer, what eventually brought about the disappearance of the park? A. The drought.
B. The crime.
C. The beggars and the rubbish.
D. The decisions of the city. 4. The last sentence of the passage implies that if another drought came, _____. A. the situation would be much worse
B. people would have to desert their homes
C. the city would be fully prepared in advance
D. the city would have to redevelop the neighborhood
题型:浙江省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
正确。      Sport is necessary for everyone. It helps you keep fit. Fitness is (1)i______ if you want to be healthy
throughout your life. The best way to keep fit is to get plenty (2)______ exercise by doing sport. According
to (3)______ (科学家), doing sport can benefit people a lot mentally As well as physically. (4)The ______ 
sport they do, the happier they will (5)f______. Besides, sport can help people develop will and determination.
These qualities help people achieve their goals (6)b______ they will not give up so easily when (7)f______ (面
对) life difficulties. What"s more, sport builds team spirit, which is good for the whole society. It helps people
work (8)______ (密切) and smoothly and think about (9)______, not just themselves. In (10)c______, sport
is good for your health and happiness, and for society.
题型:福建省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources (资源), the harm from the traditional
business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decades has seen more and more forests disappearing
and globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed,
and that we must be able to develop in sustainable (可持续的) ways. That means growth with low carbon
or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its
supply of natural resources.
     Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the
global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decades. China, for
example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global
energy revolution. It is now tryuing hard to make full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge
amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth
in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil (棕榈油), which is produced without cutting
down valuable rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown by more than
     Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for
reducing carbon emissions (排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement
of public resources like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid
the huge expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can
accelerate the change from traditional model to a sustainable one.
     The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of growing population within the
limits if this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product
industries. 1. The traditional business model is humful because of all the following EXCEPT that _____. A. It makes the world warmer
B. it consumes natural resources
C. it brings severe damage to forests
D. it makes growth hard to continue 2. What can we infer from Paragraph 2? A. China lacks wind and solar energy.
B. China is the leader of the low-carbon market.
C. High-speed trains are a low-carbon development.
D. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests. 3. To full develop the low-carbon markets, government can _____. A. cut public expenses
B. forbid carbon emission
C. develop public resources
D. encourage energy conservation 4. We can learn from the last paragraph that businesses have many chances to _____. A. develop sustainable products
B. explore new natural resources
C. make full use of natural resources
D. deal with the major challenge 5. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To introduce a new business model.
B. To compare two business models.
C. To predict a change of the global market.
D. To advocate sustainable development.
题型:广东省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     People believe that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you
think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, you"re wrong. Many Americans are learning
to climb in city gyms (体育馆). Here, people are learning on climbing. The climbing wall goes straight up and
small holding places for hands and feet.
     How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and (保护带) around your chest to hold
you. There are ropes (绳索) tied to your. The ropes hold you in place so that you don"t fall. A beginner"s wall
is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you
to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it"s easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, it"s not. The most
difficult is an your fear. It"s normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so it"s difficult not to feel fear. But when
you move away from the wall, the and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until
you reach the top.
     Climbing attracts people because it"s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body,
especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your
mind and your body can become stronger. 1. What can we infer from the passage? A. People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays.
B. It is impossible to build up one"s body by climbing.
C. People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors.
D. It is always easy to see holding places in climbing. 2. The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is _____. A. to tie ropes to your
B. to control your fear
C. to move away from the wall
D. to climb straight up 3. The word "workout" underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _____. A. settlement
B. exercise
C. excitement
D. tiredness 4. Why does the author write this passage? A. To tell people where to find gyms.
B. To prove the basic need for climbing.
C. To encourage people to climb mountains.
D. introduce the sport of wall climbing.
题型:安徽省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
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