当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking ...
阅读理解。     Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. More than 2.5 billion people
lack basic sanitation.
     The combination proves deadly. Each year, diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation kill between
2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percent of all sicknesses in the developing world. Safe
drinking water is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and
women, and poverty.
     Consider these facts:
     The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water is 6 kilometers.
     Only 58 percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa are drinking safe water, and only 37 percent of children
in South Asia have access to even a basic toilet.
     Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-borne diseases.
     Here are three ways you can help:
     (1) Write Congress
     Current U. S. foreign aid for drinking water and sanitation budgets only one dollar per year per American
citizen. Few members of Congress have ever received a letter from voters about clean drinking water abroad.
     (2) Sponsor a project with a faith-based organization
     Many U.S. religious groups already sponsor water and sanitation projects, working with partner organizations
abroad. Simply putting a single project by a U.S. organization can make safe water a reality for thousands of
     (3) Support nonprofit water organizations
     Numerous U.S.-based nonprofits work skillfully abroad in community-led projects related to drinking water
and sanitation. Like the sample of non-profits noted as follows, some organizations are large, other small-scale,
some operate worldwide, others are devoted to certain areas in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. Support them
generously. 1. The three facts presented in the passage are used to illustrate that ____. A. poverty can result in water-borne diseases
B. people have no access to clean drinking water
C. women"s rights are denied in some developing countries
D. safe drinking water should be a primary concern 2. The intended readers of the passage are ____. A. Americans
B. overseas sponsors
C. congressmen
D. U.S.-based water organizations 3. The main purpose of the passage is to call on people to ____. A. get rid of water-related diseases in developing countries
B. donate money to people short of water through religious groups
C. fight against the worldwide water shortage and sanitation problem
D. take joint action in support of some non-profit water organizations 4. What information will probably be provided following the last paragraph? A. A variety of companies and their worldwide operation.
B. A list of non-profit water organizations to make contact with.
C. Some ways to get financial aids from U.S. Congress.
D. A few water resources exploited by some world-famous organizations.
1-4: D A C B
试题【阅读理解。     Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys
spend plenty of time in front of the mirror. They care just as much as girls do about their body image.
     Body image is a person"s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance. 1.____
You appreciate your body for its capabilities (能力) and accept its imperfections. 
     2____. Here are some ideas: Recognize your strengths. Different. body types are good for different things.
What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength,or coordination (协调性) makes you better than
others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or
perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or
acting. 3.____
     Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体形)
don"t just hdppen. 4.____. A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to 1 hour three days a
week. Working out can also lift your spirits.
     Respect your body! Practicing good habits; regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin;
wearing clean clothes, and so on-can help you build a positive body image. 
     5.____ Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit (智慧), and all the
other things make you unique. So try not to let small imperfections take over. A. Use this as an opportunity to discover what you"re good at
B. Be yourself.
C. Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.
D. Just explore talents that you feel good about.
E. They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.
F. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.
G. So, what can you do to develop a positive body image?
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阅读理解。     As one of nature"s top predators (捕食性动物), the tiger is not an animal, that we would ordinarily think
of as being a chicken.
     However, one tiger, which lives in an English zoo, turned out to be more cowardly than his keepers could
ever have imagined.
     Tanvir, a two-year-old Bengal tiger, got stuck at the top of a new 5m-high activity tower in his enclosure,
after climbing it for the first time.
     The branching tower had been designed to provide mental stimulation for Tanvir by testing his ingenuity,
but after scaling the exercise structure in just a few seconds, he lost his nerve when it came to coming back
     Tanvir went on to spend nearly two days at the top of the tower trying to pluck up the courage to attempt
a descent.
     A spokesperson for the zoo said chat Tanvir had taken half an hour to come down from a smaller structure
only l.5m high previously, and that the taller tower had clearly been too much for him.
     "Every time he gets to the edge, he looks out, puts a paw over, and thinks, "no, I"m not doing it!"" said
Samantha Cordrey.
     In the end Tanvir"s hunger got the better of his fear, and after almost 48 hours he made his way down in
order to eat.
     It appears that Tanvir is none the worse for his experience, but it is not known if he will find the guts (勇
气) to go back up his exercise tower again.
     The whole episode only serves to underline the difficulties faced by zoo staff in creating environments that
will stimulate the animals living in enclosed spaces.
     "It was made to challenge him but he"s a bit of a wimp," said Tanvir"s keeper. 1. From the first paragraph we can learn that ____.A. tigers are often compared with chickens
B. tigers have nothing to do with chickens
C. tigers sometimes feed on chickens
D. tigers are generally not so cowardly 2. Which of the following is true?A. It took Tranvir an hour and a half to come down from the tower.
B. The first tower did not have any effect in training the tiger.
C. It is uncertain whether Tanvir will go back up the tower once more.
D. Tanvir enjoyed his stay on the tower so much that he refused to come down. 3. What"s the purpose of the passage? A. To tell us how timid a tiger became in an English zoo.
B. To call on us to protect tigers that are being kept in enclosed spaces.
C. To emphasize the difficulties of creating suitable environments for enclosed animals.
D. To tell readers how to train wild animals, such as tigers. 4. What can be inferred from the passage?A. In fact the tower structure was not difficult for Tanvir.
B. Zoo keepers knew the structure was a bit difficult for Tanvir.
C. Tanvir was the only tiger that was trained by the zoo keepers.
D. All tigers needed training before they were set free from the zoo.
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阅读短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      Have you ever tried to hold your breath for a long time and then let it out slowly? 1.____ For thousands
of years, people have used yoga to help search for happiness and contentment.
     Students of yoga often study for as long as 20 years before becoming masters, or yogis. 2.____ These
exercises are designed to put the students in good physical condition. Then they can concentrate on deep
religious thoughts without worrying about physical discomforts. 
     Many yoga exercises involve putting the body into difficult positions. Some of them are very hard to learn.
But yogis train themselves to remain in a certain position for hours or even days. They are taught to overcome
the physical discomforts of holding these positions. Other exercises and rules teach concentration. 3.____ This
kind of concentration is called meditation. 
     4.____ They claim that it makes them feel relaxed and peaceful. Some people say that it makes them feel
better-just as good exercise does. But other people claim that it is a way of achieving a strong religious feeling.
     The word yoga itself comes from an ancient Saqgkrit word meaning "union". What kind of union do you
think the word refers to? Why would people want to have this kind of experience? A. They learn many different physical exercises.
B. Because most yogis believe in Cod.
C. Yogis feel this is the key to finding inner peace.
D. Meditation is a state that one feels peace in his mind.
E. These people say that meditation helps them feel much closer to Cod.
F. This is one of the techniques of an ancient Indian discipline known as yoga.
G. Yogis and many other people practice meditation.
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阅读理解。     Le Whif, an inhaler (吸入剂) that allows chocolate lovers to meet their needs whenever they please
without putting on weight, is to be released in British stores. The invention, called the world"s first breathable
food by its creators, lets consumers suck in the taste of chocolate or coffee while taking on less than one
calorie. Its makers claim it will enable dieters to enjoy their favorite snacks without worrying about their
     The lipstick-style tube contains hundreds of milligrams of tiny food particles which are small enough to
become conveyed by air, but too large to enter the lungs. Each Le Whif contains enough flavor for about
eight to ten whiffs (喷射) and costs 1.99 on its own, or £4.99 for a pack of three. The inhaler is available
in chocolate, raspberry chocolate and mint chocolate models as well as coffee flavor, which gives a dose of
caffeine equivalent to a small short of strong black coffee.
     It was invented by Prof. David Edwards. He said Le Whif was not designed to replace food but could be
used to increase dining experiences, such as allowing people to sample a variety of dishes from restaurant
menus before ordering their meal.
     He said, "In terms of living off whiffing we aren"t even close to being there. But there clearly has been a
revolution over the last few years where we are eating smaller amounts of food more frequently and choosing
food or its aesthetic (审美的) pleasure. We will be launching new whiffing experiences probably every six
months. It is reasonable to assume that the next line of whiffing products will be even more health centered."
     The product was released in Paris in 2009 and the initial production run of 25,000 inhalers were sold out
within a month. It has since been made available across France and in the US. In Britain Le Whif is to be sold
firstly in House of Fraser for a month, after which it could become more widely distributed. 1. According to Paragraph 1, Le Whif ____. A. is a new kind of healthy food
B. contains few nutrients in fact
C. is popular with British chocolate lovers
D. is able to help dieters lose weight 2. What"s the main purpose of inventing Le Whif?A. To produce all kinds of chocolate.
B. To replace the traditional chocolate.
C. To change the coffee flavor.
D. To increase people"s dining experiences. 3. Which of the following statements does David Edwards agree with? A. His new products will come out once a year.
B. Le Whif is a revolution that will change people"s life.
C. The whiffing products in the future will be improved.
D. Le Whif can make people eat less food. 4. From the passage, we know that ____.A. customers can buy Le Whif all over the world
B. I.e Whif hasn"t been made available in British stores
C. Ie Whif contains hundreds of tiny food particles which are small enough to enter the lungs
D. Le Whif can help to lose weight but is harmful to health
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     Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast. Mullets, crabs,
rays and small fish gather by the thousands off an Alabama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into
marshes (沼泽), never to be seen again.
     Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster (英国石油公司漏油事件) are seeing some strange
phenomena. Fish and other wildlife seem to be fleeing the oil out in the Gulf and clustering in cleaner waters
along the coast in a trend that some researchers see as a potentially troubling sign. The animals" presence close
to shore means their usual habitat is badly polluted, and the crowding could result in mass die-offs as fish run
out of oxygen. Also, the animals could easily be captured by their enemies.
     The nearly two-month-old spill (漏油) has created an environmental disaster in US history as tens of millions
of gallons have flown into the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. Scientists are seeing some unusual things as they try
to understand the effects on thousands of species of marine life.
     For nearly four hours Monday, a three-person crew with Greenpeace cruised past delicate islands and
mangrove-dotted inlets in Barataria Bay off southern Louisiana. They saw dolphins by the dozen frolicking (嬉
戏) in the oily sheen (光泽) and oil-tinged pelicans feeding their young. But they spotted no dead animals.
     "I think part of the reason why we"re not seeing more yet is that the impacts of this crisis are really just
beginning," Greenpeace marine biologist John Hocevar said.
     The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise; the deaths will help determine
how much BP pays in damages.

1. What does the marine life react to the BP disaster? A. Birds crawl deep into caves.
B. Dolphins and sharks show up in deep water.
C. Tens of thousands of marine animals are found dead.
D. Sea creatures flee from the spilled oil, gathering near the seashore. 2. Which of the following is NOT related to the potentially troubling sign? A. The usual habitat of deep-water animals is badly polluted.
B. Many animals could be easily eaten by their enemies.
C. Masses of fishes could die due to lack of oxygen.
D. Some dolphins are frolicking in marshes. 3. The environmental disaster was caused by ____.A. the damage of the Mexico Gulf ecosystem
B. the lack of environmental sense of BP
C. the nearly two-month-old oil spill
D. the crowding marine life 4. What is John Hocevar"s attitude towards the disaster? A. Worried.
B. Disappointed.
C. Depressed.
D. Optimistic. 5. From the passage, we can infer that ____. A. BP will pay much money according to the number of the dead wildlife there
B. marine scientists have seen some strange phenomena
C. the disaster has little influence on dolphins
D. a three-person crew reached no conclusion
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