当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Eat less and exercise more-it has long been a magic word for reducing ...
阅读理解。     Eat less and exercise more-it has long been a magic word for reducing those extra weight. But
now it seems that all the hard work may have been in vain.
     Scientists say there are ten other reasons why people just keep getting bigger. They say that
sleeping habits, central heating, medicines and even some pollutants (污染物) can play a role in
weight gain.
    Traditionally, people have focused on diet and exercise to solve the problem. However the
scientists from top US and Canadian universities say that other things must be considered.
     Lack of sleep could be partly the reason. In recent years, the average night"s sleep has dropped
from nine hours to just seven. Sleep shortage changes levels of the hormones (荷尔蒙) that control
food intake and body fat and increase hunger and appetite.
     If it is too hot or too cold, we burn calories (卡路里) to cool down or heat up. But if the
temperature is just right, the calories may be turned into body fat instead.
     Those who take medicine to control their blood pressure can often put on weight. Similarly, studies
have shown that going on the Pill can add to a woman"s weight.
     Mother nature may also be the reason, with our body shape being partly inherited (遗传的). The
overweight are also more likely to settle with partners of a similar size. And their children are more
likely to be obese (肥胖的).
     And the use of pollutants is on the rise, say the researchers. The man-made chemicals in pesticides
(***虫剂) and plastics can lead to weight gain.
     Your mother"s age and your weight at birth are also important, with older woman more likely to
have obese children and underweight babies having a bigger chance of being obese in later life.
     We also tend to put on weight as we get older. Finally, giving up smoking can also help pile on the
     The scientists from Yale, Cornell and Johns Hopkins said there was some evidence supporting poor
diet and lack of exercise as the main causes of obesity. 1. Which is commonly thought to be effective in losing weight?A. To have operation to cut extra fat.      
B. To take pills and avoid fatty food.
C. To sleep less to burn more calories.    
D. To have less food and take more exercise.2. Which of the following factors doesn"t lead to overweight?A. Regular and enough sleep.
B. Comfortable living environment.
C. Not enough physical exercise.  
D. harmful chemicals in the food.3. Which of the following statements would the author agree to?A. Lack of sleep leads you to take in more food.
B. Unpleasant weather helps you to put on weight.
C. Obese parents are not likely to have fat children.
D. Medicine for blood pressure helps you lose weight.4. What would women prefer to do to have healthy children?A. To have only one child.
B. To marry at an older age.
C. To marry a strong husband.    
D. To give birth to a baby at younger age.
1-4: DAAD
试题【阅读理解。     Eat less and exercise more-it has long been a magic word for reducing 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     Experts say there are several ways to deal with stress. They include deep breathing and a method
of guided thought called meditation. They also include exercise, eating healthy foods, getting enough
rest and balancing the time  1  ( spend)working and playing.
     Exercise is one of   2    most effective stress-reduction measures. Running, walking or playing sports
causes physical changes  3  make you feel better. Exercise also improves the body"s defense system  4  
disease. And studies have found that   5  helps protect against a decrease in mental ability.
     Doctors say deep, slow breathing is also helpful. Many  6  (medicine ) studies have shown that
clearing the mind through quiet meditation  7   (help ) you become calm. This causes lower blood
pressure, reduces muscle tension   8  decreases heart rate.
     Experts also say keeping stress to yourself can make problems  9  ( bad ). Researchers have linked
the failure   10  identify and express emotions to many health conditions. These include eating disorders,
fear disorders and high blood pressure.    (160)
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阅读理解     You may know all about vitamin C, but do you know why vitamin D is also important to your body?
Experts from the Children"s Hospital in Boston, US, have said that some teens don"t get enough of 
this important nutrient. Vitamin D is necessary for developing healthy bones. It is produced by the body 
with the help of sunlight. It can also be found in certain foods and drinks, such as livers (肝脏) and eggs. 
However, it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone, which means enjoying the sunshine is 
very important. 
     The doctors who ran the study tested 307 teenagers to discover how much vitamin D was in their 
     They found that 74 of the children tested nearly 25 per cent had vitamin D deficiency (缺乏). 
Of those 74, 14 were severely short of the nutrient. The doctors also found that the amount of the 
vitamin found in a child"s blood was affected by a number of factors. Vitamin D levels drop in winter, 
probably because less time is spent outside in the sunlight. Diet was also a key factor as well. Even skin 
color has an influence, as people with darker skin find it more difficult to produce the vitamin. 
     Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many health problems for both children and adults. It is also believed
that low levels of it can cause depression (抑郁). 1. Vitamin D is important to your body in the way that it ______. A. helps to keep your liver work normally
B. helps to build your bones
C. helps to produce fresh blood
D. helps to take in nutrient from food 2. We know from this passage that ______. A. 25 percent of the teenagers in the world have vitamin D deficiency
B. vitamin D plays an important role in a child"s blood
C. sunshine is one factor in gaining vitamin D for a human 
D. the darker your skin is, the more vitamin D you"ll get 3. The best title for the passage would be  ______.A. Vitamin D and Your Blood
B. Where to Find Vitamin D
C. Teenagers and Vitamin D
D. Don"t Hide from the Sunshine
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阅读理解。     There are more than one billion people around the world who smoke. Bill Gates, cofounder
and former CEO of Microsoft, wants them all to quit. So does New York City"s mayor Michael
Bloomberg. This week, the Gates Foundation, a charity organization set up by Bill Gates and his
wife, Melinda, teamed up with Bloomberg to donate $500 million over the next five years to
antitobacco programs.
     Bloomberg is no stranger to antitobacco plans. He has been fighting tobaccouse in New York
City for years. In 2002, Bloomberg pushed for a ban on smoking in all New York City restaurants.
     Bloomberg"s Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use was created in 2005.  It aims to discourage
smoking trends around the world by working to change tobacco"s image, protect nonsmokers from
secondhand smoke, and help people quit. Bloomberg gave $ 125 million to start the program. Now,
he is adding another $ 250 million. The Gates Foundation will invest $ 125 million over five years to
fight the tobacco epidemic, including a $ 24 million gift directly to the Bloomberg Initiative.
     The money donated by the Gates Foundation will support antismoking efforts in developing
countries where tobacco use is the highest. "Tobaccocaused diseases have become one of the
greatest health challenges facing developing countries," Gates says. In addition to donating to the
Bloomberg Initiative, the Gates Foundation will also help prevent the tobacco epidemic from taking
root in Africa. "The epidemic in Africa is not well advanced," Gates explains. "That means that we
can catch it at an early stage."
     Tobaccouse kills more than five million people every year. If the trend doesn"t change, more than
one billion people could die of tobaccorelated illnesses this century. Gates and Bloomberg have high
hopes to change these statistics. "Together we can make a clear, measurable difference, not just for
ourselves and our generation, but for the generations that come after us," says Bloomberg.1. The passage is mainly about ________.  A. the harmful effects of smoking
B. Bill Gates" contribution to the world
C. a ban on smoking in New York City
D. a plan to stop smoking2. How much does Bloomberg invest altogether?  A.  $ 125 million.  
B.  $ 250 million.
C.  $ 375 million.  
D.  $ 500 million.3. We learn from the passage that ________.  A. the Gates Foundation is set up by Bill Gates and Bloomberg
B. tobaccouse has become a big threat to developing countries
C. Bloomberg"s Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use was created in 2002
D. tobaccouse kills more than fifty million people every year4. What"s Gates and Bloomberg"s attitude towards the antismoking efforts? A. Optimistic.                  
B. Skeptical.
C. Opposable.                  
D. Surprised.
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     Between school, homework, sports, your afterschool job, and hanging out with friends, it may
feel like there"s no time for healthy eating. And when you do stop to eat, it"s probably tempting to
go the quick and easy route by grabbing a burger and fries, potato chips, or candy.
     Even if you take time to eat three meals a day, you may still feel hungry at times.  This is
natural-during teens, a person"s body demands more nutrients to grow. What"s the answer? Healthy
snacks. Snacking on nutritious food can keep your energy level high and your mind alert without
taking up a lot of your time. Snacks are a great way to satisfy that hunger and get all the vitamins
and nutrients your body needs.
     But you need to pay attention to what you eat. Filling your face with a large order of fries after
class may give you a temporary help, but a snack high in fat and calories will only slow you down
in the long run.
     To keep energy levels going-and avoid weight gain-keep clear of foods with lots of simple
carbohydrates (sugars) like candy bars or soda. Look for foods that contain complex carbohydrates
like wholegrain breads and cereals and combine them with proteinrich snacks such as peanut butter
or lowfat yogurt (酸奶) or cheese.
     Choosing healthy snacks means shopping smart. Be careful of the health claims on food packages.
Just because something is "all natural" or "pure" doesn"t necessarily mean that it"s nutritious. For
example, "all natural" juice drinks or sodas can be filled with sugar (which is, after all, a natural

ingredient) but all that sugar means they"ll be high in calories and give you little nutrition.
     A granola (麦片) bar is a good example of a snack that people think is healthy. Although granola
bars can be a good source of certain vitamins and nutrients, many also contain a great deal of fat,
including a particularly harmful type of fat called trans fat (反式脂肪酸). Check the Nutrition Facts
label on the package to be sure.

1. People think that granola bar is healthy because ________.A. it is a good source of calories                        
B. it provides trans fat
C. it contains some vitamins          
D. it is natural2. In choosing healthy snacks, we should try to make sure that ________.A. they are all natural or pure                          
B. they are high in nutrition
C. their packages are good                  
D. they contain harmless fat3. Teens need snacks to ________. A. keep a good figure            
B. gain weight
C. help grow                  
D. keep healthy4. According to the passage, all the following snacks are good EXCEPT ________.A. peanut butter                        
B. fries
C. lowfat yogurt                        
D. wholegrain bread
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     Living in a green area can make you live longer, according to the research published today.
The research also shows that the difference in life expectancy (平均寿命) between rich and
poor becomes smaller among those who live in an environment with parks and trees.
     Richard Mitchell, from Glasgow University, and his colleagues, found that the gap between
the number of deaths of people on high incomes and the number of deaths of those on low
incomes in green areas was half that compared with figures relating to builtup areas.
     Green spaces, classified by the researchers as "open, undeveloped land with natural
vegetation", encouraged people to walk and be more active. Exercise in these settings could
have greater benefits than exercise elsewhere, the researchers said.
     The benefits potentially go beyond exercise. Studies have shown that being around green
spaces can reduce blood pressure and stress levels, and possibly help patients recover faster.
     A number of researchers have looked at the effects of greenery on our wellbeing. But few
studies had looked at whether living in green areas reduced health inequalities, the Glasgow
team said.
     Using information from a landuse database of 2001, the researchers divided the preretirement
population of England into four groups according to income level, and five groups according to
access to green space. They then looked at death rate for 2001-2005.
     They found that the inequality in death rate from all causes relating to lack of money was less
in those populations in the greenest areas compared with the figures for people living in more
builtup places. They found an even stronger relationship when it came to deaths from certain
diseases such as heart conditions and stroke (中风). There was no difference, however, in
deaths from lung cancer.
     The researchers said that changing the physical environment was an easier way to fight
against poor health than using media campaigns or giving out information on health. "The result
of the study is clear, environments that promote good health might be very important in the fight
to reduce health inequalities."

1. The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.A. the gap                          
B. the number of deaths
C. the income                      
D. the living area2. What was the special point of the Glasgow team"s research? A. They offered a scientific definition of "green spaces".
B. They encouraged people to exercise in green areas.
C. They studied the effects of greenery on people"s diseases.
D. They focused on the influence of greenery on health inequalities.3. What advice would the researchers probably give according to the last paragraph?  A. More health information should be given to the public.
B. People should take more exercise every day.
C. More trees and grasses should be planted in cities.
D. People should fight against health inequality.4. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People should live in green areas.
B. Green spaces promote good health.
C. Income influences health less than environment.
D. Exercise in green areas benefits people a lot.
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