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Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption, s ay, one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of Medicine added strong new evidence in suport of that theory. More important, the work provided the first solid indiction of how alcohol works to protect the heart.In the study, researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men and women who had suffered recent heart attack with those of healthy people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who drank alcohol had higher blood levels of highdensity lipoproteins, the socalled good cholesterol, which is known to prevent heart disease.
As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not ready to reommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of teetotalling(绝对戒酒) are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles—not to mention violent behaviour and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest that even  moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer. Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won’t be able to take a doctor’s prescription to the neighbourhood bar or liquor store.
1.The medical article quoted in the first paragraph indicates            .
the way in which alcohol can help the heart      
how a couple of cocktails daily can stop heart problems
why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one’s health 
that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misled
2.Experiments showed that nondrinkers had .
A.larger amounts of good cholesterol
B.smaller amounts of good cholesterol
C.higher blood pressure
D.lower blood pressure
3.According to the passage, moderate drinking            .
is recommended by most doctors for heart patients    
should be allowed on prescription
is still not medically advisable                     
is not related to liver problems
4.The main theme of this passage is .
the change in recent drinking habits                
the connection between cancer and alcohol
whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers       
whether alcohol may be good for one’s health
1-4  BBCD
1.  第一段第一句是一个问题,第二句是对这个问题的回答。然后在第三句话中作者又引用了新英格兰医学杂志上的一篇文章来进一步支持这一理论,故B为正确答案。
2.  作者在第二段中先对实例进行对比。在本段最后一句指出,明显的保护源是饮酒者的高密脂蛋白中的含量更高,即所谓的好的胆固醇高,可抑止心脏病。由此推知不饮酒者的“好的胆固醇少”,这正是B的内容。
3.   由最后一段可知,即使是适当饮酒,也有两种不同的态度:有些医生建议心脏病患者每天喝上一点,可大多数医生并不准备这么做。此外,有的研究报告指出适当饮酒可能增加乳房和结肠癌的患病率。由此可知,C为正确答案。
4.  全文主要说明饮酒是否对健康有好处。
试题【Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years, numerous stu】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Most people, when they travel to space, would like to stay in orbit for a few days of more. And this stands to reason, if you’re paying $20,000 for your trip to orbit! Strain order for tourism to reach its full potential there’s going to be a need for orbital accommodation---or space hotels. What would a space hotel actually be like to visit? Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expect from a hotel------private rooms, meals, bars. But they’ll also offer two unique experiences: impressive views----of Earth and space---and the endless entertainment of living in zero gravity---including sports and other activities that make use of this.
The hotels themselves will vary greatly----from being quite simple in the early days to huge luxury structure at a later date. It’s actually surprising that as later as 1997, very few designs for space hotels were published. This is mainly because those who might be expected to design them haven’t expected launch costs to come down far enough to make them possible.
Lots of people who’ve been to space have described vividly what it’s like to live in zero gravity. There are obviously all sort of possibilities for dancing, gymnastics, and zero-G sports. Luckily, you don’t need to sleep much living in zero gravity, so you’ll have plenty of time for relaxing by hanging out in a bar with a window looking down at the turning Earth below.
Of course all good things have come to an end. Unfortunately, And so after a few days you’ll find yourself heading back enough you’ll be much more expert at exercising in zero gravity than you were when you arrived. You’ll be thinking how soon you can save up enough to get back up again---or maybe you should change jobs to get to work in an orbiting hotel.
小题1:When traveling in space, most people would like to stay in orbit for a few days because _______.
A.It is expensive to travel in space
B.they would find the possible life in other star systems
C.they could enjoy the luxury of space hotels
D.they want to realise the full potential of tourism
小题2:Which of the following is a unique experience that space hotels will offer?
A.The gravitational pullB.The special views.
C.The relaxation in a barD.The space walk.
小题3:Which of the following is not discussed in the passage?
A.When was the space traveling made possible?
B.What are the unique experiences that space hotels will offer?
C.Why were there not many published designs for space hotels?
D.How can the travelers enjoy themselves in space hotels?
小题4:This passage is mainly about ________.
A.traveling in spaceB.the ways of living in space hotels
C.zero gravity and space hotelsD.the description of space hotels

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Any diet on which you eat fewer calories than you need to get through the day — like an 800-calorie-per-day diet can be dangerous. Diets that don"t allow any fat also can be bad for you. Everyone needs a certain amount of fat in their diet — up to 30% of total calories — so no one should eat a completely fat-free diet.
Don"t have diets that restrict (限制)certain food groups, either. A diet that requires you to say no to bread or pasta or allows you to eat only fruit is unhealthy. You won"t get the vitamins and minerals you need. And although you may lose weight, you"ll probably gain it back as soon as you start eating normally again.
Some people start dieting because they think all the problems in their lives are because of weight. Others have an area of their lives that they can"t control, like an alcoholic parent, so they focus on something they can control — their exercise and food intake.
People who diet may get lots of praise from friends and family when they start losing pounds, which makes them feel good. But eventually a person reaches a weight level — and doesn"t lose as much weight as before because the body is trying to keep a healthy weight, so they aren"t any happier.
Some people may find it hard to control their eating, so they stick with an extreme diet for a little while, but then eat tons of food. Feeling guilty about the binge, they use laxatives(泻药). Eating too little to maintain a healthy weight or eating only to throw up the calories are both eating disorders, which are harmful to a person"s health.
1. Which is not the result of restricting certain food groups?
A. lose weight for a short period         B. unhealthy  
C. short of nutrition                     D. hungry
2. The reasons why some people start and keep dieting DON’T include__________.
A. They think their trouble comes from their weight.
B. They have an alcoholic parent.
C. Other people’s praise when they lose some weight.
D. There is something they can’t control except food intake.
3. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph refers to _________.
A. a fat-free diet               B. a special diet   
C. eating too much            D. eating too little
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. A person needs about 800 calories each day.
B. A person who doesn’t eat bread is unhealthy.
C. An improper diet may cause eating disorder.
D. Fat takes up the most part of calories inside body.
5. According to the passage, when people want to lose weight, they should_________.
A. avoid eating some food that can lead to being fat   B. control their eating amount and times
C. have a healthy and balanced diet                D. throw up some of what they eat  
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There are various reasons why cancers appear to be on the increase. For one thing, though their sufferers are to be found in all age groups, cancers are particularly likely to attack persons in their middle and advanced years. Naturally, since people live longer these years, there are more cancer sufferers than before. Again, with better methods of diagnosis (诊断), doctors can more easily recog­nize cancerous growths that would formerly have passed unnoticed or that would have been wrongly di­agnosed. It is also believed that certain habits and conditions of modem living, including heavy smok­ing and the pollution of the air, may leave people living in more cancer-causing conditions than before.
We all look forward to the day when a simple medical test can find cancer while it is still small. Researchers around the world are working on such a test. Most of their work deals with the examina­tion of the blood.
Researchers in Boston have found something in the blood of cancer patients that does not appear in healthy persons. The test showed which persons had cancer and which did not. It was correct more than 90 percent of the time.
The researchers believe the test may be able to show cancer very clearly in its development. Cancers discovered early usually can be treated successfully.
The test examines very small bits of fat in the blood called lipids (脂质). Cancers seem to change lipids although doctors do not know why. The test showed differences between the lipids of the persons with cancer and the lipids of those without cancer.
The researchers say the new test could be a step to develop a simple way to check patients for cancer before the disease shows on an X-ray.
1. Who will fail cancer from the study of the researchers?
A. The young.                         B. The middle age and the older.
C. The man.                                  D. The woman.
2. The underlined words "such a test" refer to________.
A. the test that shows which persons have cancer and which don’t     .
B. the test that may be able to show cancer very early in its development,.
C. a simple medical test that cannot find cancer when it is -small
D. a new test that could be a step to develop a difficult way
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Cancers have much to do with something in patients’ blood.
B. People living in better conditions are most likely to be attacked by cancer.
C.X-raying is the best way to determined whether a person has cancer or not.
D. Cancers have nothing to do with a person’s habits and living conditions.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. A simple way to cancer                B. Cancers can be cured
C. How to find cancer                          D. Early discovery of cancer
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It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain Without enough blood, the brain lives for only three to five minutes More often the doctors can’t fix the damage Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain The doctors might make the person worse if he operates on the brain
Dr. Robert White, a famous professor and doctor, thinks he knows a way to help He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold. If it is very cold, the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes. This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.
Dr. White tried his idea on 13 monkeys. First he taught them to do different jobs, then he operated on them. He made the monkeys’ blood back to the monkeys’ brains. When the brain’s temperature was 10℃, Dr. White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on. He warmed the blood again. After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.
6. The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is that_____.
A. the time is too short for doctors     
B. the patients are often too nervous
C. the damage is extremely hard to fix
D. the blood-cooling machine might break down w*w
7. The brain operation was made possible mainly by        .
A. taking the blood out of the brain      B. trying the operation on monkeys first
C. having the blood go through a machine   D. lowering the brain’s temperature
8. With Dr. White’s new idea, the operation on the damaged brain        .
A. can last as long as 30 minutes   B. can keep the brain’s blood warm
C. can keep the patient’s brain healthy  D. can help monkeys do different jobs
9. What is the right order of the steps in the operations?
A. send the cooled back to the brain     B. stop the blood to the brain
C. have the blood cooled down     D. operate on the brain
A. a, b, c, d    B. c, a, b, d    C. c, b, d, a    D. b, c, d, a
10. Which of the following is not true?
A. If there isn’t enough blood, the brain can live for only three to five minutes.
B. If the brain is very cold, it can live without blood for half an hour.
C. Dr. White tried his idea for thirteen times.
D. After their operations, the monkeys were healthy and busy again
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“Children who eat less salt and drink fewer sugar-sweetened soft drinks may significantly lower their risks of obesity,” researchers recently reported in the journal Hypertension.
“Sugar-sweetened soft drinks are a significant source of calorie intake in children,” said Feng J. He, a researcher at St George’s University of London, England. “It has been shown that sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption is related to obesity in young people.” They wanted to know whether there is a link between salt intake and sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption.
Dr He and colleagues analyzed data from a 1997 national survey of more than 2,000 people between 4 and 18 in Britain. “We found that children eating a lower-salt diet drank less fluid,” said He. “From our research, we estimated that 1 gram of salt cut from their daily diet would reduce fluid intake by 100 grams per day.”
The researchers also found that children eating a lower-salt diet drank fewer sugar-sweetened soft drinks. From their research, they predicted that reducing salt intake by 1 gram each day would reduce sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption by 27 grams per day, after. “If children aged 4 to 18 cut their salt intake by half, there would be a decrease of about two sugar-sweetened soft drinks per week per child, so each child would decrease calorie intake by almost 250 kilocalories per week,” Dr He said.
In previous studies, researchers found that a low-salt diet lowers blood pressure in children, and prevents the development of high blood pressure later in life. “Both high blood pressure and obesity increase the risk of having strokes and heart attacks,” Dr He said.
Dr He recommends that parents check labels and choose low-salt food products. “Small reductions in the salt content of 10 to 20 percent cannot be detected by the human salt taste receptors (感受器) and do not cause any technological or safety problems,” Dr He said.
小题1:According to the passage, obesity is directly linked to ______.
A.high-salt foods
B.sugar-sweetened soft drinks
C.high blood pressure
D.strokes and heart attacks
小题2:Compared with previous studies, the recent one found that ______.
A.a lower-salt diet may mean less sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption
B.a low-salt diet keeps children out of high blood pressure
C.children face the risk of having strokes and heart attacks
D.low-salt food products do not do harm to people’s health
小题3:Which of the following statements would Dr He agree to?
A.The less salt people eat, the healthier people become.
B.Children should reduce fluid intake in their daily life.
C.No high-salt food products will be available in shops.
D.A low-salt diet may prevent both high blood pressure and obesity.
小题4:After reading the passage, who should take effective action?

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