当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     They like using the Internet. They have lots of pocket money to spend....
阅读理解。     They like using the Internet. They have lots of pocket money to spend. And they spend a higher proportion
of it online than the rest of us. Teenagers are just the sort of people an online seller is interested in, and the
things they want to buy-games, CDs and clothing-are easily sold on the Web.
     But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own credit cards. Most have to
use a parent"s card. They want a facility that allows them to spend money.
     That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyber (网络的) space are
coming out rapidly on both sides of the Atlantic. If successful, these products could stimulate online sales.
     In general, teenagers spend huge amounts: $153bn (billion) in the US last year and£20bn annually in the
UK. Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school-88 percent in the US,69 percent in the UK.
According to Jupiter Research, one in eight of those with Internet access has bought something online- mainly
CDs and books.
     In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory
for them and their children. Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street.
They"re more likely to ask "Why?" if you ask to spend some money online.
     One way to help teenagers change notes and coins into cybercash is through prepaid cards such as Internet
Cash in the US and Smart Cards in the UK. Similar to those for pay-as-you-go mobile telephones, they are sold
in amounts such as£20 or $50 with a concealed 14-digit number that can be used to load the cash into an
online account. 1. What does the word "They" in paragraph 1 refer to? A. Sellers.
B. Buyers.
C. Teenagers.
D. Parents. 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. More than half of the teenagers in the US and the UK have Internet access.
B. Teenagers pay for goods online with their own credit cards.
C. Most teenagers in the US and the UK have bought something online.
D. Teenagers found it easier to persuade parents to buy online than in a shop. 3. A new way to help teenagers shop online is to use ____. A. a new machine
B. special notes and coins
C. prepaid cards
D. pay-as-you-go mobile phones 4. What is the passage mainly about? A. Online shopping traps.
B. Internet users in the US and the UK.
C. New credit cards for parents.
D. The arrival of cyber pocket money.
1-4: C A C D
试题【阅读理解。     They like using the Internet. They have lots of pocket money to spend.】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     By creating a distinctive username-and reusing it on multiple websites-you may be giving online marketers
and scammers a simple way to track you. Four researchers from the French National Institute of Computer
Science ( INRIA) studied over 10 million usernames-collected from public Google profiles, eBay accounts,
and several other sources. They found that about half of the usernames used on one site could be linked to
another online profile, potentially allowing marketers and scammers to build a more complex picture of the
     "These results show that some users can be profiled (勾勒轮廓) just from their usernames," says Claude
Castelluccia, research director of the security and privacy research group at INRIA, and one of the authors
of a paper on the work. "More specifically, a profiler could use usernames to identify all the profiles that belong
to the same user, and then use all the information contained in these sites to profile the victim."
     Those who have more unique usernames are more likely to be attacked. The INRIA researchers have
created a tool that can check how unique a username is, and thus how easily an attacker could use it to build
a profile of a person.
     Researchers are exploring ways that the traces of data that people leave on different websites could be
combined and used to track them. A 2010 paper showed that the online groups to which people belonged
could be used to infer their real identity in 42 percent of cases.
     Building profiles of consumers using online information has already become a major industry for marketers
as well as online criminals. 1. What, would be the best title for the passage? A. Look out for online criminals
B. Your username may betray you
C. Don"t ]eave your traces online
D. A unique username is more attractive 2. Online marketers may use your username to ____. A. get a picture of yours
B. steal from your online account
C. get useful information about you
D. find out your interest or hobbies 3. The main purpose of the passage is probably to ____. A. warn us of the possible dangers of a unique username
B. tell us how to manage our online information
C. advise us on how to choose a proper username
D. tell us the importance of a username 4. We can infer from the passage that ____. A. it"s hard to build a profile of a person from a username online
B. it"s better to use a more complex username online
C. a username online has little to do with the real person
D. we"d better not use the same username on different sites 5. The underlined word "scammers" in Paragraph l most probably means ____. A. friends
B. criminals
C. victims
D. salesmen
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
任务型阅读。     A busy life can be personally satisfying, but it may make you feel too tired to achieve the inner peace that
will connect you with your true happiness. Begin with simplifying your life and working towards a more
peaceful state of mind.
     Recognize the differences between the things you need and the things you want. Our culture provides us
with the message that materials will make our lives better. The reality is that most of these things will
complicate our lives without bringing true happiness. Free yourself-learn to be satisfied with fewer materials
and greater simplicity.
     If you let someone else define your life, you"re missing the chance to follow your own desires. Your inner
life is weakened when you are limited by conformity. Why do you give up your freedom and allow all of your
decisions to be defined by what others think you "should" do? Think for yourself. Let your passions be your
     Life is full of opportunities to earn money, give services. Learn new skills and make new friends. Some of
us want them all and fill up our timetable with all kind of activities. Rushing from one activity to another leaves
you with no time to slow down. No matter how worthy you think your activities are, rethink them. Keep the
ones that are most important and leave out the ones that are adding to the pace of your life with little return.
     Life is forever changing, and you will never reach a point of simplicity and endless happiness. But each
moment you spend on the path to simplicity does have the possibility to bring happiness to your life.
题型:湖南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。Hi! Cindy,
     Please don"t worry if you feel a little strange around boys. You are in the process of   1   from a little girl
into a young woman and there are   2   called hormones (荷尔蒙) that are changing not only your body but
your   3  . For example, you say you used to feel at ease   4   boys and you would usually run and fight one
another for   5  . That was Cindy, the little girl. Cindy, the   6   woman doesn"t want to fight boys or even run
with them   7   your interests are changing. That is what is making you feel strange and it is also   8   to the
other girls around you and also to the boys. Your life is   9   a different stage but you should understand that
this is  10  normal, and something that will pass quickly.
     I think you should again try to  11  around boys. You can still talk with them about  12  you like including
sports, movies, websites and celebrities (名人). I  13  that you not try to fight with them, however, because
the  14  are becoming much bigger and stronger. I think you will find that you will  15  being with boys but
that your feelings will be different from the  16  they used to be. I know you are not supposed to have a  17  
while you are still in school in China, but if you start to find some boys very handsome and you are strongly
  18  to some of them, don"t be surprised.  19 , this is all very normal. For now, you should  20  your school
work, though you will find that some boys are attracted to you. This will be a new adventure for you and my
best advice is to relax and enjoy it.
     Good luck!
题型:广西自治区模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广西自治区模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:云南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. starting  
(     )2. A. cells     
(     )3. A. head      
(     )4. A. against   
(     )5. A. fun       
(     )6. A. brave     
(     )7. A. before    
(     )8. A. referring 
(     )9. A. setting   
(     )10. A. perfectly
(     )11. A. play     
(     )12. A. somebody 
(     )13. A. demand   
(     )14. A. girls    
(     )15. A. enjoy    
(     )16. A. model    
(     )17. A. girlfriend
(     )18. A. attracted
(     )19. A. Rather   
(     )20. A. depend on
B. surviving 
B. nutritions
B. mind      
B. for       
B. honor     
B. young     
B. when      
B. appealing 
B. entering  
B. possibly  
B. fool      
B. anybody   
B. recommend 
B. adults    
B. hate      
B. standard  
B. boyfriend 
B. opposed   
B. Besides   
B. decide on      
C. changing      
C. objects       
C. life          
C. with          
C. good          
C. smart         
C. until         
C. happening     
C. reflecting    
C. hardly        
C. date          
C. anything      
C. command       
C. kids          
C. avoid         
C. way           
C. degree        
C. exposed       
C. Afterwards    
C. concentrate on  
D. ranging      
D. chemicals    
D. study        
D. without      
D. praise       
D. unique       
D. because      
D. pointing     
D. representing               
D. nearly       
D. relax        
D. something    
D. determine    
D. boys         
D. regret       
D. style        
D. job          
D. accustomed   
D. Again        
D. agree on     
     I credit my typing skills to so many hours of chatting online. Unfortunately, as my typing speed increased
on the Internet, all grammatical rules went out of the window. You see, instant messengers have their own
shorthand language and grammar isn"t important, of which even a newbie (新手) is aware. They can leave
out articles, subjects, pronouns, etc. They can misspell or "re-spell" almost any word. They often ask "A/S/L"
when they first chat. Abbreviations and capitalizations are particularly important. English-speaking instant
messengers also refuse to burden themselves with punctuation and capitalization.
     After I came back China, I discovered not one but two instant messaging crazes. The first, which brought
back memories of my previous addiction to the computer, was QQ. I can see evidence that the Chinese have
the same kind of separate instant messaging language, even when they chat in English. My first word in this
language, for example, was "ft". This abbreviation for"faint" is used whenever there is a need to express
surprise. I also discovered that the Chinese use the same kind of abbreviation for a laugh. And there is an
extraordinary number of smileys and icons available to express every emotion and reaction, from the traditional
"sleepy" and"doubtful" smileys to the "vomit" and "army soldier" smileys. There"s even a SARS smiley.
     After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread, messaging trend. You guessed it-cell phone text
messaging. I now understand how useful text messaging is and why it is so common. I admit that I have been
guilty of sending text messages while walking outside or sitting on the subway. Who hasn"t? No matter where
I go, I see people on their cell phones, messaging. In fact, it"s rare to see someone actually talking on their
     So it looks as if there"s no escape from the instant messaging crazes, no matter where in the world I go.
And that"s plainly not going to change. In the end, though, I can"t complain: instant messaging is quick, it"s
cheap, it"s easy and it"s extreme fun too. And after all, everybody"s doing it.
1. The underlined phrase "went out of the window" in Paragraph 1 probably means ____.
A. increased
B. occurred
C. disappeared
D. changed
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Grammar and correct spelling are very important while chatting online.
B. There are enough smileys and icons to express yourselves while chatting online.
C. The writer is skilled at typing and once was addicted to online games.
D. It is impolite to leave out some unimportant words or letters while chatting online.
2. The writer believes that instant messaging is ____.
A. full of fun but time-consuming
B. widespread but unnecessary
C. quick but difficult to do
D. common, useful and cheap
3. The writer believes that instant messaging is ____.
A. full of fun but time-consuming
B. widespread but unnecessary
C. quick but difficult to do
D. common, useful and cheap
4. Which might be the main idea of the passage?
A. Who can escape QQ and cell phone text messaging?
B. Why is instant messaging so popular?
C. Chatting online is good for your typing skills.
D. Chatting on QQ is natural for people.
Dear editor,
     I read with interest the article on American families. In general I agree with it, but there are some important
things it left out. It didn"t tell the reader much about the life of a househusband. It"s not an easy life. I know,
because I"m now a househusband myself. A househusband has to change many of his ideas and his ways.
     First of all, he has to change the way he thinks about time. Before I was a househusband, I worked full-time
for the New York Times. I was a reporter, and time was always important. Everyone was always in a hurry.
     However, it"s different at home. The househusband cannot be in a hurry all the time. If you rush around,
you will make everyone unhappy because they don"t understand. For them, time is not important. So you have
to learn to slow down. That is the first and most important rule for a househusband.
     What"s more, there is something else the househusband must learn. You must learn to show how you feel
about things. Many men do not know how to talk about their anger, worries, or love. But children need to know
how much you love them. If you are angry, they need to know why. So does your wife. If you do not say
anything, your family may get the wrong idea. Then there may be serious problems.
     People talk a lot about househusbands these days. Usually they talk about men doing the housework, the
cooking, cleaning, and shopping. But in my opinion, these are the easiest things to learn. It is much harder for
me to change the way I think and the way I act with my family. I think other men will also find this harder,
but, like me, will find it necessary if they want to have a happy family! 
                                                                                                                             Ted Diamond
                                                                                                                             Hartwell, New Jersey
1. The text is mainly about ____.
A. fathers and children
B. life as a househusband
C. ideas about time
D. American families
2. Family problems can occur if ____.
A. men get wrong ideas about something
B. men talk too much with their families
C. men don"t talk enough with their families
D. people talk a lot about househusbands
3. Ted thinks ____.
A. learning about housework is easy
B. learning about housework is a problem
C. being a househusband is an easy task
D. cooking is the easiest thing to learn
4. How is the text developed?
A.  B.  C.  D.

(① = paragraph l; ② = paragraph 2; ③ = paragraph 3;
④ =paragraph 4; ⑤ = paragraph 5)