当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Do"s and Don"ts in Whale (鲸) Watching     The Department of Fisheries ...
阅读理解。     Do"s and Don"ts in Whale (鲸) Watching
     The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone
Strait, where killer whales are found on a daily basis each summer. It is strongly recommended that
vessel (船只) operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.
     Approach whales from the side, not from the front or the back.
     Approach no closer than 100 metres, then stop the boat but keep the engine on.
     Keep noise levels down-no horns, whistles or racing of engines.
     Start your boat only after the whales are more than 100 metres from your vessel.
     Leave the area slowly, gradually moving faster when you are more than 300 metres from the whales.
     Approach and leave slowly, avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction.
     Avoid disturbing groups of resting whales.
     Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction if traveling side by side with whales.
     When whales are traveling close to shore, avoid crowding them near the shore or coming between
the whales and the shore.
     Limit the time spent with any group of whales to less than 30 minutes at a time when within 100 to
200 metres of whales.
     If there is more than one vessel at the same observation spot, be sure to avoid any boat position that
would result in surrounding the whales.
     Work together by communicating with other vessels, and make sure that all operators are aware of
the whale watching guidelines.1. For whom is this text written?A. Tour guides.
B. Whale watchers.
C. Vessel operators.
D. Government officials.2. When leaving the observation areas, the vessel should _________.A. move close to the beach
B. increase speed gradually
C. keep its engine running slowly
D. remain at the back of the whales3.When going side by side with whales, the vessel should _________.A. travel closer and closer to the shore
B. surround the whales with other boats
C. keep moving in the same direction
D. take a good viewing position4. What is the shortest safe distance from the whales?A. 400 metres.
B. 300 metres.
C. 200 metres.  
D. 100 metres.
1-4: CBCD
试题【阅读理解。     Do"s and Don"ts in Whale (鲸) Watching     The Department of Fisheries 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one"s intelligence. But 
people fail to realize the importance of training these factors in young people.
     The so-called "non-intelligence factors" include     1     feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. 
After a 30-year follow-up study of 8000 males, American psychologists (心理学家)     2      that the 
main cause of disparities (不同) in intelligence is not intelligence      3   , but non-intelligence factors 
including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence.     
       4     people all know that one should have definite objectives , a strong will and good learning habits, 
quite a number of teachers and parents don"t pay much attention to     5     these factors. Some parents 
are greatly worried      6     their children fail to do well in their studies. They blame either genetic factors, malnutrition (营养不良), or laziness, but they never take     7     consideration these non-intelligence
 factors . At the same time, some teachers don"t inquire into these, such as reasons     8      students do 
poorly. They simply give them more courses and exercises, or    9   criticize or laugh at them. After all, 
these students lose self-confidence. Some of them just feel defeated and   10    themselves up as hopeless. Others may go astray (迷途) because they are sick of learning.     11    investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 46.5 per cent of them were     12       of learning, 
because of examinations. 36.4 per cent lacked persistence, initiative (主动) and consciousness (知觉)
and 10.3 per cent were sick of learning.
     It is clear    13     the lack of cultivation (培养) of non-intelligence factors has been a main    14    to 
intelligence development in teenagers. It even causes an imbalance between physiological (生理的)and      15      development among a few students. If we don"t start now to    16    the cultivation of 
non-intelligence factors , it will not only affect the development of the    17   of teenagers , but also affect 
the quality of a whole generation . Some experts have put forward    18     about how to cultivate students" non-intelligence factors. First, parents and teachers should     19   understand teenage psychology. On 
this basis, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning,    20   their interests and toughening
 their willpower. (     )1. A.one"s   
(     )2. A.came out   
(     )3. A.in itself   
(     )4. A.Though   
(     )5. A.believing   
(     )6. A.about   
(     )7. A.for   
(     )8. A.why   
(     )9. A.ever     
(     )10. A.put   
(     )11. A.The   
(     )12. A.afraid   
(     )13. A.that   
(     )14. A.difficulty
(     )15. A.intelligent
(     )16. A.practice  
(     )17. A.intelligence
(     )18. A.projects
(     )19. A.fully   
(     )20. A.insuring B. their   
B. found out
B. by itself
B. Nevertheless  
B. studying
B. when   
B. in   
B. that   
B. even   
B. get  
B. An    
B. ahead   
B. how     
B. question
B. characteristic
B. threat
B. diligence
B. warnings
B. greatly
B. going    C. his     
C. made out     
C. itself     
C. However   
C. cultivating
C. how     
C. into    
C. when       
C. still     
C. handle     
C. Another    
C. aware     
C. why      
C. threat     
C. psychological
C. strengthen   
C. maturity(成熟)
C. suggestions
C. very       
C. encouraging D. her          
D. worked out  
D. on its own  
D. Moreover    
D. developing  
D. whether      
D. over        
D. how          
D. more        
D. give        
D. A            
D. ashamed      
D. which        
D. obstacle    
D. physical    
D. urge        
D. performance  
D. decision    
D. highly      
D. exciting    
题型:湖南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     I"ve written 14 movies. My characters smoke in many of them, and they look cool and glamorous
(有魅力的) doing it. Smoking was an integral (必需的) part of many of my screenplays because I
 was a heavy smoker. It was part of a bad-boy image I"d cultivated for a long time— smoking, drinking,
 partying, rock "n" roll.
     Smoking, I once believed, was every person"s right. The second-hand smoke was non-existent
 problem invented by professional do-gooders. I put all these views into my plays.
     Remembering all this, I find it hard to forgive myself. I have been an accomplice (帮凶) to the
 murders of untold numbers of human beings. I am admitting this only because I have made a deal with 
God. Spare me, I said, and I will try to stop others from committing the same crimes I did.
     Eighteen months ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the result of a lifetime of smoking. I am alive
 but disabled. Much of my larynx (喉) is gone. I have some difficulty speaking; others have some
 difficulty understanding me.
     I haven"t smoked or drunk for 18 months now, though I still take it day by day and pray for help. I 
believe in prayer and exercise. I have walked five miles a day for a year, without missing even one day.
 Quitting smoking and drinking has taught me the hardest lesson I"ve ever learned about my own 
eakness; it has also given me the greatest affection and empathy (同感) for those still addicted.
     I don"t think smoking is every person"s right anymore. I think smoking should be as illegal as heroin
(海洛因). I"m no longer such a bad boy. I go to church on Sunday. I"m desperate to see my four boys
 grow up. I want to do everything I can to undo the damage I have done with my own big-screen words 
and images.
      Screen writers know, too, that some movie stars are more likely to play a part if they can
 smoke —because they are so addicted to smoking that they have difficulty stopping even during the
 shooting of a scene.
     My hands are bloody; so are Hollywood"s. My cancer has caused me to attempt to cleanse (彻底
清洁) me. I don"t wish my fate upon anyone in Hollywood, but I beg that Hollywood should stop putting 
it upon millions of others. 1. The main idea of this passage probably is _________.A.  the writer is ashamed of the bad effects his screenplays have had on human beings
B. the writer"s smoking experience nearly killed himself
C.  the bad effects that Hollywood screenplay have brought to children
D. the determination of the writer to overcome his illness 2. How do you think the writer has realized his mistake? A. So many people have found the habit of smoking due to his plays.
B. His plays have brought great harm to teenagers.
C. He himself suffered greatly from smoking.
D. His screenplays have been doing more and more harm to human beings.3. What is the writer determined to do in future? A. He has made up his mind to give up smoking forever.
B. He will try his best to prevent others from writing screen plays encouraging smoking.
C. He will try his best to bring up his four children.
D. He has decided to write his screenplays without smoking scenes. 4. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. the writer will soon be recovered from his illness thanks to his exercise
B. the writer will soon die because of his deadly disease
C. smoking will be got rid of in all Hollywood films  
D. smoking in Hollywood films is still doing great harm to human beings

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阅读下面短文,简要回答问题。     A team from Paris High School in Texas won the past weekend"s Ford/AAA Auto Skills Challenge.
     The goal of the yearly competition is to accurately repair a car that has been disabled on purpose: 
Responding to the call, "Gentlemen, start your engines, if you can" at 9:15 a.m., the teams ran to 50 cars 
with the same mechanical problems. They had 90 minutes to find and repair many "bugs" in the starting,
 electrical, lighting, braking, temperature control, and power systems. The team from Texas first drove 
their car across the finish line, winning the contest after judges determined that they had removed all of 
the bugs.
     Bradley J. Bolton and Aaron Clay were able to get their car started in less than 30 minutes. In feet,
 the pair from Texas spent months preparing for the competition with, their instructor. They walked 
away with $2,500 in scholarships and something interesting to add to their resumes (履历). With many
 regional competitions, Ford and AAA gave away a total of $6 million in prizes and scholarships to this 
year"s competitors.
     "Aaron and Bradley proved today that they are America"s best teen auto-repair team," Allan Stanley, 
manager of Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills, said. "Their hard work and drive to be the top high school 
auto technicians are typical of every participant here. The auto industry must attract such talented young 
people to keep America"s vehicles operating safely." Each year, the Student Auto Skills competition
 determines the nation"s best high school auto technicians with a two-part test. After a written exam
 worth 40% of their grade, the 50 two-person teams — each representing a state — compete in 
hands-on repair work, which is worth 60% of their total.
     Darryl Hazel, senior president of Ford Motor Company, said, "Ford and its dealer (经销商) network 
are offering these talented young people opportunities to train for high-tech careers with excellent 
     Read the passage and then answer the following questions. 1. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word "bug".
2. What does the -Ford/AAA Auto Skills Challenge test the participants for? (回答词数不超过15个)
3. From what Darryl Hazel said, what do we learn about working as an auto technician? 
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     For many the idea of one day having your dream home is not buying a bigger home, but a home that
you have built by yourself. A house that is unique and fit for your tastes and your lifestyle. It sounds great
but where do you begin to design your dream home? Here is a quick guide that can help you make your
dreams come true.
     The first step is to get an idea of what type of home you want. You can get inspiration from others.
Drive around to neighborhoods that have the styles of homes that you like         and take pictures. You
can also cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers, or print-out pictures you find on the Internet.
     The next step will be to make two lists of items for yourself. The first list will be those items or features
that you feel your new home must have, such as granite (花岗岩 ) counter tops or a hot water heater.
The second list will be those items or features that are on your wish list like a fireplace or slate (石板)
     At this point you will probably have a good idea what your dream home will look like, so you will
need to seek some professional help. You will need to hire an architect to put your ideas down on paper. You may need to interview a few different architects to find one that you are comfortable with. Make
sure whomever you choose to make the final drawings has a full understanding of local building codes
 and zoning by-laws (地区议事程序).In any case your final plan will need to be approved by the city
and a building permit must be obtained before any construction can begin.
     It is time to look for a contractor (承包人). Whichever way you do it, be sure you are comfortable
with your contractor and you have gotten references from his past clients (客户). Remember the more
homework you do in the beginning, the more enjoyable the process will be.

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阅读理解。     My first experience of modern city life was quite impressive. I was very curious when I arrived in
London. First, I noticed so many people were on a trip in a busy way.  When I first saw the machine on
the underground where you are expected to feed your ticket in and have to run through moving barriers (拦板), I was completely fascinated (被迷住了) at it. Flashing with the light, the little green man, telling
you when to cross the road, was also quite interesting, and so were those street advertisements which
kept changing subjects as you look.
     In my native place, my life is so different from people’s here. I am a market gardener from Makono,
a village which is led by a market-managing group. People there usually walk two hours a day to get
water from a well. What’s more, I am used to going, for many hours, without drinking , so it was strange
to be offered cups of tea all the time here in London.
     In my native place, on market days, I usually walk for several hours with my basket full of fruits and
vegetables on my head, carrying them to the market for sale, to earn £1per basket. Without the produce
from my garden, I could not pay for education or healthcare for my children. Gardening is not a hobby
for me - it’s survival . But here people are planting something only to kill their leisure time.
     During our visiting-time in Britain, we visited some local government agencies, schools, churches and
farms in Sussex, Scotland, Yorshire, Loncolnshire and Cambridgeshire, meeting people who were of the
same profession as we are. Children in Burley-in-Wharfedale, Yorkshire, prepared a special get-together
to greet us and we were also asked a lot about our life which was quite fascinating to them. For example,
how we make our houses out of mud and how we get our water for our daily necessities, as well as for
our garden. 1. What can we learn from Paragraph One ?  A. The writer knew London well.    
B. Londoners are always in a hurry .  
C. It was easy to get lost in London.  
D. Everything looked new to the writer.2. The most disadvantage in the writer’s native place should be that ___ .  A. there are many market-managing groups for gardeners   
B. the lack of water makes the life there even harder   
C. people there like to travel about on foot for enjoyment   
D. people support themselves using the garden produce3. The underlined word " survival" has the most exact meaning of ___ .   A. a means of earning one’s life    
B. a habit to live a better life   
C. a kind of very practical idea      
D. a custom followed by people 4. Which of the following should be the best title ? A. How to Get around in London    
B. Communicating with the British   
C. Experiencing Modern Life      
D. How Can One Live Leisurely(休闲地) ?
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